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Weekend Spree, 26-28 April 2024

Ensign Cthulhu

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Had a busy weekend and accomplished much. On Saturday I finished the Parseval grind and unlocked the Manfred von Richthofen. That grind has been going for so long I can't remember when I first played a game in the Parseval. I have a YouTube vid dating back to 2022 which details my prior history in the game, so it must have been some time in 2021. 

Does anyone know how to find out when you first played a game in a ship?

Sunday was mostly derping around in between IRL responsibilities, but I still managed to finish the missions for the Czech and Italian novelty commanders. I consider it mildly hilarious that one of the final-stage prizes for a mission open to Euro ships of Tier 3 and up is... the Tier 2 Euro DD!!! 🤣 

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19 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

That grind has been going for so long I can't remember when I first played a game in the Parseval.

Sounds like me with the Italian BBs, and Caracciolo in particular. I got Caracciolo during early access and finally unlocked Colombo on Friday. Caracciolo was sitting in my grind queue (well, shoved on a shelf in the back of the queue somewhere) for most of that time. Veneto was maybe a few months of actual dedicated grind (with some breaks in between), and Lepanto was about a month and a half of Pinata and Asymmetric. Upgraded Caracciolo to Veneto was a few years on and off. 

19 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Does anyone know how to find out when you first played a game in a ship?

If your profile is public, you can get the date you acquired the ship on your WoWS Numbers list. Unless you have a screenshot from the game or replay saved from that long ago, I don’t know if there’s a way to tell when your first battle was in a ship. WG I’m sure would have that info stored in your account log somewhere, but it’s not publicly accessible that I know of. 

Edit: looking at mine, it’s actually showing the first battle as far as I can tell. And that would make more sense, since the site’s probably just checking when a ship first has a last battle date in the API.

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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8 hours ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

the Italian BBs

I got through Caracciolo very quickly, in part because I found her a really fun ship and her guns did nasty things. Veneto... I don't want to talk about that, except to say that any buffs she receives (and she has got a few recently) are very, very welcome.

8 hours ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

If your profile is public, you can get the date you acquired the ship on your WoWS Numbers list.

Can you clarify how to do this? The interface isn't being obvious to me right now. Possibly because of "not enough coffee yet".

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Can you clarify how to do this? The interface isn't being obvious to me right now. Possibly because of "not enough coffee yet".

Go to the NA WoWS Numbers site, then search for your name. Scroll down to “Important Moments” and then just look for the ship in question (and click more to show older ships).

According to your record, you got Rhein and Weser in mid July 2020, Parseval on October 16th of that same year, and Richthofen yesterday/today.

So it was just a bit more than a three and a half year grind through Parseval. That’s longer than my Kansas grind! (October 22, 2020 and on the shelf for most of that time, maybe it’ll finally be done by October 22nd of this year…)

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:
9 hours ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

If your profile is public, you can get the date you acquired the ship on your WoWS Numbers list.

Can you clarify how to do this? The interface isn't being obvious to me right now. Possibly because of "not enough coffee yet".


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For me, the weekend was just saturated with family visiting and grand daughter's Prom.....  I finished my portion of Naval Battles and played Ops and ASB's in the evenings...

I am hoping for a slow down to take some time to "look at what I want to do" about the future of my participation in the game....  We (old friends and clan mates) all are looking for "another game" to move the clan (my old clan) to.   It's time.

So, we are nearing the end of another game era it seems........  What's next, I can't say.  But, we never uninstall.........just visit a few times a year till even that fades.



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In NA - nothing basically - no one but me from the clan is even playing.

In  EU, the clan got 77 stars to finish 6th in position (whatever 'that' is). WoWS, these days, is abysmal what with all the 40%ers (& below) infecting randoms. 😑

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56 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

 WoWS, these days, is abysmal what with all the 40%ers (& below) infecting randoms😑

I find that statement Ironic to the extreme....  🤣

I am a 40%'er and I refuse to play Randoms;  because,  of the toxic nature the mode has digressed into !  The Irony is that "IF" the 40%'ers like me did return to Randoms, I'd bet there are enough of us to expand the MM's choices and there'd be a lot less stomps...>!!! 

You do see that, yes?   Us 40%'ers left  Randoms and when we did, Stomps became even more pronounced....!!!  Which caused even more 40%'ers to leave the mode...!

Oh, the Irony "infecting Randoms" in that our "infection" actually would balance out the MM's causing fewer stomps........  We actually make the Random mode better - just by being there !!!!

Oh my, the Irony !!!

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What’s this “weekend” thing of which you speak? I haven’t had a day off in 6 weeks!

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1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

In NA - nothing basically - no one but me from the clan is even playing.

In  EU, the clan got 77 stars to finish 6th in position (whatever 'that' is). WoWS, these days, is abysmal what with all the 40%ers (& below) infecting randoms. 😑

I never see any players below 40%.  Randoms are random, you get good players and casuals. I’m stilling at 54.3%wr and can do dumb crap all the time. Just remember, if it weren’t for all the casuals playing randoms, you guys who like to look down on them would be the new “bads” facing unicums. 

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1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

all the 40%ers (& below) infecting randoms

I mean by the 40%ers the ones from 45% & lower (to the truly random abysmals in the 30%s (not the higher 47-49%ers who can be fairly decent players)

3 minutes ago, Asym said:

40%'ers left  Randoms and when we did, Stomps became even more pronounced.

Perhaps, some of these left but my experience is there's plenty more new 40%ers (& below)who have made randoms full of roflstomps - all the fault of Wedgie, ofc.

Let us agree to place the blame where it belongs, squarely onto the horrid (imo) WG designed MM

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@Aethervox you do realize that a non-skilled match maker relies of a Bell Curve distribution......?  


where the Red are the "average players".......  So, when the MM puts a match together, it has 69% of the population that are "average players" to choose from !  When we left Randoms "en masss" several years ago now, this is what the MM has to deal with


    New players                         average               Veterans

Do you see how stomps are created now???   Add in the compounding errors new players create and POOF ! - Stomp.


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2 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

Let us agree to place the blame where it belongs, squarely onto the horrid (imo) WG designed MM


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2 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

I never see any players below 40%.

In random battles - examine the player profiles after the battle - you will find examples of below 40% players - there's more of them (sadly) than one would expect.

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If you want to complain about MM and the state of the game, make your own thread.

5 hours ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

Go to the NA WoWS Numbers site, then search for your name. Scroll down to “Important Moments” and then just look for the ship in question (and click more to show older ships).

Thanks for that! And thanks for looking up the stats too.

It only goes back to February 2018, alas, missing out some of my formative months... 

I find it curious to see the Annapolis, Yamagiri etc. on that list, as I certainly don't own them now. I think that was during the introductory phase of Superships, when they were temporarily gifted to us and playing them didn't commit horrible sex crimes on the credit balance.

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5 hours ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

So it was just a bit more than a three and a half year grind through Parseval.

I should add that it was mostly the ship rotting in port, with occasional trips out to induce endless strings of gamer words, followed by a desire late last year to just get the f*** on and finish the damn thing. Toward the end of which, naturally, I started to get the hang of things and enjoy her. Often happens with ships I suck in at the start.

Taking her in 1000-2000 XP/day bites in co-op proved to be a much better way of doing things, much lower stress, much more fun, and saving the random battles for the very end. I adopted this practice a little while ago to prevent from getting burned out while still advancing my goals, but there are only so many ships I can put in the rotation to do that. One needs to leave time to run ships that are optimized to achieve a specific mission (when those are running), and to not risk all of one's grinds maturing all at once with impact on the credit balance. My tendency ATM is to run Tier 8 carriers and Tier 9 surface ships, since their completion will finish lines out. 

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33 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

should add that it was mostly the ship rotting in port, with occasional trips out to induce endless strings of gamer words, followed by a desire late last year to just get the f*** on and finish the damn thing. Toward the end of which, naturally, I started to get the hang of things and enjoy her.

Sounds exactly like me with Caracciolo and why it was shoved on a back shelf gathering dust for years. Minus the enjoying part; I never got past “I know what to expect and maybe you’ll surprise me.” Although I did enjoy Veneto more than I expected, especially toward the end of that grind. Lepanto too, except for the turret angles…

Kansas has been sitting on that shelf for years too, but that was more a case of “I have so many other ships I’d rather play/grind instead.” I’m still not a fan of the slow ship/long reload combo (at any tier, but especially high tiers), but I’ve finished most of my other current grind goals and I want Vermont enough to deal with that combo for two more ships. 

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I find it curious to see the Annapolis, Yamagiri etc. on that list, as I certainly don't own them now. I think that was during the introductory phase of Superships, when they were temporarily gifted to us and playing them didn't commit horrible sex crimes on the credit balance.

If they were on your account then and you played a battle in them*, that’s what it would show as the “new ship” date. If you played a rental of a premium ship before buying it, the rental game would be the listed date. It shows for any non-event mode ship (so no clan rentals or Halloween/etc ships), as long as the ship record still exists in the game (including for removed ships like Bogue or pre-split ships).

* In my first post, I thought it’s just when they were acquired. But if I check my list, it actually has to be tracking the first battle. And that would make more sense based on what the site is probably pulling from the API (the first time a ship has a last battle date).

If it was just when they showed up on my account, Colombo would be there, Nebraska wouldn’t be showing as a new ship from this weekend, and the test ship dates would be different. And it obviously has to be a non-training room game, or else I’d have a couple extra test ships on my list that aren’t there.

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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1 hour ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

* In my first post, I thought it’s just when they were acquired. But if I check my list, it actually has to be tracking the first battle. And that would make more sense based on what the site is probably pulling from the API (the first time a ship has a last battle date).

I can confirm that new ships are listed only after the first battle.  Test ships are not listed.

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8 hours ago, Aethervox said:

WoWS, these days, is abysmal what with all the 40%ers (& below) infecting randoms.

Without them, you'd be playing with more 'bots.

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2 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

Test ships are not listed.

Mine definitely lists them. It’s got every test ship I’ve played in the past almost three years, and a couple of empty listings that I can either definitively or likely associate with specific test ships that were placeholders.

They’re not tracked in normal account stats, but they’re definitely listed here. 

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