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So I just got pinged by a bot sub before I was spotted by anything...


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Here's the replay file. The ping is fired, and hits, before anything spots me- I'm aware that bots will sometimes pre-fire shots so they'll hit just as you're spotted or just after, but this is a new one on me. Did I miss something here (other than the obvious spread of DD torps I derped into)? Anyone else had this happen to them?


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Bots cheat... this is the way.



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20 minutes ago, Arcus_Aesopi said:

Bots cheat... this is the way.




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I have had that happen when another ship has been behind me that was detected it was actually trying to ping. Didn't watch the replay so no idea if that is the case but it does/can happen.

And yes they also cheat.

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Just now, AdmiralThunder said:

I have had that happen when another ship has been behind me that was detected it was actually trying to ping.

That's possible; there was another ship back there somewhere... it'd be some truly bad luck, though, to end up with another ship aft so closely aligned, after changing course from spawn to get the cap, that a ping fired at the trailing ship would hit something as narrow as a DD from head on. Weirder things have happened, I guess.

What I wouldn't give for some actual decoy mechanics instead of wiping soundwaves off the hull being tied to DCP, though... even years on, the whole homing torp system still feels half-baked. Wish they'd deal with that instead of futzing around with another CV rework.


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1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I have had that happen when another ship has been behind me that was detected it was actually trying to ping. Didn't watch the replay so no idea if that is the case but it does/can happen.

And yes they also cheat.

It does happen.  Numerous times I've been ping'd while not detected because there is a ship behind me that is already lit.  It is a double edged sword: On one edge you are in danger of being hit by torpedoes; On the other edge you will draw them away from the guy that was the original target, who unlike you, likely cannot dodge as well.

Edited by Volron
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All things being equal, I'd much rather the intended target catch the ping. Homing torps are annoying, and especially in a DD, evading them (and pings) pretty much requires you to screw yourself with regards to everything else coming at you. I honestly don't mind getting pinged in a BB; they can soak the damage, and have the most effective ASW tools anyway... in a DD or one of the squishier cruisers, if you're already in a risky position, it's an instant game-wrecker.

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58 minutes ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

All things being equal, I'd much rather the intended target catch the ping. Homing torps are annoying, and especially in a DD, evading them (and pings) pretty much requires you to screw yourself with regards to everything else coming at you. I honestly don't mind getting pinged in a BB; they can soak the damage, and have the most effective ASW tools anyway... in a DD or one of the squishier cruisers, if you're already in a risky position, it's an instant game-wrecker.

I am going to be Frank:

This is on you.  If you see that a submarine(s) is in the line up, you need to be ready to respond accordingly when one is spotted, either on your side and/or somewhere else.  What makes bots more dangerous than the standard player is they stagger fire their torpedoes.  This is what makes it such a PITA to dodge them.  Either way, it is much easier for you to deal with this than a CA or BB.  You can stay dark the whole time to avoid the follow up volley's after dodging them.  It can be done reliably if you utilize all your tools; not saying it's always going to work, but a huge majority of the time it does (for me at least).  But even if you are spotted, you still have the options to make a break (like popping smoke and/or EB while runnin).

While I can count on one hand the past 6mo (roughly) that I've been detonated, all were from submarine torpedoes.  With their stagger fire, it is nigh impossible to dodge them all when in a BB and CA unless you have the energy, and even then it can still be damn hard.  A full dodge can be done, but in most situations ye gonna eat fish no matter what.  If you are being stationary in a DD (or yolo'ing it) and there is a submarine in the match and don't know where she's at or know if she on your side or not, you are doing it wrong.  When I know there is a submarine in the match, unless I know where they are at, I will always stay mobile and in a position to GTFO.  When I know where she is at is where I will change up how to go about things.  If one is on my side, I will not sit still.

Basically your map awareness needs work from the sounds of it.  When you see a submarine in the line up, you need to act like there is a submarine on your side until it is confirmed otherwise.  Is this a "always going to work"?  No.  But it will most certainly increase your chances by a huge margin.

Also I like to DC submarines.  It is so very satisfying, so I can reliably close the distance for a DC attack.  I have a generalized attack run I use for them to get that satisfying DC kill on em. cap_look.gif.64b7fae75f7cfc42068e1ccda58853f1.gif

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