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Asymmetric mode amazing for leveling trash ships


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With blue boosters, it's under 24 games to level a T9-T10.

Average is 11-19k ship xp per game.

So far I have pushed:

Italian battleships from T7-T10 

Italian destroyers T7-T10 (regolo)

UK cruisers from T8-T10 (minotaur)

German destroyers from T8-T10 (Z-52 line) Surprisingly good ships, regret not playing more earlier.

European destroyers from T7-T10 (Grom) 

Japanese cruisers from T8-T10 (Yodo)

Pan Asian cruisers from T7-T10 (Jinan) 

US Carriers T6-T8 (Yorktown)

Pan American cruisers T7-T8 (super squishy line, not very fun)

Over 300 million in silver spent, I only have 15m left...

I would do more but I've run out of silver to buy ships.


Such a great way to finish out meh ship lines.

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Nearly anything is possible with enough blue boosters.

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I have been doing captains. Got my new Lutjens from 10 to 17.

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Been working my way back through to Shima instead of FreeXP all the way. Been super enjoyable grind. Picked up 3 UU with the RB points and will be switching to the US CL line for future resets for ease of grinding in Ops. 

Along the way taking out my favs and doing some blasting.

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I feel like this is just a "look at how many blue boosters I have" thread lol 

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I wonder if this explains why, in the last week, I'm seeing so many players in Asymmetric who perform pretty badly and have to be carried through the match.

Not a majority by any means, but for some reason I've seen much more 'poor' play in Asymmetric.


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They've always been in the pool with the rest of the players. But they were more concentrated towards the lower tiers and very top tier at the start of the patch. Now there are quite a few desperately trying to shove a specific T8 or T9 through at the last minute. It is what it is, and the change to not locking ships out until the game completes is a huge chunk of it. Since previously that at least made some players at least try to play better. And if not at least they had a few other ships they were simultaneously working on.

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12 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

I wonder if this explains why, in the last week, I'm seeing so many players in Asymmetric who perform pretty badly and have to be carried through the match.

Not a majority by any means, but for some reason I've seen much more 'poor' play in Asymmetric.


I'm guilty of the poor play you speak of.  This battle mode gives me an opportunity to play some ships I don't normally play to find out what they can and cannot do without getting insta-blapped as in Randoms.   

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

I wonder if this explains why, in the last week, I'm seeing so many players in Asymmetric who perform pretty badly and have to be carried through the match.

Not a majority by any means, but for some reason I've seen much more 'poor' play in Asymmetric.



I think the issue is that there are only a few players against two times their number of bots.  This means the weight of gameplay on each player is heavier and lack of pulling one's weight hits harder.  A single battleship not holding the line can cost the battle. Good players in lethal units can compensate somewhat, but they can get overwhelmed if more than one player messes up badly.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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17 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

I wonder if this explains why, in the last week, I'm seeing so many players in Asymmetric who perform pretty badly and have to be carried through the match.

Not a majority by any means, but for some reason I've seen much more 'poor' play in Asymmetric.


I love it. Leaves more bots for me to clap. Which means more credits and XP. 

Had someone come clear across the map last night because they couldn't win a capture point alone. Tried telling them the capture points are useless, we want bots to capture and get points so we have enough time to kill em all. 

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3 hours ago, mashed68 said:

I love it. Leaves more bots for me to clap. Which means more credits and XP. 

Had someone come clear across the map last night because they couldn't win a capture point alone. Tried telling them the capture points are useless, we want bots to capture and get points so we have enough time to kill em all. 

Not to mention defense ribbons add good bxp.

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Yeah. But Wedgie is at it again. Bots reverted to prioritise cruisers over BBabbies. Again.

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2 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

Yeah. But Wedgie is at it again. Bots reverted to prioritise cruisers over BBabbies. Again.

I have to disagree with that statement. Because I can absolutely take an Agir or equivalent CB in and outlast misplayed battleships. What the bots do have a sky high priority on is broadsides. So people trying to get all guns on target have only themselves to blame for getting sent back to port early if they don't have island cover or smoke handy.

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8 hours ago, mashed68 said:

I love it. Leaves more bots for me to clap. Which means more credits and XP. 

This is the way. 👍

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I regrind my German BBs in Asym , nice as you can do it from T6 , but they are not the best. 

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15 hours ago, Kynami said:

I have to disagree with that statement. Because I can absolutely take an Agir or equivalent CB in and outlast misplayed battleships. What the bots do have a sky high priority on is broadsides. So people trying to get all guns on target have only themselves to blame for getting sent back to port early if they don't have island cover or smoke handy.

Hmmm....that's an interesting point. Admittedly didn't played the mode too much,regrinded the RN Cl line ( mostly in ops) and only recently arrived at T9. Caught my eye that an Iowa was waay closer than me, on much lower Hp and the bot bbabbie still targeted me. Indeed, I was "opened" up on him ( late game, last bot) so yes, probably.

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20 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

Yeah. But Wedgie is at it again. Bots reverted to prioritise cruisers over BBabbies. Again.

I do just as well in Napoli as I do in Massachusettes. 

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