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IJN Kuma Tier 4 Cruiser


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Thought I would get back to my reviews of Tech tree ships to keep

My reviews are not technical and or detailed, you want that go see the professionals they will be far better than me. 




IJN Kuma

A Tier 4 Cruiser that does not take crap from anybody ( disclaimer talking about any enemy ships ) now I would say just about everybody has played her at least once some may still have her. 

Now some might say why keep a Tier 4 its taking up a ship slot, there's merit to that but when you have been playing RANK , BRAWL and CLAN and because some wet behind the ears DD player thought he would be smart and charge a veteran red BB player and found out the hard way it was a mistake and your whole flank collapses and you get steamrolled, multiply that by 10, you start to wonder whether watching cars rust was more fun or you grab a low tier ship and let off steam and have fun at the same time.

The ship has 7 k torpedoes that can give ships a nasty shock, she burns BB's to the water line when needed, she can terrorise DD's and she can go toe to toe with cruisers, that does not mean she is invincible, you sail broadside you will soon find yourself back in the battle queue very quickly..

However she can take a lot of punishment and survive, I have a 8 point Captain in her so her concealment is 11 k or there about's, will be interesting when I finally get a 10 point Captain and use CE skill but that's a long way off at the rate I play her.

Are low tier ships for everyone, no there are many reasons why, I don't have every ship WG has designed even ones from my favourite Navies, but sometimes playing high Tier ships are not always fun so jumping in these little babies with wonky guns and chilling out can be a well deserved relief. 

Here are 2 games one from May 2023 and one from just now sadly there are heaps of BOTS and the one tonight you might as well say was a Coop game, by the way big shout out to @Lokizkra in his Phoenix in the game tonight.

First screen shot game from May, second tonight 










Edited by tm63au
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Now, move her to T10, remove rear gun and only give HE, then give her an ass load of torpedoes with exhaust gen and EB.  That is more or less Kitakami.  I know I am missing some bits, but that is the jist of it.

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32 minutes ago, tm63au said:

My reviews are not technical and or detailed, you want that go see the professionals they will be far better than me. 


Nice review.  Remember, sometimes a review like the one you posted may perhaps just get the key points across better than a full-blown detailed review.  

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3 hours ago, tm63au said:

IJN Kuma

A Tier 4 Cruiser that does not take crap from anybody ( disclaimer talking about any enemy ships )

If I recall correctly, she can make appearances as an escort of the cargo-ships in Scenario Operation Aegis?

Her HE spam is among the reasons why I've been adding Fire Prevention to a number of my Battleship Captain's Skills.
And the torpedoes pack a wallop.
So, facing multiple Kuma class cruisers as opponents should be taken seriously.

By the way, yes, "low tier" ships are fun.  🙂 

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39 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

If I recall correctly, she can make appearances as an escort of the cargo-ships in Scenario Operation Aegis?

Yes, Kuma was among the ships of the second wave in the Aegis of old. The insane focus fire from that wave has been the cause of early death for ships who did not respect the sheer amount of accurate HE fire that the Kumas can dish out. But then, the glorious broadsides the Kumas show to ships that use the islands west of the map can give the well positioned player a lot of citadel hits to farm.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 4/30/2024 at 9:51 AM, Frostbow said:

Yes, Kuma was among the ships of the second wave in the Aegis of old. The insane focus fire from that wave has been the cause of early death for ships who did not respect the sheer amount of accurate HE fire that the Kumas can dish out. But then, the glorious broadsides the Kumas show to ships that use the islands west of the map can give the well positioned player a lot of citadel hits to farm.

I had a 57 citadel run with Gremyashchy way back when.  Kuma + Soviet AP = NOM NOM NOM



Man, sure do miss those days.  Whoever said 5's were a hindrance were jealous of folk who would place higher than them more often than not.


Silliness aside, I really do miss those days.  Using Strike Bouge or Strike Zuiho, using my ARP Kongo, Texas...  Make Op's great again!

Edited by Volron
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