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Weekend Spree - 3 to 5 May 2024

Ensign Cthulhu

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I got this week's Dockyard missions done on Friday night, so there wasn't much to do on the weekend and I chose to do not much, saving my energy for when the next mission opens. I was on call so I didn't want to go play in Randoms, and I mostly settled for getting my daily grinds done and derping in PTS while streaming on the 4th. 

Outside of WOWS, I did a lot of reading about 50's-era missile technology (by which I mean design textbooks written back then, which means going online to study things like transfer functions, Laplace transforms and such) and fixed a loose sun visor on my truck - finally found the right size of socket to tighten it up!

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I was away for the monthly Trumpeter Society (check out the website) tabletop gaming session so barely got anything this past 'spree' but for my one  NB battle attempt on that. My EU clan got a close 65 - 62 Win versus a NA clan. There is always a group that does naval miniatures, sometimes, even 2 or 3 different games offered. 

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Well, the dockyard stuff was finished Wednesday....  Played ASB's with our nightly team all three nights.  Finally, after 321 COOP wins, raised my win rate in COOP to 98.8.  Again, 98.9 is 345 matches away.  My goal is a solid 99% win rate in COOP trying to take each match as seriously as I can...

I did accomplish 11 Naval Battles in COOP (and, two were 402 and 406 squeakers...) 

I am taking a break from commenting for a while.  A reply a few days ago really set me off and I need to walk away for a little while.... 

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Had the good fortune to sail with @Ensign Cthulhu during his Twitch stream.

Posted in various forum topics.

Played enough to get to Stage 20 of the "Golden Week" event pass.

Progressed to Dockyard phase 12.

Played Star Trek Online enough to get one of my recently created characters up to the rank of Brigadier General in the Klingon Defense Force.
Most of their progress has been made while flying an Ar'kif-class Tactical Warbird.  
Partly because I'm familiar with the ship (from past experiences with other characters) and partly because the Ar'kif is fun to fly and offers a reasonable value.
I've recently switched over from a plasma-weapons build to a disruptor-weapons build, for logistical reasons and for personal curiosity.

While flying around the pixel galaxy, a fellow player mentioned that it was possible to get the U.S.S. Sally Ride as an Admiralty Ship card, if one visited the Narendra system.
Well, I thanked them for the information and followed-up on it and got the reward.
So, I'm sharing my experience for the benefit of everyone.  https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/U.S.S._Sally_Ride

This morning, I went to a lab to take a fasting blood-test as part of my annual medical examination process with my Primary Care Physician's team.

After that, I visited a local Tractor Supply retail location to get some lawn-mower engine oil and some spark-plugs for some annual springtime maintenance procedures.

Following that I did some grocery shopping at a Dollar Tree location in same retail center, and then traveled home.

Now, it's time for some lunch.  🙂 

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Finished this week's Dockyard mission.  Ragnar in co-op got me the last 10 capture/assist ribbons.

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Posted (edited)

Working like crazy barely playing realized I will never finish this. I have to work like the next 17 days straight . So I just used my anniversary doubloons I got 2 months ago using my 100% coupon and whaled the rest of the dockyard. Now I can just play when ever and get some steel for the missions. I had to have a few drinks before I did it lol. 

Edited by clammboy
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1 hour ago, clammboy said:

Working like crazy barely playing realized I will never finish this. I have to work like the next 17 days straight . So I just used my anniversary doubloons I got 2 months ago using my 100% coupon and whaled the rest of the dockyard. Now I can just play when ever and get some steel for the missions. I had to have a few drinks before I did it lol. 




....Wisconsin in your port

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21 hours ago, clammboy said:

Working like crazy barely playing realized I will never finish this. I have to work like the next 17 days straight . So I just used my anniversary doubloons I got 2 months ago using my 100% coupon and whaled the rest of the dockyard. Now I can just play when ever and get some steel for the missions. I had to have a few drinks before I did it lol. 

Obi-Wan: That clammboy is our last hope.

Yoda: No, there is another.




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