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Is wargamming forgetting what they are putting in their patches?


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Ok for the second time i've noticed a change to my beloved ship that was not noted anywhere in the patch notes.

The first one was the addition of wider spread on torps on the haunghe.   This fix or change was not even noted on dev blogs.

Then in patch 13.3, they over doubled it's depth charged per charge and increased the damage by 23%. 

Yet i can't find these notes anywhere.  Am i blind?     Makes me wonder what else Wargamming changed that we, or I have no idea about.

Edited by WES_HoundDog
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14 minutes ago, WES_HoundDog said:

Ok for the second time i've noticed a change to my beloved ship that was not noted anywhere in the patch notes.

The first one was the addition of wider spread on torps on the haunghe.   This fix or change was not even noted on dev blogs.

Then in patch 13.3, they over doubled it's depth charged per charge and increased the damage by 23%. 

Yet i can't find these notes anywhere.  Am i blind?     Makes me wonder what else Wargamming changed that we, or I have no idea about.

If you have been around as long as me in the game and was not even there for beta testing, i started in 2015 back then they were putting in changes and not announcing them, there use to be a group gamers that would do " Deep Dive " and reports these things on WG related websites then WG started to more or less come clean and open.

Maybe there back to there old tricks again ?   

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10 minutes ago, WES_HoundDog said:

Ok for the second time i've noticed a change to my beloved ship that was not noted anywhere in the patch notes.

The first one was the addition of wider spread on torps on the haunghe.   This fix or change was not even noted on dev blogs.

Then in patch 13.3, they over doubled it's depth charged per charge and increased the damage by 23%. 

Yet i can't find these notes anywhere.  Am i blind?     Makes me wonder what else Wargamming changed that we, or I have no idea about.

Ah, the age old question in Video gaming !  How do I know if I've been nerf'd?  Or, perk'd....  Or, even informed???

They tell us what they want us to know and leave out all of the money making antics we'll never see.... 

An example: a friend of mine worked for another game and did all of the Battlespace programming....  That company was always publishing "art changes" to make their vehicles look better.  One day be just happen to put the Hit Box geometry changes on the same pile as the Art changes........guess what..........Art changes were stealth Hit Box geometry changes no one knew about....  (to speed the game up which equals more revenue opportunities!) 

Now, how many times has our host announced "art changes" in the Dev Notes....???  My Yammy went from a capable combatant to a port queen that "somehow" gets citadel'ed by a seagull's poop;  and,  every actual weapon any ship mounts....  So, what changed???  Stealth Art perhaps.....

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3 minutes ago, Asym said:

Now, how many times has our host announced "art changes" in the Dev Notes....???  My Yammy went from a capable combatant to a port queen that "somehow" gets citadel'ed by a seagull's poop;  and,  every actual weapon any ship mounts....  So, what changed???  Stealth Art perhaps.....

Deadly Seagulls indeed  😄, but never a truer word written 👍

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3 minutes ago, Asym said:

 My Yammy went from a capable combatant to a port queen that "somehow" gets citadel'ed by a seagull's poop;  and,  every actual weapon any ship mounts....  So, what changed???  Stealth Art perhaps.....

Your yammy is likely the victim of 457's or better (ignoring slava) and you just feel like it's any gun.   The added pen of 457's broke a lot of ships armor like my beloved republic's,  not to mention almost every cruisers.

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I’ve never noticed a change to Huanghe’s torpedoes, but the recent change to her depth charges was described in a 13.3 PTS dev blog as part of a large overhaul of ship-launched depth charge armaments.


Said changes are missing from the patch notes, however.

Some may assume malicious intent, but it’s much more likely to be simple incompetence. At least several of the ships that should have received ASW changes (I didn’t check them all) did. WG has a well-established history of failing to properly revise and proofread news articles and communications with the playerbase. 

Edited by Nevermore135
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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

I’ve never noticed a change to Huanghe’s torpedoes, but the recent change to her depth charges was described in a 13.3 PTS dev blog as part of a large overhaul of ship-launched depth charge armaments.

Instead of saying anywhere i should have said anywhere on the update notes.     When i noticed my Huanghe taking longer than 3 seconds to roll on to the second charge i was like what?   Wait, that sounds like a bit more splashes...  Then checked out the ship wiki for the dev blog notes.

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20 minutes ago, WES_HoundDog said:

Instead of saying anywhere i should have said anywhere on the update notes.     When i noticed my Huanghe taking longer than 3 seconds to roll on to the second charge i was like what?   Wait, that sounds like a bit more splashes...  Then checked out the ship wiki for the dev blog notes.

They didn’t list all the ships (likely because there are a lot of them and they all got different changes), but it was actually mentioned in the update notes. 

Under game balance changes, they list Leone and Okhotnik getting depth charges, and then:


We’re applying balance changes to a large number of ships with ship-based depth charges. You can find more details in the following Development Blog.

with a link to blog 521 with the full list of ships and what was changed on each. 

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31 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Some may assume malicious intent, but it’s much more likely to be simple incompetence.

I would say that this is the real reason.

There is no need for malicious intent, but with any company incompetence is an on-going reality ... with governments also. 🙂

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14 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

Your yammy is likely the victim of 457's or better (ignoring slava) and you just feel like it's any gun.   The added pen of 457's broke a lot of ships armor like my beloved republic's,  not to mention almost every cruisers.

No.  Observation and a lot of playing this game says no.  They changed the hit box geometry with an Art Change  (and, GTG's in the skill change) and it went from, what you alluded to;  so that, just about anyone with an IFHE perk or normal AP round can aim under turret B and get a citadel....  

On a ship "designed to fight 18" guns...!"   Good grief. 

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2 hours ago, Asym said:

No.  Observation and a lot of playing this game says no.  They changed the hit box geometry with an Art Change  (and, GTG's in the skill change) and it went from, what you alluded to;  so that, just about anyone with an IFHE perk or normal AP round can aim under turret B and get a citadel....  

On a ship "designed to fight 18" guns...!"   Good grief. 

IFHE and Yamato citadel? You can't be serious about that.

And penetration potential has not that much to do with calibre. For reference, Novosibirsk versus Bungo.

For the case of Yamato I'd like to believe that as a veteran from the game's internal testing and launch, her protection scheme and the vulnerable "cheeks" of her octagonal citadel should have been well known to many current players who have access to personal experience, recorded battle replay videos, professional introduction, 3rd party database tools, etc and "smarter" than those years ago.

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3 hours ago, Asym said:

No.  Observation and a lot of playing this game says no.  They changed the hit box geometry with an Art Change  (and, GTG's in the skill change) and it went from, what you alluded to;  so that, just about anyone with an IFHE perk or normal AP round can aim under turret B and get a citadel....  

On a ship "designed to fight 18" guns...!"   Good grief. 

Yamato's armor scheme holds up as well as it ever did.  At range it is very good.  Designed to fight 18" weapons at specific ranges.  Look up what immunity zones are.

There is no ship, not even Thunderer, that can citadel Yamato with HE, even with IFHE.  Its citadel armor is much, MUCH too thick for that.

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2 minutes ago, Helstrem said:

Yamato's armor scheme holds up as well as it ever did.  At range it is very good.  Designed to fight 18" weapons at specific ranges.  Look up what immunity zones are.

There is no ship, not even Thunderer, that can citadel Yamato with HE, even with IFHE.  Its citadel armor is much, MUCH too thick for that.

To be blunt:

I still feel confused that despite claims of ninja nerf appear once in a while, when an undocumented nerf was effectively and actually confirmed in August last year I met cynical, defeatist remarks like "I can guarantee you you are wasting your time (communicating with WG customer service on this problem)".

(WG yielded, admitted the bug's existence and fixed it soon afterwards.)

Even IFHE itself has fallen from grace long ago, with arguments like it is net negative considering more and more battleships with reinforced weather decks, upper belts, superheal etc., broadside enemy BBs can be farmed with AP penetration for Soviet CLs, and that when top tier T8 CL doesn't need IFHE to rain damage on most of T6~7 battleships while it still takes 4 valuable commander skill points.

18 inch does not equate superior penetration. Preussen has only "ordinary" penetration for her calibre despite good ballistics, and there's Adatara and Bungo that has much inferior pen comparing with her 18 inch peers.

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46 minutes ago, Project45_Opytny said:

18 inch does not equate superior penetration. Preussen has only "ordinary" penetration for her calibre despite good ballistics, and there's Adatara and Bungo that has much inferior pen comparing with her 18 inch peers.

Yeah, a lot of factors affect how well a projectile penetrates.
Shape, size, weight, krupp hardness, speed at time of impact, angle at time of impact, the armor at the point of impact and etc. & etc.

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1 hour ago, Project45_Opytny said:

IFHE and Yamato citadel? You can't be serious about that.

And penetration potential has not that much to do with calibre. For reference, Novosibirsk versus Bungo.

For the case of Yamato I'd like to believe that as a veteran from the game's internal testing and launch, her protection scheme and the vulnerable "cheeks" of her octagonal citadel should have been well known to many current players who have access to personal experience, recorded battle replay videos, professional introduction, 3rd party database tools, etc and "smarter" than those years ago.

Sigh......  Yes and No.  Several times in COOP, in which I have several thousand matches in her, I was getting citadeled from "various cruisers".....  How, is a mystery.  Considering that Armor the IJN used was very resilient to penetrations.... 

What I do know, was that there was an "Art Work" change to the Yamato and the first week after that change, that ship was "something else".......  Then, GTG at the skill tree change killed her as a daily combatant....  So, I stopped playing her completely..........

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Every time I see a Yamato on the red team I lick my lips and hope he's coming my way.

Single salvo Yam destruction in Bourgogne - 

Bourg Yammy.png

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3 hours ago, Helstrem said:

There is no ship, not even Thunderer, that can citadel Yamato with HE, even with IFHE.  Its citadel armor is much, MUCH too thick for that.

Even if you had some absurd, 1000mm+ HE pen it wouldn't matter. You can only HE citadel if there is an exposed citadel plate. HE shells do not penetrate any armor beyond the point of contact. 

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2 hours ago, Asym said:

Sigh......  Yes and No.  Several times in COOP, in which I have several thousand matches in her, I was getting citadeled from "various cruisers".....  How, is a mystery.  Considering that Armor the IJN used was very resilient to penetrations.... 

Please post recordings of this occuring from HE. AP, it's possible, HE, absolutely not. 

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Unlooky said:

Even if you had some absurd, 1000mm+ HE pen it wouldn't matter. You can only HE citadel if there is an exposed citadel plate. HE shells do not penetrate any armor beyond the point of contact. 

That would be able to citadel a Yamato.  Yamato's 410mm belt is the first and last line of defense for its citadel.  This is not an uncommon arrangement for battleships.  King George V is another famous battleship with that sort of arrangement.  I don't have the game open right now, but I'd bet Lion, Conqueror, Thunderer and Devastation and Satsuma also share that.  Others such as the Italian BBs may as well.

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On 4/30/2024 at 2:01 PM, Capt_Kremenski said:

Every time I see a Yamato on the red team I lick my lips and hope he's coming my way.

Single salvo Yam destruction in Bourgogne - 

Bourg Yammy.png

Odd, every time I see a Bourgogne on the enemy team when I am in Yamato (or Shikishima) I hope he comes my way too.  Free kill as it is overmatched everywhere other than the turrets or conning tower.  British BBs at least have a belt that can be angled against me.

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56 minutes ago, Helstrem said:

Odd, every time I see a Bourgogne on the enemy team when I am in Yamato (or Shikishima) I hope he comes my way too.  Free kill as it is overmatched everywhere other than the turrets or conning tower.  British BBs at least have a belt that can be angled against me.

These ships talking about the other being feed really just comes down the the captain and situation, which the captain has a great deal of input toward.   The yamato should win because of the overmatch, but i've never known of a Bourgone shells not to pen any angle or armor or to not have 100% fire chance.

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3 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

These ships talking about the other being feed really just comes down the the captain and situation, which the captain has a great deal of input toward.   The yamato should win because of the overmatch, but i've never known of a Bourgone shells not to pen any angle or armor or to not have 100% fire chance.

Pen angles are very well documented and if a Yamato hull is not bringing its rear turret into action then 380mm AP, barring Hood's, will bounce off of the hull.

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13 hours ago, Helstrem said:

That would be able to citadel a Yamato.  Yamato's 410mm belt is the first and last line of defense for its citadel.  This is not an uncommon arrangement for battleships.  King George V is another famous battleship with that sort of arrangement.  I don't have the game open right now, but I'd bet Lion, Conqueror, Thunderer and Devastation and Satsuma also share that.  Others such as the Italian BBs may as well.

IIRC the 32mm torpedo bulge covers the citadel.

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12 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

IIRC the 32mm torpedo bulge covers the citadel.


Yamato's torpedo protection does not cover her citadel armor belt above the waterline.

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