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Easter Egg spotted in Wisconsin port background


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So after reading about the complaint Wee Vee wasn't in the background, I decided to look and see just what was there.

Directly astern of the Wisconsin across the harbor, we spot several Atlantas and Fletchers


We see the usual cargo and Victory ship....and then I spotted this in the distance.


I thought I knew what it was, and waited as it got closer, and determined I was correct.


It's the bow of the USS Kentucky.

File:USSKentuckyBow.jpg - Wikipedia

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A keen eye for noticing, and it seems to be that actual historical photo too.

World of Warships- it's all the fine lines and details.

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this dude sound like my wife when she spots something dirty that I dont see

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13 hours ago, Lord_Slayer said:

It's the bow of the USS Kentucky.

Nice touch on the programmer's part.  Thanks for finding and sharing it.  🙂 

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Good spot - I missed that too. It's a nice detail - fair play to the WG artistic types...

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