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Any news on the Division bug on NA server?

Tpaktop2_1 NA

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I hear from Reddit that this has been noted on the WoWS Discord server, however no one from WG has responded. I see it has been noted here too. 

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8 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

What division bug is this?

I believe what the original poster was referring to, and I don't know if it is/was widespread, are in-game players greyed out and not being able to invite into a division.  The fix we have used for this if it happens, is to unlock the division so they can join.  That seems to resolve the issue.  This bug also happened some time ago to various clans.  To answer the question, however, I don't know yet @Tpaktop2_1 NA if this has been fixed.  Try it out and let us know.

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9 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

I believe what the original poster was referring to, and I don't know if it is/was widespread, are in-game players greyed out and not being able to invite into a division.  The fix we have used for this if it happens, is to unlock the division so they can join.  That seems to resolve the issue.  This bug also happened some time ago to various clans.  To answer the question, however, I don't know yet @Tpaktop2_1 NA if this has been fixed.  Try it out and let us know.

Yes it is a very old bug going back years. I have seen it myself as far back as 3 years ago. Still pops up every now and again. 

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It went very wacky last weekend. I think it has gotten worse with the last update 12.6

Maybe update 12.7 has a fix?

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