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Am I the only one excited for WV44 instead of Wisconsin?


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I missed out on both WV's back when it was released, one of my biggest regrets. WV '41 can be bought, but 44 can't. So when they announced it would be a dockyard ship, I was extremely happy.

The wisconsin on the other hand....yeah I don't care too much for tier 10 gameplay to begin with. I already have the Iowa, its ok. Missouri holds no attraction. Those ships at tier 10? No thanks. 

I'm just worried about the grind for the WV44. Seriously contemplating spending some dubs for stages if need be. I saved all my big boosters for the last month to help with missions. Fingers crossed. 

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I got Missouri from a container a bit back and I agree generally. Her radar is almost useless cause you need a DD to spot for it(cause her concealment sucks, cruisers radar is often similar or nearly the same as concealment so they don’t need the DD). I think Missouri is only a good premium if you bought her way back when and have the unique credit earning effect(something you don’t get if you get her after the fact). She could be sold today without issue, she nor Iowa are that great.

I’m reserving judgement on Wisconsin(would’ve preferred New Jersey myself, but not a big deal) for the moment. I might get her depending on the YouTube gameplay and reviews. Her funny button has potential to be a powerful. On paper at least, hence why the wait for gameplay and reviews to see the actual potential in practice. If she didn’t have the funny button, I agree there would be no reason to get her outside of the collectors and historical significance. Her capabilities leave a lot to be desired when the funny button is ignored.

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24 minutes ago, MBT808 said:

I got Missouri from a container a bit back and I agree generally. Her radar is almost useless cause you need a DD to spot for it(cause her concealment sucks, cruisers radar is often similar or nearly the same as concealment so they don’t need the DD). I think Missouri is only a good premium if you bought her way back when and have the unique credit earning effect(something you don’t get if you get her after the fact). She could be sold today without issue, she nor Iowa are that great.

If you have the concealment module and a commander spec'd for concealment, you can get Missouri down to 12.7 km...which is very good for a battleship, especially one with Missouri's main gun punch. Add radar to that and you can have a very effective area denial package.  I have had numerous games where her radar was crucial and provided a significant late-game advantage (especially when my destroyer team mates got sunk early, which commonly happens).

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3 hours ago, desmo_2 said:

If you have the concealment module and a commander spec'd for concealment, you can get Missouri down to 12.7 km...which is very good for a battleship, especially one with Missouri's main gun punch. Add radar to that and you can have a very effective area denial package.  I have had numerous games where her radar was crucial and provided a significant late-game advantage (especially when my destroyer team mates got sunk early, which commonly happens).

You missed the point of what I was saying. The radar isn’t that crazy cause the gap between concealment and radar is huge, 3.2km a very healthy buffer zone for even bad DDs to avoid you completely. You need a DD to spot for you or an enemy DD to smoke up(and not move or generally not be a dumb dumb) in order to use the radar effectively. Otherwise, you will waste it. The requirement of having a DD to spot for you when most cruisers don’t need one is significant weakness. If your getting into a position to do area denial, you should be punished hard cause Missouri is not at all durable enough to be anywhere near the front lines(standard heal, not the improved heal of Iowa). You also have to have ships to capitalize on your radar, cause Missouri cannot capitalize on her radar(unless the target is already almost dead or a cruiser camping in smoke waiting to be devstruck). Any DD who knows what they’re doing, your radar is not a concern for the most part. Bottom line with the radar: radar cruisers do what Missouri does better.

The guns are okay, nothing to get excited about honestly. Georgia has way better guns comparably(and secondaries) and is better overall generally. Missouri isn’t an amazing ship gameplay wise, her single gimmick is only a threat to players who are either dumb/bad or unaware of it. Her legacy credit earning is her only notable feature, but that’s not attainable any more.

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13 minutes ago, MBT808 said:

The radar isn’t that crazy cause the gap between concealment and radar is huge, 3.2km a very healthy buffer zone for even bad DDs to avoid you completely.

A gap more than 0.3km is enough for a highly skilled destroyer gamer to lure his/her opponent to pop radar and then having the radar wasted by escaping from the radar range.

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2 hours ago, Project45_Opytny said:

A gap more than 0.3km is enough for a highly skilled destroyer gamer to lure his/her opponent to pop radar and then having the radar wasted by escaping from the radar range.

Based on how you worded your reply, if the radar cruiser is unspotted that close, by time you react, turn, and get moving in the other direction, you’ll be in radar range. 0.3km can be covered by the majority of DDs in a few seconds, if a said cruiser is moving towards you as well the distance will be closed even faster. You’d end up being in radar range in such a case for at least a portion of the radars action time.

I’d say, in a more feasible scenario, a gap of 1.5km is something you could avoid reasonably. 1km could be done, but you’re playing dangerously. The smaller the buffer zone, the better with radar cruisers(or no buffer zone at all, like with Brisbane).

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8 hours ago, mashed68 said:

I missed out on both WV's back when it was released, one of my biggest regrets. WV '41 can be bought, but 44 can't. So when they announced it would be a dockyard ship, I was extremely happy.

The wisconsin on the other hand....yeah I don't care too much for tier 10 gameplay to begin with. I already have the Iowa, its ok. Missouri holds no attraction. Those ships at tier 10? No thanks. 

I'm just worried about the grind for the WV44. Seriously contemplating spending some dubs for stages if need be. I saved all my big boosters for the last month to help with missions. Fingers crossed. 

If I hadn't gotten it from Satan Boxes, I would be in your boat. I don't care at all about Wisconsin, but WV44 is a great ship, at least for PvE. In operations and Asymmetrics, it easily punches one tier higher than it is. In some Ops I even outperform my Massa in it. One of the best Ops BBs there is.

Its lack of speed probably really hampers it in PvP though I guess.

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2 hours ago, MBT808 said:

Based on how you worded your reply, if the radar cruiser is unspotted that close, by time you react, turn, and get moving in the other direction, you’ll be in radar range. 0.3km can be covered by the majority of DDs in a few seconds, if a said cruiser is moving towards you as well the distance will be closed even faster. You’d end up being in radar range in such a case for at least a portion of the radars action time.

I’d say, in a more feasible scenario, a gap of 1.5km is something you could avoid reasonably. 1km could be done, but you’re playing dangerously. The smaller the buffer zone, the better with radar cruisers(or no buffer zone at all, like with Brisbane).

Perhaps the original poster is an unicum destroyer player then. He/she wrote a brief but intensive introduction to three parameters of the radar consumable: duration, range and concealment gap and how they would influence interaction between radar ships and destroyers, and the "0.3km" argument seems to be based on a set of very professional and dedicated bait-and-switch tactic against enemy radar: anticipate the enemy's likely route and position, turn around and use reverse to close up in advance, then once spotted apply Engine Boost and speed away (better if the enemy is lured to fire), return when radar duration ends.

For an ordinary or casual player I agree that your argument is correct. Though in any case, this means that Missouri's radar is more of a placebo than an actually useful game changer. Theoretically the bait-and-switch trick can even be performed by a stealthy cruiser or an Italian cruiser with full-throttle smoke in activation sailing in a right direction.

https://tieba.baidu.com/p/8637638794 Original post in Chinese. The post was originally intended as two introductions to Gdansk and Castilla respectively (and the introduction to radar and tactics was meant to be the basis on discussion on Gdansk's signature consumable), though the Castilla part has remained unfinished ever since.


I had some second thought and may be Missouri's radar is indeed more useful late game, due to perhaps a more urgent need to deliver a devastating blow quickly and with certainty in order to quickly and decisively alter a battle's outcome, may have destroyer players willing to take more risk and attempt a closer torpedo attack.

Edited by Project45_Opytny
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I have WV44 already and it is decent. WV44 is a secondary focused ship and if you get in range to use them it can be fun. However, 21 knot ships at T7, on big maps when bottom tier, will struggle to get into secondary range.

I am excited for Wisconsin personally. The ship looks really good. 

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BTW the WV44 is available in the Tier 7 crates in Armory in exchange for Community Tokens. Course I suppose it depends on your luck. I ended up with it because I owned almost all of the other tier 7 premiums. 

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I'm excited for both honestly. This is the first dockyard since PR 2 I'm interested in completing.

What can I say? USN ships just look cool.

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44 minutes ago, SolitudeFreak said:

I'm excited for both honestly. This is the first dockyard since PR 2 I'm interested in completing.

What can I say? USN ships just look cool.

And both of these ships were real and both have interesting history. 

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The funny thing is that I am not really looking to get Wisconsin but I likely will because I will play much more in the coming weeks because of asymmetric battles (gotta play them as much as possible while they're around). Provided that I can fulfill dockyard stuff in asyms, but since it worked last time and they said they would not nerf asyms in any way...

Can anyone confirm on deny whether the upcoming asyms will help with the upcoming dockyard?

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3 minutes ago, Kruzenstern said:

Can anyone confirm on deny whether the upcoming asyms will help with the upcoming dockyard?

Not until the server comes up so we can see the missions details.

I wish they would post the articles about these events BEFORE the events start. Give us a heads up of what we have to do. Also, kind of a waste to post them after the missions go live as we can just look in port at the actual missions and see.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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The server just came back so I went and looked for you. I can confirm that Asymmetric battles do in fact count towards dockyard missions.

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4 hours ago, Taylor3006 said:

BTW the WV44 is available in the Tier 7 crates in Armory in exchange for Community Tokens. Course I suppose it depends on your luck. I ended up with it because I owned almost all of the other tier 7 premiums. 

Its been a couple years and I don't have enough community tokens for a tier 4 crate lmao Tier 7 crate will never happen. 

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1 hour ago, mashed68 said:

Its been a couple years and I don't have enough community tokens for a tier 4 crate lmao Tier 7 crate will never happen. 

Play on PTS for max rewards each session and a tier VII crate will be available every 3 months or so, depending on how much is supplemented from Twitch or whatnot. 

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3 hours ago, mashed68 said:

Its been a couple years and I don't have enough community tokens for a tier 4 crate lmao Tier 7 crate will never happen. 

The tokens are easy to farm using the Twitch streams and PTS. I always try and keep 30k of them on hand just in case they add something I may like. Right now I have 52k because I don't want either of the ships I would end up if I bought the crates. 

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