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Looking to buy 3 cruisers for Clan Battles. I already have the Des Moines, Stalingrad, and the Napoli.


Looking to buy 3 cruisers for Clan Battles. I already have the Des Moines, Stalingrad, and the Napoli.  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would be the first choice?

  2. 2. Which would be the second choice?

  3. 3. Which would be the third choice?

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I have some credits to burn and want to get some more tech tree ships to my port for the next season of CB. Please vote on the poll and if you have the time elaborate on your suggestions here.  Thanks in advance and hope you are all having a great weekend! 



Edit: The purchases will be just tech tree and I will more likely also purchase the Moskva for coal .

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Ignoring whether you actually like playing these roles in CB, just going off the ships you have and the ones in the poll:

Nevsky first, to give you a true kiting flank cruiser. Yes Napoli does that a bit too, but usually Napoli has some sort of restriction and this gives you another option. And Nevsky is better for longer range engagements which you’ll usually end up in on that flank unless you get the enemy’s push flank.

Petro and Marseille are kind of equal, but I’d do Marseille first. You don’t have a real flanker ship, and even though Stalin and Napoli can do something similar they usually have different roles and positions. It works on both flanks, and is good for pushing onto broadsides to force the enemy to pick one of you.

Petro is primarily a “go to contested cap, shoot things, don’t die” cruiser. Both DM and Stalin already fill that general role, so it’s not giving you as much new potential. Plus, if you consider the common bans and restrictions, you’re probably more likely to get Marseille in a lineup than Petro (either because it’s banned or restricted with something else you want to take).


Zao really doesn’t have a big place in CB teams anymore like it did in the early seasons. It’s stealthy, but so are other kite flank cruiser options. It has accurate guns with good HE, but other cruisers still have decent enough accuracy and damage. It can smack destroyers, but so can Venezia. And it doesn’t have radar, which is always useful.

Hindy has also fallen out of favor, but I’d still take it over Zao. It will just sit at range and farm damage, but with bans and restrictions removing iron curtain teams, the 50mm HE pen isn’t quite as big a deal. It’s a reliable kite flank cruiser if you want to pair it with another kiter, but it’s not as ideal a pick if it’s by itself. It can be helpful if you see teams putting a Moskva on that flank, but that’s not always a guarantee. 

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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Ask your clanmates what they want you to play, and what fits in best with the remainder of the team.

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Storm and below: Petro, Marseille, Nevsky in any order. As long as it halfway meshes with what the rest of the team is running, it doesn't really matter. 

Typhoon and above: shotcaller will tell you what is needed, talk to them before the season starts. 

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Petro and Marseille are frequently restricted in number, so your clan may favor someone more experienced with those ships (although they're solid ships to have available, and you should get them at some point in time) 

Nevsky is somewhat restricted by the fact that it's pretty much exclusively for the kite flank. 

Hindenburg and Zao aren't really options above the lowest levels of play. Don't get them for competitive. 

I recommend getting the ship your clan has the fewest number of players for. 

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Ask your clanmates what they want you to play, and what fits in best with the remainder of the team.

Fair point. I've put in the request to our caller. 
I'm a below-average player but faire better in CB. What would you suggest out of the choices?

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23 minutes ago, Unlooky said:

I recommend getting the ship your clan has the fewest number of players for. 

Thanks. That's one of the guiding factors.

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Something is wrong with the voting. I voted for Petro as 1st choice, but right now it still shows zero votes.

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Try refreshing using the following keys Ctrl and F5 at the same time. This will force a refresh or a different browser.


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6 minutes ago, yss_turtleship said:

Try refreshing using the following keys Ctrl and F5 at the same time. This will force a refresh or a different browser.


Tried that, it didn't record my vote. Perhaps because I didn't vote the 3rd choice, but I didn't see an error message, when I submitted my vote.

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Let me check it out and get back to you.


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1 hour ago, tangofan said:

Something is wrong with the voting. I voted for Petro as 1st choice, but right now it still shows zero votes.


14 minutes ago, tangofan said:

Tried that, it didn't record my vote. Perhaps because I didn't vote the 3rd choice, but I didn't see an error message, when I submitted my vote.

It didn't record any of your vote.

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1 hour ago, yss_turtleship said:

What would you suggest out of the choices?

The last time I played a clan battle was early 2019. The only two ships I've ever taken to CB are a rental Hindenburg and a Salem so new that the ship's cat had nothing to do but sleep.

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Nevsky is great and hasn't been restricted as far as I remember. If superships will be a constant (and who knows if they will be) Annapolis wasn't restricted the last time and it's fine smoked up in a coordinated setting. 

Petropavlovsk is almost certainly restricted and seems like so is Marseille. Hindenburg maybe. Zao just no. Rather take Goliath than either I'd think due to 40mm deck. 

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5 hours ago, tangofan said:

Tried that, it didn't record my vote. Perhaps because I didn't vote the 3rd choice, but I didn't see an error message, when I submitted my vote.

I think you can actually opt-out of any of the questions. Try a different browser or incognito mode but be logged into Devstrike.

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7 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

Hindenburg maybe. Zao just no. Rather take Goliath than either I'd think due to 40mm deck. 

All 3 ships are just automatic nos due to their complete lack of utility and because they get rolled by Napoli. Any generic kiting cruiser without utility just isn't recommended for CB. 

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1 hour ago, Type_93 said:

Poll is invalid.  

No Bacon option.  

I was waiting for someone to say that!!! LOL!!! 


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1. venezia

2. venezia

3. aaand venezia....

but, as u got napoli (which from time to time gets restriceted though, so still: venezia ^^Smile-_tongue.gif.bd82aba42c5ab046cccd54) :

1. petro (because ofc ^^!!1!!1!!!1111)

2. nevsky (no surprise here either....)

3. marseille.... while personally i prefer hindi.

.... but seriously: venezia, no sheet!

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22 hours ago, torino2dc said:

Storm and below: Petro, Marseille, Nevsky in any order. As long as it halfway meshes with what the rest of the team is running, it doesn't really matter. 

Typhoon and above: shotcaller will tell you what is needed, talk to them before the season starts. 

The team says:Petro, Marseille and Nevsky, this included our caller.
This seems right along the same lines as what the majority is recommending.

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4 hours ago, MrWastee said:

1. venezia

2. venezia

3. aaand venezia....

but, as u got napoli (which from time to time gets restriceted though, so still: venezia ^^Smile-_tongue.gif.bd82aba42c5ab046cccd54) :

1. petro (because ofc ^^!!1!!1!!!1111)

2. nevsky (no surprise here either....)

3. marseille.... while personally i prefer hindi.

.... but seriously: venezia, no sheet!

Venezia is a mediocre at best pick. Not sure why you would suggest her for the sole purpose of clan battles. This isn't season 8 anymore. Hindenburg as well is also a bad pick, especially for the role Marseille fills. Marseille brings great speed and heavy firepower to the table. Venezia and Hindenburg do not. 

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14 minutes ago, Unlooky said:

Venezia is a mediocre at best pick. Not sure why you would suggest her for the sole purpose of clan battles. This isn't season 8 anymore. Hindenburg as well is also a bad pick, especially for the role Marseille fills. Marseille brings great speed and heavy firepower to the table. Venezia and Hindenburg do not. 

aha lol. hey, that's fine. i didn't say i would state a popular opinion, nevertheless it is mine ^^. venezia still is as good as it ever was as a kiting cruiser while on hindi i marked it as a personal preference. also venezia is unlikely to get excluded/restricted, while each of the others are.

ofc everyone is free to follow everyone else so to say... but people also think z44 is a super bad dd lol^^... i guess coz most people misplay it by design. it's far(!) better from what general stats show.


it might be for u, it not is 4 me. and i surely won't follow the crowd in my estimation ;).

Edited by MrWastee
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9 hours ago, MrWastee said:

aha lol. hey, that's fine. i didn't say i would state a popular opinion, nevertheless it is mine ^^. venezia still is as good as it ever was as a kiting cruiser while on hindi i marked it as a personal preference. also venezia is unlikely to get excluded/restricted, while each of the others are.

ofc everyone is free to follow everyone else so to say... but people also think z44 is a super bad dd lol^^... i guess coz most people misplay it by design. it's far(!) better from what general stats show.


it might be for u, it not is 4 me. and i surely won't follow the crowd in my estimation ;).

In the context of Clan Battles and competitive as a whole there's a pretty clear cut meta of which Hindenburg, Venezia, and Goliath are not a part of. Claiming otherwise to new players looking for legitimately helpful advice just isn't it. 


You can see Hindenburg, Goliath, and Venezia all had abysmal pickrate and winrate. 

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9 hours ago, Unlooky said:


You can see Hindenburg, Goliath, and Venezia all had abysmal pickrate and winrate. 

...aha.... *see z44 example for answer...

19 hours ago, MrWastee said:



it might be for u ((*edit: and others 😄 ^^)), it not is 4 me. and i surely won't follow the crowd in my estimation ;).

.... so?! did u actually add anything? guess not ^^... on a note, funny how u fully leave out the asked for recommendation from my side. but i guess selective reading is a thing of the time lol...

everyone's free now to check on my unpopular opinion for hisself or, even better, just check what works for oneself beyond any "popular opinions".... or, ofc lol, to follow any other written advice on the internetz

Edited by MrWastee
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10 hours ago, MrWastee said:

...aha.... *see z44 example for answer...

.... so?! did u actually add anything? guess not ^^... on a note, funny how u fully leave out the asked for recommendation from my side. but i guess selective reading is a thing of the time lol...

everyone's free now to check on my unpopular opinion for hisself or, even better, just check what works for oneself beyond any "popular opinions".... or, ofc lol, to follow any other written advice on the internetz

You are trolling. You can argue that the community perceives Z-44 poorly. A datasheet demonstrating that all three cruisers I mentioned have a below average record in competitive play is not the same thing as a few 40%ers claiming a ship is bad. It's no longer an opinion, but an objective fact. 

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