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Very frustrating loss.


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Kag on our team has the game won.  He's in the enemy cap.  No ships can reach him.  He has good terrain.  Enemy CV is either focused on other ships or just not paying attention. Despite being close to cap, his opportunity to reset is over.   Can't get a squadron launched and to the DD in time before cap our win.

DD sees the CV and decides to leave the pending cap (and win) to run down the CV.  Gets a DS on the CV, but enemy caps out and wins. 

A thrown game for a CV DS.  Sigh.

Probably gave up a solo warrior too.




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That level of misplay deserves a blacklisting. A 100% unreliable teammate. A player you rather not have to depend on for anything at all.

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Very discouraging. 

But, many players start salivating when they see the CV and forget about winning tactics. 

It is much the same with German BBs on the Two Brothers map.

They see the channel and think about death or glory with a channel rush.

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I see losses like this all the time.  

Worst ones are where to entire team is BEGGING the player (s) not to do what they are about to do and they throw anyway.

Just yesterday we had 2 Div'ed BBs and our CV chasing a BB to the 1 line and ignoring everything else.  WE HAD all three caps and a huge lead.

Whole team BEGGING for them to help.

I got one of their DDs that the CV ignored then I died when their CV found me and THEIR BBs focused me down ..

We lost a 400 point lead while they got ALL the caps ( 2 of which I solo capped myself )  while our BBs chased that guy around LOLing at them in chat.

The Red DD capped all three caps and BOTH of the BBs lost the game without KILLING THAT DAMNED BB.

A good 8 minute ignored begging session and hard headed players threw that one for us..

Even the Red team was incredulous🙄

Just have to face it.. WINNING doesn't mean much to a certain segment of the population anymore.


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10 hours ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

That level of misplay deserves a blacklisting. A 100% unreliable teammate. A player you rather not have to depend on for anything at all.

The #1 reason I BL people.

When I see them on my team I leave the AO Immediately.

I've found that every time I run into a BL player they ALWAYS do the same things I BL'ed them for.


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The level of stupidity someone once said knows no boundaries. There will always be another record level of stupidity. This is happening to WoWS due to WG 😒

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12 hours ago, Aethervox said:

The level of stupidity someone once said knows no boundaries. There will always be another record level of stupidity. This is happening to WoWS due to WG 😒

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

 Albert Einstein

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"The Defense Department regrets to inform you that your sons are dead because they were stupid."


"Maverick, it's not your flying, it's your attitude.  The enemy's dangerous, but right now you're worse.  Dangerous and foolish.  You may not like who's flying with you and they may not like you,  but whose side are you on?"


There are always Mavericks out there who will forget their jobs to go chase glory and kills.  



Edited by Jakob Knight
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I once had a similar match but the reds threw it, I had gone after the red CV....got him then hit their cap and began capping but they were already capping ours, literally no reds anywhere close to me. One of my team mates says "no point in capping". I say  "well maybe they will go off cap"........they did we won I got Solo Warrior.

Never give up...never surrender!

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