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Monthly supercontainers 04/24


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Well this doesn't happen very often:


Texas supercontainer.jpg

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Dubs and a ship? Indeed you had a good run on the RNG right there!

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Good stuff, good stuff.

Enjoy the Texas!

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15 rare ship XP signals (+800)

25 special ship XP signals (+200)

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25000 FXP and 50x X-Ray Papa Unaone signals

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1500 Steel and 7500 Coal - pretty good results. 

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One with coal, a welcome change from the usual signals and boosters, the other one, the afore mentiond boosters. :classic_sad: Only 75 more before the pity drop.


Edited by UnrepentantSinner
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Damn I just can't get used to this NA style thread.

My two mothly SC's on EU:

25 x Commander XP +200%

25 x Free XP +600%

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In this month’s episode of Monthly Mehcrates, our contestant MidnightPhoenix07 returns once again to try his luck in a round of RNWeeGee! Will he be successful? Will he get something relatively useful this time?

And his monthly mehcrates are…. *drumroll*

50 India Yankee flags, and 7 days of premium time! Better luck next time, maybe.

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I also lucked out this month. Got the Belfast 43. It's the first time I ever pulled a ship from a monthly SC.

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25 x Commander XP +200%

50 x X-Ray Papa signals

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25 x Free XP +600%

50 x Sierra Bravo


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 I got 7 Days Premium and 50 November Echo Setteseven signals.

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Green CXP boosters and a pile of FXP. Better than the usual stacks of signals, at least, but still pretty weak.

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For NA; I got 25 200+ Ship exp boosters = bleh, probably the most useless economic bonus of them all & 7500 bags of coal (can always use coal)

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25+25 credit bonus greens...  I'll use em, but they don't feel "super" for a supercontainer.

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1500 steel

50 flags that increase fire chance while adding to detonation chance. After 4 years I have 0 shot of actually learning the flag names. 

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Got 7500 coal (woo hoo) & 50 India Deltas (extra HP for heals...not bad)...& then...

Collected a daily container that turned into a SC & got another 7500 coal...

Too sweet 🙂

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I got 1000 dubs too!

Currently going all the way from bronze to gold ranked for the last sprint, so between that, the SC and the BP, that should be 4 300 dubs in two weeks.

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25 x green CXP boosters and 15 x blue FXP boosters.

(It should be noted that I got three ships out of supercontainers last year; Bayard, Siliwangi and Vanguard. I think my RNG has run out on that one and I'll have to wait for the pity drop. I wonder what it will be...)

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