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Weisbaden seems sort of meh


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The survivability is poor. You pretty much have to play it in a division with a ship with longer lasting smoke.

So far, all of the ones I have encountered were brought to low hp relatively quickly, and then they were combat ineffective having to hide all game.


Edited by Subtle_Octavian
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I see absolutely 0 reason for anyone to buy Weisbaden when Mainz exists. The only advantage I can think of are the torps. 

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For some reason people are saying it's great but I can't see why it's worth it over Mainz. Especially because you can get it so much cheaper.

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28 minutes ago, Unlooky said:

I see absolutely 0 reason for anyone to buy Weisbaden when Mainz exists. The only advantage I can think of are the torps. 

Yup, should it appear in my port someday, that'll be fine, but with 3 versions of the Mainz, no point in spending on the German Atlanta.

I'd still take her for a spin, should the Wiesbaden decide to show up one day

Full disclosure... I did buy the first crate, but someone already won the first crate prize...

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10 hours ago, Unlooky said:

I see absolutely 0 reason for anyone to buy Weisbaden when Mainz exists. The only advantage I can think of are the torps. 


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12 hours ago, Unlooky said:

I see absolutely 0 reason for anyone to buy Weisbaden when Mainz exists.

Depends on what you're after: Mainz is absolutely better, if you're after optimal. Weisbaden is fun in Coop though, and provides some minor variety.

If you have neither, I'd definitely pick Mainz first (although I only play cruisers in PvE, by and large - you want a competent player's view for PvP).

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If the smoke wasn't so dogshit it would be a must have.

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Just now, Subtle_Octavian said:

If the smoke wasn't so dogshit it would be a must have.

If the smoke ship wasn't so dogshit it would be a must have.


Seriously, why would you play this ship over Mainz? The gunnery is objectively worse in every regard. The survivability is significantly worse, and a capable open water ship is far superior than a smoke farmer when the smoke farmer doesn't even have DPM. That's the main attraction of smoke farmers such as Jinan, Smolensk, and Minotaur. Wiesbaden seems to have all their weaknesses without any of their strengths. 

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2 hours ago, Unlooky said:

If the smoke ship wasn't so dogshit it would be a must have.


Seriously, why would you play this ship over Mainz? The gunnery is objectively worse in every regard. The survivability is significantly worse, and a capable open water ship is far superior than a smoke farmer when the smoke farmer doesn't even have DPM. That's the main attraction of smoke farmers such as Jinan, Smolensk, and Minotaur. Wiesbaden seems to have all their weaknesses without any of their strengths. 


Don't know why WG doesn't, won't, or can't learn that CLAA's without DPM just suck.

It's not like they don't have a whole PA cruiser line worth of data that needed 3 consecutive buffs to not be dead last.... and over nerfed Flint, 2 T9 CLAA prems that are usually dead last ....  to learn this.

But they don't learn...   This ship is closest is capability to Harbin but is objectively worse in most ways that matter except in pen... but Harbin can take IFHE and have 27mm and STILL have about the same fire starting ability. 

The ship would need at least a 5 sec reload to be remotely worth wanting to play.


But in the end... yet another could have been fun cruiser that is a balancing disaster.... I'll add it to the list with Hector and Dalian.

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I see it as an interesting ship.   Smoke and HE has been proven a broken combo over and over again.   WG tried to balance it better with this one.  And having velocity at least out of the barrel is a nice change from the other light cruisers listed above.    That's how i see it.

On a side note, Watching PQ fireing those small AP shells doing 7k a salvo to a french bb is quite wowing.

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Having decent conceal and actual hydro is nice. Ballistics are pretty terrible. The turrets being stacked like a totem pole and having no armor mean a destroyer can simultaneously break everything and beat you. 

I think it's fairly impractical. What do you need it for? Just play Bayard. 

Like this is a ship designed to beat a pushing Monarch. 

Edited by Itwastuesday
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Meh ship has the advantage of not compounding powercreep

However, same can't be said about HE spam meta

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I honestly think, if anyone followed the ship on the devblog, the writing was on the wall of the ship underperforming. She got nerfed unnecessarily hard during her testing.

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Played this and Wichita back to back.

Wiesbaden : get jumped by Kitakaze. Get beat by kitakaze because the ship does nothing and just loses all turrets and sucks.

Wichita : jumps Kitakaze. Destroys Kitakaze because Wichita is good and handsome.

My opinion continues to sour.

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23 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

Wichita : jumps Kitakaze. Destroys Kitakaze because Wichita is good and handsome.

Wichita is much underrated. Wiesbaden is kinda hmm, at the moment. I can see she could be powerful if she has the right target (a big stupid lumbering BB with 32mm plating) but for fighting smaller ships Harbin is probably better.

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Thank god a HE spamming smoke ship with longer range torps isn't overpowered like everyone seems to think it needs to be to be a "good" ship. 

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Just now, mashed68 said:

Thank god a HE spamming smoke ship with longer range torps isn't overpowered like everyone seems to think it needs to be to be a "good" ship. 

Are you the type of person who thinks Jinan is overpowered? 

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from the very few matches yet: it has 1 real problem imo, while solving it by far not would make it op ^^.... agility. a cl that handles like a brick wrapped up in wet wool.... well, yeah.... nope....

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1 hour ago, Unlooky said:

Are you the type of person who thinks Jinan is overpowered? 

No. Smolensk on the other hand....

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Just now, mashed68 said:

No. Smolensk on the other hand....

People still think Smolensk is overpowered? 

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42 minutes ago, Unlooky said:

People still think Smolensk is overpowered? 


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11 hours ago, MrWastee said:

from the very few matches yet: it has 1 real problem imo, while solving it by far not would make it op ^^.... agility. a cl that handles like a brick wrapped up in wet wool.... well, yeah.... nope....

That is the problem with it. If it can sit back and spam HE at BB superstructures from smoke it's great. Get in close and it doesn't have the hitting power, mobility or survivability it needs and is lesser than a wealth of existing CLs and DDs at this tier. 

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I hadn't even noticed it's so slow, I was so preoccupied by losing turrets and having the floatiest barely better than Baltimore HE dpm in the tier. This is not the gunnery you want. 

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