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T3 Cruiser Kolberg


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What 4 pt Cpt skill is recommended first? CE or IFHE? Which would be better to start with?

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5 hours ago, Aethervox said:

What 4 pt Cpt skill is recommended first? CE or IFHE? Which would be better to start with?



I'm not in game at moment so cant give the correct name but 9 times out of 10 I go for concealment skill, i need those extra km to creep in and try to unleash a torpedo salvo.

There is another couple of level 4 skills I use but I think they are for higher Tier ships 



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5 hours ago, Aethervox said:

What 4 pt Cpt skill is recommended first? CE or IFHE? Which would be better to start with?

I have a question is this captain going to be for the entire Hindenburg line or just for the tier 3?

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Kolberg isn't one of the stronger Tier III cruisers and is regularly mauled by St. Louis/Bogatyr in open waters.  Kolberg captains are a breed apart. They become expert at using their mobility and island cover over which they can fire those high, looping low-caliber shells. Her rate of fire and speed makes her a very good DD hunter.

Of course, Kolberg lacks torpedoes. All she has is her speed and her DPM. I would go first with Top Grade Gunner as a 4 point skill to maximise her DPM and second with Concealment Expert. At this lower tier, Concealment Expert is somewhat less compelling as a choice than at a higher tier. The maps are really small and things tend to get up close and personal quickly. IFHE would be a controversial and possibly unwise choice for this ship. She already pens 26 mm of armour, useful at this tier and she is a reasonable firestarter. Her base fire chance of 6% mightn't seem much, but is very significant when one considers the sheer volume of shells she puts out with her 4 second reload.

Kolberg and her sister ship the Dresden at Tier 2 can both be a lot of fun. Dresden at Tier 2 is the stronger ship, tier for tier, to be sure. Good luck!

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3 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

just for the tier 3


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27 minutes ago, Aethervox said:


Ahh well then you I would say go TGG. Concealment doesn't really matter but what does matter is dakka dakka. 

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