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And the Winners Are - DevStrike! Battleship Devastation Contest - EU Server


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DevStrike! Battleship Devastation Contest EU Server Winners

First, a big thank you to all of the EU Server players who participated in our first-ever contest.  We wanted to design our first contest to be rather basic, offer a challenge to players, and have it available to a wide range of players regardless of their years of experience or the number of ships in their port.  More importantly, learn from this contest so we can improve future contests and offer different competitive modes to our members.  

So, without further adieu, here are the results from "Battleship Devastation - EU Server"

Winners will be contacted for contest awards...

Congratulations, and a big thank you from the DevStrike! staff


DevStrike! Congratulates the winners
1st Place – Verblonde – 12,500 Doubloons
2nd Place – thornzero – 7,500 Doubloons
3rd Place – aleksi111 – 5,000 Doubloons

More detailed information on YouTube video


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  • HogHammer featured this topic

Congrats to all! Well done!

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Blimey! I'm pretty sure I must have got very lucky with MM, map, and so on.

Thank you again @HogHammer for organising this, and for my prize - much appreciated!


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4 minutes ago, Verblonde said:

Thank you again @HogHammer for organising this, and for my prize - much appreciated!

Thanks.  I just managed it - have to give credit to DevStrike! for organizing it.

5 minutes ago, Verblonde said:

Blimey! I'm pretty sure I must have got very lucky with MM, map, and so on.

I've tried this scenario on EU and NA servers. A lot of favorable things need to happen for it to work, and you better have a good aim.

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2 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

A lot of favorable things need to happen for it to work, and you better have a good aim.

Being up-tiered helped as well - more available hp to shoot at (a lot of my damage was a T8 CV, and a T7 BB)...

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What a nice surprise - I could not have beat Verblonde - congratulations to you for your strong win. Thank you HH for your efforts in design and management.

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This was a good contest.  I was a contender, not a could've been.  I stretched to get the New Mexico in my new EU account.  I spent the FXP to get from NY to NM and leveled up my commander to 6.  I didn't have enough FXP to get any hull upgrades.  The best I could get was 83K and that was a blessing from the rng god.

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GZ to all the winners and thanks to everyone who participated!

Thanks to @HogHammer for arranging the contest.

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"Holy mackerel, Batman, the damage done totals for the three winners."

So, was it a combination of getting uptiered, very few real players, a lucky spawn & even luckier RNG results? 

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3 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

So, was it a combination of getting uptiered, very few real players, a lucky spawn & even luckier RNG results? 

Given that I'm usually pretty hopeless, in my case it was likely all of the above!

It's sometimes a bit easier for me to get bot-heavy Coop games as I'm usually playing on Eastern time, which means a lot of sensible folk on the EU server are asleep in bed when I'm still awake.

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There was moderate uptier & passable spawn for me. But it was all-human game with only 3 low-performer players (AFK T5, IDK T7, and another T5)


I didn't realistically have change to do more damage as I pretty much 100% HPd 2 ships, and had poor angle to dunk AP into Rooke that fell to another ship

M Last 13k of damage were clutch shot between gap in mountain peaks and getting citadel on AI renow just aft of X turret

Then again, I found out about this contest on 21st at 5pm Local time, and spend only ~2h at it.

so yeah, can't complain

Edited by aleksi111
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And on luck involved:

There's always the matter if we run into A) or B) hull ships

Extremely good example would be Nagato

  • A) hull: 49,000
  • B) hull: 65,000


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My summary is @Verblonde won with 171,264 dmg with a Mutsu on the Shoals map.  @thorenso placed second with 131, 463 dmg with a Bayern on the Ring map . @aleksi111 limped in with a third place 123,121 dmg in a Renown on the Estuary map.  Correct me if I'm wrong.

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