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With the last two months having about 55% winrate I am sloooowwwwllly inching closer to actual 50% randoms winrate! As always, random tips are appreciated.


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Congratulations, @Jakeshuffle!

World of Warships players like you who strive to become better in Random Battles are worth more than a thousand casual pew pew pew players. Your efforts are well appreciated. As for tips, I'm afraid I do not have much because I am not a good player. Having said that, what worked for me are:

  • Review replay files. Replay files contain a treasure trove of information, even those that may not be obvious to the player at first.
  • Islands are a double-edged sword. They are the best armor. And for ships with rainbow-like shell arcs such as Des Moines, Salem, Baltimore, Neptune, Seattle, Minotaur, etc., islands cloak your ship without giving away your position (unless someone else has already spotted you). Note also that too much hiding behind them can and will  predispose you and your team to defeat. 
  • Stop playing whenever you hit 3 consecutive defeats. You'll never know when the matchmaker is full of hopeless players lining up to pew pew pew.
  • There is skill involved in World of Warships. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.

With the progress you've made, I think you already know these tips.

Keep it up, man. Well done!

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'Yo, oh man We came from the bottom of the bottom man (yeah)'



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51 minutes ago, Frostbow said:


  • Review replay files. Replay files contain a treasure trove of information, even those that may not be obvious to the player at first.

I feel like I can always tell when I've done something stupid in the game, but do the replays help prevent me from getting to that point? (potentially)

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6 minutes ago, Jakeshuffle said:

I feel like I can always tell when I've done something stupid in the game, but do the replays help prevent me from getting to that point? (potentially)

I think he meant to watch either featured replays on YouTube that showcase excellent games, or watch streams or YouTube videos from good players.

No one can give you much advice without knowing what ship types you like to play, and what (if any) issues you are having.

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1 hour ago, Frostbow said:
  • Stop playing whenever you hit 3 consecutive defeats. You'll never know when the matchmaker is full of hopeless players lining up to pew pew pew.

I'm not very good either, just trying to crack the 49% mark. But the above is what I do also. After 3 straight losses I switch to other modes, or come back fresh the next day.

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1 hour ago, Jakeshuffle said:

I feel like I can always tell when I've done something stupid in the game, but do the replays help prevent me from getting to that point? (potentially)

iChaseGaming put out a series of WoWS how to vids some time ago. While it is a bit dated, many of the concepts in the vids are still relevant for today. 


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3 hours ago, Jakeshuffle said:

With the last two months having about 55% winrate I am sloooowwwwllly inching closer to actual 50% randoms winrate! As always, random tips are appreciated.


Congratulations.  🙂 

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7 hours ago, Jakeshuffle said:

inching closer to actual 50% randoms winrate

You are close to that - you must be 49.90% or something like this.

6 hours ago, Frostbow said:

Replay files contain a treasure trove of information

Is there a thread here where one can post replays where others may comment? Reviewing your own replay you are likely biased & won't see so easily some errors.

5 hours ago, palestreamer said:

just trying to crack the 49% mark

I'd like to get to this mark on my original account (now in EU).

A couple of admissions - I have so many random battles now in EU ( I think about 47.85%WR) that to get to even 49% WR - I'd likely have to division a lot (plus get somewhat carried by better players). Odd thing is in NA, on my second account with far fewer battles, I'm batting almost 51% WR - I figure mainly due to my being able to play 'OK' & not having had to experience the 'new player not learning well curve' that I had on my original foray into WoWS. Who knows? I play almost all random battles & most often solo (as opposed to divisioning).

Lastly, does anyone know what 'the true average WR for random battles' actually is? Is the median 49%, 49.3%, 48.5% - where is the top (the real divider) of the bell curve exactly? Some have stated the real 50% divide between the two halves of the player base is actually below a WR of 50%. Can anyone provide this real percentage number?

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6 hours ago, desmo_2 said:

I think he meant to watch either featured replays on YouTube that showcase excellent games, or watch streams or YouTube videos from good players.

No one can give you much advice without knowing what ship types you like to play, and what (if any) issues you are having.

My favorite DD so far has been Black, working on getting better (less shitty?) with the Smaland. Gdansk I am okay-ish with.

Subs, I don't touch

CVs, I don't touch

Cruisers, Des Moines is my love, my life but she goes boom. I'm wondering if the Salem may be a better choice when I have the coal since she has the super heal. I absolutely LOVE the mobility of the Des Moines with the unique upgrade too. Zao has a special place in my heart, even though I'm not good with her. I'd love some tips for the Riga because I SUCK with her and am afraid to go after Petro.

BBs, I just got Ohio and love it but I'm honestly hot garbage in randoms with battleships in general. I like the Repulse a lot, there's a theme with my gameplay where I like mobility. I don't seem to have the foresight to play BBs well on where I should be positioned. In fact that's a big issue I have in general but with DDs and Cruisers I can compensate more.


Tips on the above would be well loved!

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55 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

You are close to that - you must be 49.90% or something like this.

Is there a thread here where one can post replays where others may comment? Reviewing your own replay you are likely biased & won't see so easily some errors.

I'd like to get to this mark on my original account (now in EU).

A couple of admissions - I have so many random battles now in EU ( I think about 47.85%WR) that to get to even 49% WR - I'd likely have to division a lot (plus get somewhat carried by better players). Odd thing is in NA, on my second account with far fewer battles, I'm batting almost 51% WR - I figure mainly due to my being able to play 'OK' & not having had to experience the 'new player not learning well curve' that I had on my original foray into WoWS. Who knows? I play almost all random battles & most often solo (as opposed to divisioning).

Lastly, does anyone know what 'the true average WR for random battles' actually is? Is the median 49%, 49.3%, 48.5% - where is the top (the real divider) of the bell curve exactly? Some have stated the real 50% divide between the two halves of the player base is actually below a WR of 50%. Can anyone provide this real percentage number?

WoWs Stats (NA) (kakwalab.ovh)

I found this! The below was from the link. The graph says the median is 49%.


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1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

Is there a thread here where one can post replays where others may comment? Reviewing your own replay you are likely biased & won't see so easily some errors.

No specific thread but those types of replay requests are popular in Bob's gameplay help section. 

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