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The Karl XIV Johan is stupid fun.


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Playing Asymmetric and just...every red ship is on fire! I have a mostly Secondary build on her for the fun-factor at the moment. Is the ship usually a port queen though?

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It's a great ship, which I use reguarly and as a hybrid since her secondaries are too weak IMHO. BTW, great AA - suite and her torps are fun. 

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6 minutes ago, OT2_2 said:

It's a great ship, which I use reguarly and as a hybrid since her secondaries are too weak IMHO. BTW, great AA - suite and her torps are fun. 

Someone described the ship as having a Halland strapped to each side lol


Hybrid makes a lot more sense to me. Her main guns hit pretty consistently. 

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2 minutes ago, Jakeshuffle said:

Her main guns hit pretty consistently.

Yes, but you also need to take range mod otherwise battles can become a nightmare due to the fact that you won't reach out far enough. Have done that and am cured. The reload of the torps is fast enough, and that their dmg - output isn't decisive. 

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You take the range for the 6th mod? I had main battery reload.

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46 minutes ago, Jakeshuffle said:

Playing Asymmetric and just...every red ship is on fire! I have a mostly Secondary build on her for the fun-factor at the moment. Is the ship usually a port queen though?

if u know how to play to its strenghts it's borderline op. pure cruiser killer with better concealment than most ca's...

playing it on range is the wrong direction btw imo

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27 minutes ago, Jakeshuffle said:

You take the range for the 6th mod? I had main battery reload.

Yes I do.

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30 minutes ago, MrWastee said:

if u know how to play to its strenghts it's borderline op. pure cruiser killer with better concealment than most ca's...

playing it on range is the wrong direction btw imo

I'm not playing her at range necessarily, but in today's "meta" it make things extra difficult if one is lacking range. Had a random, btw with two of your clan mates on my side, where I was "condemned" to do no harm or no harm at all. This was an eye opener, so I went away from torp - reload to range mod. 

Edited by OT2_2
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Good discussion...  I have my XIV in the Torp heavy configuration.  Her Main Guns are 19.1 or so and I really don't see her as a sniping ship at all...  Secondaries aren't fantastic but,, her torps and AA make XIV a superlative "raider"....  And that means, not a sniper nor a "siege asset..."   IMO, that's not her strength....

I am not sure how I obtained her but, the EU missions really were a lot of fun playing her in COOP and ASB's....  And, I will continue to use XIV in the ASB and COOP divisions.

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1 hour ago, OT2_2 said:

I'm not playing her at range necessarily, but in today's "meta" it make things extra difficult if one is lacking range. Had a random, btw with two of your clan mates on my side, where I was "condemned" to do no harm or no harm at all. This was an eye opener, so I went away from torp - reload to range mod. 

...some salty bassturds?!.... yep, that might been us CAF207FC-4197-4D6D-93A9-604272B8A9CB.gifSmile_child.gif.0b199ec81e8677d9efc20b2fA48E2DD6-327E-4E69-B995-CD0955AA6217.gif.....

i do run a full "in ur face" sec build. all sec modules (xcept last slot: mb reload mod!), all skills. only survival skills are ce and fp. earning me this yet (i only go in div, so drop it by the common 5% if u want lol^^):

Karl XIV Johan 9 Europe 25 72% 1 754 86 247 1.12 5.32

the guns won't shine on range, under kinda no circumstances. at least not on hard targets, simply coz of their calibre. on the other u have the options needed to rule the engagement against anything but dd's. like torping a musashi from 12km repeadetly without getting spotted even once lol. or to move into his flank while he's focussed elsewhere. and even dd's who blip up within ur concealement gonna curse it thx to secs and hydro...

it's, like only a few other ships, a pure tactical tool which not necessarily outguns-, outspeeds- or out-tanks- most other ships, but outsmarts them. a swiss knife. play it as such and u'll see what i mean 😉


*my build:


Edited by MrWastee
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My current Tier-9 "Karl XIV Johan" build ...

Hull modules
~Main Armaments Modification 1
~Damage Control System Modification 1
~Aiming Systems Modification 1
~Steering Gears Modification 1
~Concealment System Modification 1
~Auxiliary Armaments Modification 2

Captain's Skills (10 points)
~Preventive Maintenance
~Grease the Gears
~Long Range Secondary Battery Shells
~Fire Prevention Expert

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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