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Movies - Nope never again

Tpaktop2_1 NA

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My wife and I were noting the high amount of dystopian movies that are on the TV this morning. We got into a discussion of movies that we have seen once and will never ever want to see again. This brings up my list of top 5 of "never want to see again" movies. 

The Road
Schindler's list
Hotel Rwanda
The Notebook
Life Is Beautiful

I know you guys have some opinions on the subject. I was wondering what is your "nope", never again movies that disturb you.

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Most on your list I don't know, some I can guess but..Life is Beautiful... I had to google that one as it seemed... surprising.

There's maybe a few films I don't want to see, again, or at all, and for the most part I don't remember their names (which complicates matters slightly if I want to avoid them...), but mostly we are talking about crime movies here, and then maybe some incredibly bad movies although to qualify for that it has to be really bad because I'm rather fond of B movies. Then again, a lot of those B movies are much better made than most big budget films today. With real actors as well.

There's one movie at least I can name that I don't want to watch, and that is the Marathon Man. Absolutely too horrifying.

@Snargfargle Let's chalk that one in as well while we are at it....

The Little Shop of Horrors


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57 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

There's one movie at least I can name that I don't want to watch, and that is the Marathon Man. Absolutely too horrifying.

That movie made me skittish of dentists for awhile

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11 minutes ago, Tpaktop2_1 NA said:

That movie made me skittish of dentists for awhile


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Requiem for a Dream

Only 1 I can really think of for me. I dont like needles.

Some horror/torture porn movies I cant really watch twice. Doesnt really appeal to me on repeat viewings.

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4 hours ago, Tpaktop2_1 NA said:

That movie made me skittish of dentists for awhile


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This movie I don't want to see again.  Not because it "disturbed" me, but because of its slow pacing and mostly "filler" scenes, which were combined with low-budget sets, poor computer-generated-graphics and contrived ( because "it's in the script) plotting and production quality.

I give you:  

Shinkaijû Reigô  2005

Also known as Deep Sea Monster Reigo  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Sea_Monster_Reigo

Reigo: The Deep-Sea Monster Vs. the Battleship Yamato/Deep Sea Monster Reigo

REIGO, The Deep Sea Monster Vs. The Battleship Yamato_teaser

Review = "Quality, Plot and Acting Lost at Sea"


Long story short (spoiler alert) ...


The monster Reigo becomes a "paid actor" and pretty-much serves itself up to be targeted by the Yamato's main-guns.

As one reviewer mentioned, this film is best enjoyed as a "fan film" instead of a serious effort towards becoming a genuine blockbuster.

There are a few minutes of redeeming scenes wherein one can appreciate the Yamato sailing along calmly on the ocean.
But, for me personally, the movie often falls short of achieving my willing suspension of disbelief.


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Schindler's List I don't want to see again because it simply wouldn't have the same impact the second time around.

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Nope. Don't even look this up. A military buddy of mine was playing this at his house and I didn't stick around.

The Human Centipede.

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8 minutes ago, thornzero said:

Nope. Don't even look this up. A military buddy of mine was playing this at his house and I didn't stick around.

The Human Centipede.

I looked it up.  Won't do that again.  "That's so wrong" was among my initial mental responses.  

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21 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I looked it up.  Won't do that again.  "That's so wrong" was among my initial mental responses.  

Don't donate me... one million dollars!

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4 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Don't donate me... one million dollars!



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For me:  Philadelphia.   

Schlinder's List.  Having served in Germany and.........

And, almost any War Movies.

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@Tpaktop2_1 NA I'm with you The Road, it's a soul crushing experience. I loved the movie but never seem to muster the will to watch it again...

Schindler's List I can't stomach on account of the last sequence (Liam Neeson crying, the watch, etc)... so over the top melodramatic, really killed the movie for me. I respect the technical aspects of the movie but as a general rule I deeply dislike Spielberg's take on drama, it annoys me on a base level.

The other 3 I wouldn't watch again because meh! factor, it would be boring.

I think I wouldn't watch again Nagisa Oshima's "Empire of the senses", it's kinda hard to stomach the rawness of some scenes, I watched it at College and I'm still haunted by the egg scene... 😵

Gaspar Noe's "Irreversible" is another one that comes to mind, interesting movie but very hard to endure, particularly the rape scene is crushing. Bertolucci's "Ultimo tango a Parigi" falls on a similar cathegory, knowing the actress was really raped by Brando makes it even more unbearable to watch. 

Pasolini's "Salo o le 120 giornate di Sodoma" is another one I can't stomach again... darn now I'm starting to remember some nasty stuff I thought best forgotten "

Edited by ArIskandir
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I watched thousands of movies, and read thousands of books in my life. Few of them are even memorable enough to call either good or bad.

Though there are hundreds of movies I won't watch again because I considered them meh," I can't think of a single movie that I wouldn't watch again because it "shocked" me. I suppose that I've dealt so much with actual maiming, death, and human depravity in real life that seeing it mimicked in films is usually just a hilarious farce.

One thing that I've noticed is that most characters in movies are exceedingly dumb. I can only surmise that the screenwriters make them so in order to make movie goers feel good about themselves for being "smarter" than a fictional character.

I agree with the "crying" thing too. That's one thing that Plato really had against the playwrights of his day -- that their plays engendered emotions in the viewers rather than rational thought. I much prefer movies that make me think rather than those that try to play on my emotions, whether said emotions be happiness, sadness, or outrage.

Now, fear is a bit different. I've been in in the middle of fires and firefights and haven't been afraid. If a well-written book or movie can send a chill up my spine I consider it a job well done. I recall that "The Wolfen" was one such book. It had me looking under cars at night just in case. Well done to whoever wrote it.

Edited by Snargfargle
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7 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

I watched thousands of movies,

Did you watch any of the movies I mentioned? ... I'm kinda interested in your take.

There's the superficial "shock" value on many movies that use shock just for shock's sake, and it's a rather shallow experience. But in my experience some (good) movies manage to use shock as another tool to convey more deeper meaning and feelings, those deeper feelings are the thing you don't want to revisit... not because of it being shocking but because the feelings conveyed were overbearing. 

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53 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Did you watch any of the movies I mentioned? ... I'm kinda interested in your take.

"Erotic" and "avant-garde" movies really don't interest me. I'm an avid science fiction reader and have watched a plethora of science fiction movies. There's a saying that goes "There have been many excellent science fiction books written but never an excellent science fiction movie produced." That's not altogether wrong but many of them are at least good enough to watch for for light entertainment. I like historical movies and period pieces. I've not gotten around to watching Schindler's List though. However, from what I've read about it, it's not exactly true to fact. I also like lighthearted, campy "indie" movies. I've have watched most of the "classics," if nothing else than to see If I could see what other people saw in them. I also like movies based on books I've read if well done. I've always been a good reader so I don't mind watching subtitled movies and, in fact, prefer to hear the original language being spoken for the ambiance. I've always been one to read a passage in a book and then sit and think about it before reading another. Nowadays, I find myself oftentimes taking several hours to watch a movie because I'm always pausing it to look up things.

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3 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

@Tpaktop2_1 NA I'm with you The Road, it's a soul crushing experience. I loved the movie but never seem to muster the will to watch it again...

Schindler's List I can't stomach on account of the last sequence (Liam Neeson crying, the watch, etc)... so over the top melodramatic, really killed the movie for me. I respect the technical aspects of the movie but as a general rule I deeply dislike Spielberg's take on drama, it annoys me on a base level.

The other 3 I wouldn't watch again because meh! factor, it would be boring.

I think I wouldn't watch again Nagisa Oshima's "Empire of the senses", it's kinda hard to stomach the rawness of some scenes, I watched it at College and I'm still haunted by the egg scene... 😵

Gaspar Noe's "Irreversible" is another one that comes to mind, interesting movie but very hard to endure, particularly the rape scene is crushing. Bertolucci's "Ultimo tango a Parigi" falls on a similar cathegory, knowing the actress was really raped by Brando makes it even more unbearable to watch. 

Pasolini's "Salo o le 120 giornate di Sodoma" is another one I can't stomach again... darn now I'm starting to remember some nasty stuff I thought best forgotten "

Dude! 😲*what the doodle*! your list. And I thought the Human Centipede movie was bad. BTW, I never saw that one and don't intend to either. I had a co-worked go on about that movie.

29 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

 Nowadays, I find myself oftentimes taking several hours to watch a movie because I'm always pausing it to look up things.

I find that movies can sometimes create homework for you to understand the director, actors, and the subject matter. Some times it is good feedback, while others you ask why did you (director/production company) wasted the money making the film? 

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59 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

"Erotic" and "avant-garde" movies really don't interest me.

The problem with labels is most of the time they are plasted on very different products without any real insight beyond "marketing for maximun profit"

For example "Erotic" is a mislabel that can be used for anything showing sufficient skin. You can get "Erotic" movies like "Basic Instinct" that fulfill the sterotype to the T, and then have the same "Erotic" label applied to something like "Empire of the senses" which is basically "anti-porn" (you are likely to come out of it with a severe aversion to explicit sexual imagery for several weeks)... it's easily one of the least erotic films I've ever seen, there's sex but it is not "erotic". Beyond the sexual canvas of the film, there's a very interesting analysis of obsession and self-control (or lack of). 

Then there's "avant-garde" as a label applied to films that are more experimental and generaly more difficult to understand to the general public, but it is also applied in many cases without any insight. Some would consider the films of Wes Anderson at some point being "Avant-garde" being they are just form and style without any substantial content (insert change my mind meme). Otoh, some films with very traditional narratives and craftmanship are labeled "avant-garde" just because the themes are so overly shocking, conflicting or depresing that distributors don't know what to do with the film and hope to sell it as "artsy". Of course there's also films that are truly "avant-garde" and push the envelope of what films can do in both form and content... but those are few. 

1 hour ago, Snargfargle said:

I'm an avid science fiction reader and have watched a plethora of science fiction movies. There's a saying that goes "There have been many excellent science fiction books written but never an excellent science fiction movie produced."

Man, I raise you Dune+Dune 2 movies... if there ever was an excellent sci-fi movie, this is it.

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A few shall we say more mainstream movies I don't want to really see again.

American history X ...... Good movie but once was enough.

Billion dollar baby ....... Another good movie but once is enough was not ready for that ending.

The pursuit of Happyness.... That movie depressed me.

Oh yea add

American Beauty....... Real good movie found parts of it very funny but others parts of the movie very disturbing.

Edited by clammboy
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@ArIskandir There's nothing more quintessentially avant-garde than the French cinema. Witness its splendor and inimitable elegance in this short clip of Je suis revolutionaire. Naturally, it is in the French language, but don't worry, it comes with English subtitles, it is a culture movie in other words.



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33 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

@ArIskandir There's nothing more quintessentially avant-garde than the French cinema. Witness its splendor and inimitable elegance in this short clip of Je suis revolutionaire. Naturally, it is in the French language, but don't worry, it comes with English subtitles, it is a culture movie in other words.



😆 ... French New Wave cinema can be ridiculously pretentious and worse: boring. But they came up with some stuff that has permeated the mainstream and now are of common use in film making. To think all of that innovation was mostly fueled by lack of budget... 

Gotta Love Monty Python!

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  • 1 month later...

The Boy in Striped Pajamas was one of those movies for me... I had a panic attack after I watched it back in 7th grade when we watched it in class for History class... Yeah I am not watching that movie again, no way!

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On 4/17/2024 at 4:21 PM, Snargfargle said:

There's a saying that goes "There have been many excellent science fiction books written but never an excellent science fiction movie produced."

I believe it was Ray Bradbury, a SF author himself, who said that the first time he saw 2001: A Space Odyssey, he thought Kubrick was insane but after the second watching he considered him a genius. Make of that what you will. 

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