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Wisconsin Dockyard Progress Thread (PVE)


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As I used to on NA forums here is a thread for PVE players to post about your progress in the Wisconsin Dockyard.

Week 1 for me is done. Wasn't bad at all. Not going to be any hour and a half weeks near the end, as many of the tasks are brutal, but at least early it went quick. 

I bought both starter packs and have WV 44 so that will give me 14 stages of the 30. Only MUST do 16. Obviously will try to do all for the bonus 250 Steel for duplicates.

Good luck to everyone. Will be a long grind I fear.

For week 1 I ended up doing an extra task to get all the tokens needed so 7 of them:

  • 10 Plane Kills
  • 20 Incapacitations
  • 20 Kills
  • 1,200,000 Damage
  • 800 Ribbons (CV)
  • 1000 Ribbons (BB)
  • 1500 Ribbons (Cruiser)



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I am right behind you on this first task list.  Less than 3 hours of play (on and off not continuous....)  And, I am not spending on this Dockyard.  I already have the 44 and really don't play US ships....

What comes later on in this Dockyard is some bad wu-ju boo-ju.....!

Edited by Asym
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I don't think I'll be grinding this one out. I got the 2500 dubs Golden Week BP so I'll get my dubs back, I'll concentrate on that for now.

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First week finished pretty easily, some of the later ones look tough, but I did the first Puerto Rico... as I recall that was over a Holiday and this one isn't.   Like @Efros, I'll concentrate on the break-even goldie thingie and see at the end of the Dockyard if I get close enough to finish or buy out the last phase or two.

Good luck to all whatever path you choose!

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I finished Week 1 entirely in Co-op. Schlieffen with Lutjens as always has been very effective and efficient in moving the progress needle. Damage, ribbon, incapacitation, Base XP missions all move forward fast. The remaining particularly the cruiser-based missions I finished with the Henri and the Minotaur.

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Posted (edited)

Week 2 done (basically). Still have to finish off the BXP tasks for the building phase token but otherwise it is finished. The BXP will finish on its own in a few days so I will more than be ready for week 3 when it unlocks.

  • 30 Fires
  • 15 Floods
  • 8 Caps/Asst Caps
  • 42 Torp Hits (DD)
  • 1200 Main/Secondary Hits (BB)
  • 1700 Main/Secondary Hits (Cruiser)
  • 11,889/19,000 BXP

Used Hannover for the BB mission (5 games - too many DD's or could have been done in 2-3), Clausewitz (4) and Smolensk (1) for the Cruiser mission, and Yamagiri (1) / Joshua Humphries (2) / Jaeger (2) / Okhotnik (3) for the DD tasks. DD's took much longer than I wanted as I basically had all human games, even for the SuperShips, that were extremely DD and Cruiser heavy and went way too fast. Should have gone to Okhotnik right off as that thing is a T5 Derzki and you kill it on torp hits. Fires, floods, and caps took care of themselves.


UPDATE: 19,000 BXP done


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Dang, that was fast!  I was just looking at my grinding plan and saying, "yep, I can get 'er done this week".  Most of my battles will be Random and Asym.  

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22 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:


Chortle, my local store.

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12 minutes ago, Efros said:

Chortle, my local store.

Fixed it. 


Hannaford was a local supermarket for me back in NH too. Not sure why I did that vs Hannover?

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Running a little behind on the missions because of IRL stuff, but I'm catching up. I got the starter packs, and I've had WV '44 since she first released, so I should jump right to stage 23 after I finish the third mission set. Wisconsin will be mine.


I just hope that when WG finally adds New Jersey, they'll have a tiny bit of mercy and she'll be a coal ship. I'd like to complete my set of Iowas without losing my sanity, I I could...

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Week 3 done (ended up doing 7 tasks to finish it)

  • 800 Ribbons
  • 1200 MB/Sec Hits
  • 5,700,000 Credits
  • 130,000 XP
  • 450 Rocket Hits (CV)
  • 20 Torp Hits (Cruiser)
  • 1500 MB Hits (DD)

I bought both starter packs and had WV44 already. Finishing week 3 got me to WV44 which gave 3 building phases as compensation for having it so it bumped me to 23 phases done. 7 to go for Wisconsin.



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Finished phase 3... very easy, however for the 6th mission, I had to abandon the BB planes quest after a full day of no CVs...  Jinan racked up 20 torps for the cruisers in 3 bouts.

DD was first and cleared out most of the other 5 goals alone... thanks be to the Harugumo and its 10 fast firing guns... ribbons just fall from the skies!

Good luck all!

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Finished week 3 earlier today, only deviation from my normal play was playing Daring a few times for DD hits, I generally don't play DDs very often.

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Took me two days to get all the planes on the BB, mostly from spotters since CVs were scarce but a couple popped up here and there. P3 is done.

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I spent some blue boosters and binge-played last night, so the 130k XP mission is toast and Directive 3 is done- and, since I got the starter packs and have WV '44, Wiskey is in the water at Stage 23:


...and I'm now close enough that, if Real Life(tm) got in the way like it did for the last dockyard, I'd be able to whale the rest of the stages. Not that I plan to, if I can avoid it, but this ship is a must-have for me, and I would if I absolutely had to.

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Posted (edited)

Week 4 done

  • Receive 15,000,000 Potential Damage
  • 250,000 Spotting Damage
  • Cause 2,000,000 Damage
  • 250 Bomb Hits (CV)
  • 120 Plane Kills (Cruiser)
  • 25 Citadels (BB)

What a royal PITA the planes down tasks have become. BB last week and Cruiser this week. Las week no one played CV because that task was ridiculous. This week the task wasn't bad but still not a ton of people playing CV so game after game with none. I got lucky and managed a 40+ and a 50+ game and then the rest were fighters. It's sad when you can do 2 million damage and get 15 million potential way easier than 120 plane kills. RNG was messing with me on the citadel hits too and giving me overpens on freaking broadside Cruiser hits, center of ship, at the waterline (yeah right WG) but eventually a couple big games with Slava ended it.

So, just 4 phases left to get Wisconsin as I bought both starter packs. Next week and then just 1 in week 6 and I'm done. Then I don't have to worry about the obnoxious grinds in the last couple weeks. I don't even care much about the duplicate compensation Steel. Just not killing myself grinding once I have Wisconsin.



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I finished the planes task using the Annapolis and Des Moines. I have their commanders specialized for AA. With the Des Moines, I was lucky there were battles in Asymmetric that featured Yorktowns and Lexingtons on the bot side; and when there were no CVs, there were hybrids. With the Annapolis, most of the planes shot down were from hybrids like Delaware. Annapolis' AA is amazing, but it was not that productive compared to facing waves of planes from bot CVs.

It was also a renewed test of restraint. I stopped shooting at CVs so that they can send more planes to my cruisers. For the potential damage mission, there was a time when 2 Clevelands and a Baltimore focused on my Preussen. Fortunately, as I closed the distance, they switched to AP where it all bounced away, resulting to a lot of potential damage in exchange for zero to minimal actual damage. Other tasks auto completed like the citadel mission for BBs and the cause blah blah blah amount of damage to ships.

For the torpedo spotting mission, the hydro of the Des Moines also helped a lot. And having the UU made it easier to approach torpedo-armed bot cruisers and dodge their torpedoes.



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I such a glutton for punishment! I am actually doing the dockyard on 2 accounts. Finished my regular acct for week 4 this morning as posted above. Got the 2nd one at 5/6 for week 4. Need 6.5 Million more potential and week 4 is done on acct 2. I have never tried to do the dockyard on 2 accts at once before but Wisconsin is worth it. But oy vey the grind. I think I need serious treatment from a mental health professional LOL. I wish I had got starter packs for this acct but wasn't sure I would progress far enough to warrant it. Oh well.

Not sure what I was thinking doing it 2X?


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4 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I such a glutton for punishment! I am actually doing the dockyard on 2 accounts. Finished my regular acct for week 4 this morning as posted above. Got the 2nd one at 5/6 for week 4. Need 6.5 Million more potential and week 4 is done on acct 2. I have never tried to do the dockyard on 2 accts at once before but Wisconsin is worth it. But oy vey the grind. I think I need serious treatment from a mental health professional LOL. I wish I had got starter packs for this acct but wasn't sure I would progress far enough to warrant it. Oh well.

Not sure what I was thinking doing it 2X?


I find it difficult and frustrating enough, to do it on one account, but two, no thanks, i value my sanity too much for that. 

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I finished week 4 today using Jean Bart for the BB citadels, Cossack for the caps and Hindenburg for the planes shoot-down.  The other three missions just fell into place along the way.

And no, I can't imagine doing the same on two accounts.  

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Also just finished.  The 120 aircraft kills was a lot less painful than I was expecting.  Finished it with the Martel and 40 kills


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Posted (edited)

Finished week 4 on the alt acct. Was going to wait for tomorrow but can't sleep and was bored so jumped on for a few games. Oh man the jerks are out in full force right now. Cutting people off, blocking shots and torps, ramming people in smoke on purpose, etc... Made finishing tough but got it done. On the alt acct I did...

  • Spot 120 Torps
  • Receive 15,000,000 Potential Damage
  • 250,000 Spotting Damage
  • Cause 2,000,000 Damage
  • 25 Citadels (BB)
  • 15 Caps (DD)

So 12/28 done (always had to buy 29 & 30). Man, I wish now I had bought at least 1 of the starter packs. Oh well. Just didn't look like I had it in me to do it 2X.

So, going forward week 5 is doable. It's way harder on the alt acct that only has like 60 ships vs my main one with close to 600 but I can still do it without too much blood, sweat, and tears. The worst part is going to be the CV task which I will be doing. That will bring it to 15/28.

Week 6 is where the roadblock arrives. The actual token tasks are ok it is the others that suck monkey butt. I think the plan is to get those 3 tokens which brings me to 18/28 and then just work at it as best I can moving forward and hope I can get a few more then buy it out at the end. I just don't have the fleet on the alt acct or the desire to grind what they ask of us. But, if I can get those 3 week 6 tokens at a minimum then buying it out gives Wisconsin and WV44 which will be worth it value wise. 

Only time will tell...

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Posted (edited)

Week 5 done

  • 40 Spotted
  • 50 Torpedo Hits
  • 15 Cap/Asst Cap
  • 9,500,000 Credits
  • 200 Planes (CV)
  • 90 Fires/Floods (Cruiser)

A healthy dose of Kaga, Enterprise, and Annapolis did the majority of the work. Needed 2 Missouri games and 1 Jean Bart game to finish the credit task for the final one.

Only need 1 building phase next week and Wisconsin is mine. I want the 250 steel for duplicate phases but might just call it good once I get Wisconsin and not go nuts on the grind. Thinking I might instead focus more on the alt acct that I didn't buy starter packs for and don't have WV44 on. Week 6-8 are totally nuts. No way I do that on 2 accounts.



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8 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Week 5 done

  • 40 Spotted
  • 50 Torpedo Hits
  • 15 Cap/Asst Cap
  • 9,500,000 Credits
  • 200 Planes (CV)
  • 90 Fires/Floods (Cruiser)

A healthy dose of Kaga, Enterprise, and Annapolis did the majority of the work. Needed 2 Missouri games and 1 Jean Bart game to finish the credit task for the final one.

Only need 1 building phase next week and Wisconsin is mine. I want the 250 steel for duplicate phases but might just call it good once I get Wisconsin and not go nuts on the grind. Thinking I might instead focus more on the alt acct that I didn't buy starter packs for and don't have WV44 on. Week 6-8 are totally nuts. No way I do that on 2 accounts.



Gosh darn AT, well done !!  I haven't even start yet with RL stuff taking my game time !!!

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Posted (edited)

This 200 planes task with CV is going to kill me on the alt acct. I only have Ranger and Saipan and it is BRUTAL!!!!

EDIT - FINALLY finished. I had 40+ planes I got yesterday. 22 games were needed today to get the last 150+ needed. UGH.

I finally had to ignore the strike planes unless I was way out back because it never fails if you need plane kills there is always a Worcester, Mino, Brisbane, IJN CL, etc... with 6.9km AA nearby that hoovers them before your fighters can even latch on.  Instead, I started dropping my fighters on the ones the red CV would drop which usually kept them far enough back I could get them before friendly AA got them.

3-5 at a whack is slow going though when you need 200 and you only get 2-3 chances at it a game. Got lucky in 2 games where I actually got past everyone and was able to get planes with the CV itself (43 once and 29 the other time). Otherwise, I would still be at it. Had games where I couldn't even get 1 plane down because my fighters flat out refused to latch on even with the red planes going right through the circle for them. So aggravating.

On my main acct I have every CV to choose from so I used ones with high fighter counts. Saipan was the best option of the 2 I have on the alt acct but OMG I want to gouge my eyes out now I am so sick of it LOL. I was tempted to buy Bearn for this but held firm and just made due with what I had because I am going to have to spend to get Wisconsin as is (and more than the 2 phases required) so I need to do the tasks grinding that I can do even if they suck. So glad it is done though because I was about to go bonkers.


Just need about 5 Million credits now and week 5 on the alt acct is done. Plenty of time to get that before next Wednesday.


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