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Battleship line(s) to grind


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I have been playing this game for a little over 3 years now and have all the TT cruiser lines and roughly half of the destroyer lines. The only lines I don't have are the battleships, with the exception of the Schlieffen line. I only play coop, operations and the various special modes. I would like to grind 2 or 3 lines while asym is around to help expedite the process since coop is terrible for grinding, especially at higher tiers. Credits and FXP are not a problem. I thought about using FXP to research a few lines, but I prefer to use it for the research bureau and will just use it for researching modules. So, my question is what are some good choices?

I guess I should add I picked up Ohio, Bourgogne and GK in the last few days for this mode. I enjoy playing all 3 of those as well as the Schlieffen.

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St. Vincent




Edited by Frostbow
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Sounds like you've got the fun ones...  I'd second @Frostbow on the St. Vincent line.   The rest are good picks too, just not as interesting given what you have when compared to St. Vincent.

Vermont is a go-to in KotS, so you might consider it, however, It is a DOG slow boat... and that line is frustrating to level in co-op.  If you like the style, then you may want to consider it.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

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1 hour ago, Jagerbomb_2021 said:

I have been playing this game for a little over 3 years now and have all the TT cruiser lines and roughly half of the destroyer lines. The only lines I don't have are the battleships, with the exception of the Schlieffen line. I only play coop, operations and the various special modes. I would like to grind 2 or 3 lines while asym is around to help expedite the process since coop is terrible for grinding, especially at higher tiers. Credits and FXP are not a problem. I thought about using FXP to research a few lines, but I prefer to use it for the research bureau and will just use it for researching modules. So, my question is what are some good choices?

I guess I should add I picked up Ohio, Bourgogne and GK in the last few days for this mode. I enjoy playing all 3 of those as well as the Schlieffen.

Yamato, Montana, Schlieffen, Vincent and Vermont

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St. Vincent ..... there is no substitute....

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Iwami for coal is a fun ship, and a good premium reward farmer, although I guess you just spent your coal on GK. GK is a riot in assym.

Amagi through Yamato is a nice line of tech BBs.

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@Jagerbomb_2021  As you are doing co-op and other non-PvP battle modes, the Schlieffen, which you already have, is probably ideal for you. For various missions that need to be completed, as a BB, it can do just about everything.

You have some decent choices for your next BB line to grind, as listed in the discussion.

From what I see in the list above, I would consider Yamato, St. Vincent, or Montana.

If you are at all into WWII history, Yamato would be a good choice.  It does have its weaknesses, but the guns are fantastic.

St. Vincent is perhaps the most, or can be the most, rewarding of the bunch.  Guns are very good; its heal is "zombie" like, it gets torpedos and an engine boost, and it also has DFAA.  It can be a very forgiving ship in longer battles where you need the extra health.  Personally, I love this ship.

You really can't go wrong with Montana. It's just a good all-around ship in a split US BB line, and the guns are very nice.  

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6 hours ago, Jagerbomb_2021 said:

I have been playing this game for a little over 3 years now and have all the TT cruiser lines and roughly half of the destroyer lines. The only lines I don't have are the battleships, with the exception of the Schlieffen line. I only play coop, operations and the various special modes. I would like to grind 2 or 3 lines while asym is around to help expedite the process since coop is terrible for grinding, especially at higher tiers. Credits and FXP are not a problem. I thought about using FXP to research a few lines, but I prefer to use it for the research bureau and will just use it for researching modules. So, my question is what are some good choices?

I guess I should add I picked up Ohio, Bourgogne and GK in the last few days for this mode. I enjoy playing all 3 of those as well as the Schlieffen.

Each of the battleship lines offers a different variation of design philosophy or "flavor".  
And some nations have branch-lines on their tech-tree, as you're aware.

For secondary-battery gun memes, the German lines, both of them, are fun.

For punching big holes in things and actually reaching-out and hitting stuff at long range, the Japanese Yamato line delivers.
Though, how they deliver can vary  (Fuso's "shotgun" style compared with others in the line with fewer gun barrels and better dispersion).

For sailing like you stole the ship from the guy who originally rented her, the Italian line is fun, in my opinion.  They've been a pleasant surprise, for me.

For going fast while feeling "tanky", the French Alsace is a fun ship.  
If you get close enough, her main-guns can hit stuff, too.  And while you're that close, your secondary battery guns are likely to be in action as well.
The Bourgogne is similarly fun.  Congrats on yours.  🙂 

The US Navy's main battleship line becomes decent from Tier-8 and up.  Everything before that is slow.
The branch line of "Standard" battleships is slower than the main line ships, and often one can enjoy a nine-course meal in between reloads.  These "thick & curvy" ladies have their charms, including better turning capaiblities, as long as you don't ask them to do anything in a hurry.  

While the dispersion of US Navy guns can sometimes produce results that have even the German and Italian battleships laughing their afts off, the US guns and projectiles do some decent damage (at least, on *average*).
The third branch, the Hybrid battleships, are interesting to play, in my opinion.  It doesn't hurt to also play CV's and know how to multitask.  Give 'em a try.  🙂

The British?
My quibble with some of them is their slow turret traverse.
The branch line seems to solve some of this, but is less armored (because they're battlecruisers, of course).
Some people are fans of British battleships for historical connection reasons.  
For myself, there are some that I enjoy sailing and others that I find are a chore to sail.
So, this is where I'm going to suggest that you do some comparison research to decide which ones suit your playstyle preferences.

Russian battleships.
They're in the game.  They have different consumable mechanics.  
Personally, I'm of the opinion that they're "meh" and uninteresting.
But, I can respect what they're able to do when someone competent plays a Russian battleship to her strengths.
So, again, I suggest doing the research to understand their design philosophy.

That's my short answer.  Hope you enjoy your ship shopping experiences.  🙂 

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51 minutes ago, palestreamer said:

Iwami for coal is a fun ship, ...


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7 hours ago, palestreamer said:

Iwami for coal is a fun ship, and a good premium reward farmer, although I guess you just spent your coal on GK. GK is a riot in assym.

Amagi through Yamato is a nice line of tech BBs.

I do have the Iwami that I probably got from a santa crate, but I don't think I've taken her out for a spin yet. I still have enough coal to get 4 ships though and the 2 BB's I don't have yet are Pommern and MP.

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Posted (edited)

I noticed that I have the St. Vincent line up to the Rooke. I'm guessing there must have been an early access event for them sometime in the past since I don't remember playing them. I think I'll start finishing that line first, followed up by the Yamato and then one of the US lines. I'll FXP up to T7 or T8, since that won't make much of a dent in my FXP, then I'll grind the rest in asym using blue boosters. Thanks for the replies.

@HogHammer I am a huge WW2 buff. I have dozens of books on WW2, and I actually started playing this game after reading the the Pacific War trilogy by Ian Toll.

Edited by Jagerbomb_2021
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1 hour ago, Jagerbomb_2021 said:

I still have enough coal to get 4 ships though and the 2 BB's I don't have yet are Pommern and MP.

If you don't have him yet, use some coal to get Lutjens for your German ships, he can increase your output of secondaries, speed up main gun reload, and hp restore.

I put Lutjens in my Schlieffen. With Schlieffen, GK, Pommern, and Tirpitz, you can rotate Lutjens through them and knock off BB missions really quick. I usually run each once a day in Asymetric to harvest rewards.

I was going to suggest you use Research Bureau points to get the unique upgrade for your GK, but it doesn't seem to be there anymore. This also speeds up main and secondary reloads, with a range penalty in exchange, but I guess they took it away (?!). 

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Lines according to fun for me:

German BC's

American Fast BB's

German BB's [free XP tier 7 to skip] 

French BB's

Italian BB's post buff's

British BB's and BC's up to tier 6, after that I just don't like em. 

American slow BB's

Not honorable mentions for Russian and Japanese BB's, I don't play them. 

Edited by mashed68
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3 hours ago, palestreamer said:

If you don't have him yet, use some coal to get Lutjens for your German ships

I have had him for a year or so now and he is trained for the Schlieffen. I also run him on Mainz and Brandenburg for ops. I'm thinking of getting Sansonetti for my Napoli since the remaining coal ships to choose from are kind of "meh" for my tastes.

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20 hours ago, Jagerbomb_2021 said:

So, my question is what are some good choices?

Looks like you do not play PvP at all so ships that are relevant for PvP modes will not be of much use to you.
For PvE, I'd say the Preussen line is pretty strong owing to German HE pen and solid secondaries.
Oh, and you might want also want to get Pommern.


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Hanover, at the top of the German BB line, is a stud in PVE. Secondaries firing everywhere and 50k + main gun salvos. 

Edited by DoW_
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11 hours ago, Jagerbomb_2021 said:

I have had him for a year or so now and he is trained for the Schlieffen. I also run him on Mainz and Brandenburg for ops. I'm thinking of getting Sansonetti for my Napoli since the remaining coal ships to choose from are kind of "meh" for my tastes.

I have Louigi Sansonnetti on my Napoli.

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