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champagne the ship that i didn't know it even existed until i got it from a super container


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some time ago i got this ship from a super container and since then i am trying to figure it out.


it got plenty of secondary guns with above average DPM bur lack of enhanced pen/accuracy and trash armor makes it a big nope.

it got an absurd amount of dual purpose guns yet for some reason its AA sucks and only has 5.8km range wich seems online with other french BBs but still 152mm AA gun with only 5.8km range is sad.

main guns have the best accuracy and pen in its tier but with only 6 rifles and a reload of 28.6 seconds its DPM is beyond terrible.

its crazy fast for a BB which is nice but going fast alone won't do much.


all in all the ship has a lot of potential but is also full of fatal flaws 

can't brawl with that armor

can't snipe with only 6 rifles

it has potential as a flanker to punish broadsides with those accurate guns but good luck dealing with  CV, DDs or subs with its poor concealment, bad AA and no radar/hydro.


considering all this i am the only one who thinks this ships is in desperately need of an overhaul to define its role?

if its going to be a flanker then it needs better concealment and AA

if its going to be a sniper with only 6 rifles then those guns need to make slava look inaccurate 😆

if its going to be a brawler then it better get some armor




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21 minutes ago, pepe_trueno said:

some time ago i got this ship from a super container and since then i am trying to figure it out.


it got plenty of secondary guns with above average DPM bur lack of enhanced pen/accuracy and trash armor makes it a big nope.

it got an absurd amount of dual purpose guns yet for some reason its AA sucks and only has 5.8km range wich seems online with other french BBs but still 152mm AA gun with only 5.8km range is sad.

main guns have the best accuracy and pen in its tier but with only 6 rifles and a reload of 28.6 seconds its DPM is beyond terrible.

its crazy fast for a BB which is nice but going fast alone won't do much.


all in all the ship has a lot of potential but is also full of fatal flaws 

can't brawl with that armor

can't snipe with only 6 rifles

it has potential as a flanker to punish broadsides with those accurate guns but good luck dealing with  CV, DDs or subs with its poor concealment, bad AA and no radar/hydro.


considering all this i am the only one who thinks this ships is in desperately need of an overhaul to define its role?

if its going to be a flanker then it needs better concealment and AA

if its going to be a sniper with only 6 rifles then those guns need to make slava look inaccurate 😆

if its going to be a brawler then it better get some armor

I think you've about got it sorted...  She sits happily in port until snowflake events... 🙂 

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IMO Champagne is fine, especially after her relatively recent significant HP buff. Her six guns have very high penetration, battlecruiser/large cruiser dispersion, and very usable ballistics. The only real problem I have with her guns is the firing angles, but that’s an issue on most ships with their guns placed in a single turret fore and aft.

But then again, I’m one of those people that thought Repulse (another 6-gun “sniping” battlecruiser) was one of the better battleships at her tier even before she got her recent buffs.

She fills a niche among Richelieu, Gascogne, and Flandre at tier VIII.

Edited by Nevermore135
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It's funny we got Champagne, but no Cognac, Bourbon, Whiskey or Vodka.

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8 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

It's funny we got Champagne, but no Cognac, Bourbon, Whiskey or Vodka.

Isn't Wisconsin the big Whisky?

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16 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

but no Whiskey

Wisconsin: Am I a joke to you?

You’d better apologize to her, I hear she’s got quite the temper…

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20 minutes ago, thornzero said:

Isn't Wisconsin the big Whisky?


12 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

Wisconsin: Am I a joke to you?

You’d better apologize to her, I hear she’s got quite the temper…

Ooh.. Sorry Wisconsin, and thanks for the correction too.

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Champagne. I remember her. My first French premium ship. She has her features and when the stars align, she can delete cruisers in an instant. She is not a brawler, and she has thin armor. 

I enjoyed the ship and I might play her again soon. While I like Gascogne more, Champagne's playstyle is a necessary one for me to avoid becoming jaded/bored in the game.

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It's insanely hard to play with the current aiming bugs. Few guns, and half the shells get bugged and drop low. It's really in a bad state.

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8 hours ago, Subtle_Octavian said:

It's insanely hard to play with the current aiming bugs. Few guns, and half the shells get bugged and drop low. It's really in a bad state.

So... it's not like having Dom Pérignon but more like getting Phew Yak instead?

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9 hours ago, Subtle_Octavian said:

It's insanely hard to play with the current aiming bugs. Few guns, and half the shells get bugged and drop low. It's really in a bad state.

That has been my experience as well, you are supposed to have superior accuracy compared to most other battleships, but that has not been my experience playing it. I really consider trading it in, the next update.

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I really enjoy it because of the excellent accuracy.  The minimal number of guns hampers her damage output, but having 3 or 6 shells landing in a tight pattern rather than a wild shotgun blast is quite satisfying.

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9 minutes ago, desmo_2 said:

I really enjoy it because of the excellent accuracy.  The minimal number of guns hampers her damage output, but having 3 or 6 shells landing in a tight pattern rather than a wild shotgun blast is quite satisfying.

Essentially then we are talking about the same thing as what the Deadeye I think was all about. You get a tighter grouping which works well if your aim is perfect, but really badly if it's slightly off or if you have more than your fair share of lag.

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17 minutes ago, desmo_2 said:

I really enjoy it because of the excellent accuracy.  The minimal number of guns hampers her damage output, but having 3 or 6 shells landing in a tight pattern rather than a wild shotgun blast is quite satisfying.

7 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Essentially then we are talking about the same thing as what the Deadeye I think was all about. You get a tighter grouping which works well if your aim is perfect, but really badly if it's slightly off or if you have more than your fair share of lag.

I’m reminded of the age old-question that has divided IJN BB-enjoyers since the dawn of WoWs: Nagato or Fuso? 🤔

One has a smaller number of accurate, hard hitting guns that are less forgiving of poor aim (or just a very unlucky RNG roll). The other is a 12-gun shotgun that throws enough… excrement… at the wall that a good amount from every salvo sticks despite the poor gunnery.

I’m on Team Nagato, btw. :classic_laugh:

Edited by Nevermore135
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16 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

I’m reminded of the age old-question that has divided IJN BB-enjoyers since the dawn of WoWs: Nagato or Fuso? 🤔

One has a smaller number of accurate, hard hitting guns that are less forgiving of poor aim (or just a very unlucky RNG roll). The other is a 12-gun shotgun that throws enough… excrement… at the wall that a good amount from every salvo sticks despite the poor gunnery.

I’m on Team Nagato, btw. :classic_laugh:

I think we are on the same team you and I.

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On 4/14/2024 at 4:41 PM, Admiral_Karasu said:

It's funny we got Champagne, but no Cognac, Bourbon, Whiskey or Vodka.

now we need 3 variants:

champagne: buff dispersion and main gun shell speed

cognac: better concealment and mobility

Armañac: better armor and enhaced secondary/AA


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21 hours ago, Nevermore135 said:

I’m on Team Nagato, btw.

Having now ground the Nagato out twice (because she's the separation point for the IJN BB split), I'm with you on that one.

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22 hours ago, Nevermore135 said:

I’m reminded of the age old-question that has divided IJN BB-enjoyers since the dawn of WoWs: Nagato or Fuso? 🤔

One has a smaller number of accurate, hard hitting guns that are less forgiving of poor aim (or just a very unlucky RNG roll). The other is a 12-gun shotgun that throws enough… excrement… at the wall that a good amount from every salvo sticks despite the poor gunnery.

I’m on Team Nagato, btw. :classic_laugh:

I'm on "Team Both".  I like both the Fuso and the Nagato, though for different reasons.  🙂 


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On 4/14/2024 at 9:41 PM, Admiral_Karasu said:

It's funny we got Champagne, but no Cognac, Bourbon, Whiskey or Vodka.

[Out of topic /ON]

To be more precise (and being French myself, nobody being perfect), Champagne is not the name of a beverage in that case, but the name of the region where this nectar (often imitated, never equalled 🙂 ) is produced.
Reason why you have also: Bourgogne, Normandie, Alsace, and so on... the names of former provinces.

Btw there is an EXCELLENT vodka produced in France (and quite decent whiskies too).

The best Vodka being the Siwucha. ❤️


[Out of topic /OFF]

Edited by Silence_CN
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the other one is gascogne  similar in design but the consumables are different 


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5 hours ago, Silence_CN said:

[Out of topic /ON]

To be more precise (and being French myself, nobody being perfect), Champagne is not the name of a beverage in that case, but the name of the region where this nectar (often imitated, never equalled 🙂 ) is produced.
Reason why you have also: Bourgogne, Normandie, Alsace, and so on... the names of former provinces.

Btw there is an EXCELLENT vodka produced in France (and quite decent whiskies too).

The best Vodka being the Siwucha. ❤️


[Out of topic /OFF]

👍  Bien sur!  🙂 

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6 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

  Bien sur! 

Oh ? A Cajun !  😛

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5 hours ago, Silence_CN said:

Oh ? A Cajun !  😛

I'm from New Hampshire.  I've visited Louisiana, but my French is via family lineage that can be traced back to Canada and from there back to France.
I took 3 years of French while in High School.  My vocabulary is small and rusty, and I make plenty of mistakes.  Mais, c'est la vie.  🙂 

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  to be suppressed please (double post, sorry)


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