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Idea for new mode, Reduced RNG


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with all the new modes why not give a try to one with reduced RNG? 

i am open to discussion how this mode should work but i was aiming to something along these lines:

main gun: general buff to all ships dispersion, In exchange elevation auto aim will be removed and  large caliber guns will receive a reduction in shell speed

fires: replace fire chance with a threshold. after receiving "x" amount of HE potential damage on a given section a fire will be started, modifiers that apply to fire chance will instead apply to the threshold. If the section does not receive HE damage in "x" time the threshold is reset.

flood: overpens and torpedo hits to the lower part of the mid section hull will always cause flooding.




Edited by pepe_trueno
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With the in-game structure in place... I dont think your idea will work.

Reworking everything for just a temp mode.. That's a monumental task.

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Ah, but the business model is intimately connected to the 'RNG'...

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The funny thing is that WoWs already features massively buffed gun performance compared to what real-world naval artillery was capable of by the mid-20th century... and ours never jam, overheat, or suffer premature shell detonations. Buffing guns to be FPS-accurate would break all sorts of other mechanics that would need to be rebalanced... probably even armor values and hitbox geometry. Imagine being able to cheek-cit a Yamato reliably with 203mm AP from max range! Sudden death, indeed.

Might be a fun trick for an event mode, though. When the timer ticks down far enough, or there are few enough ships left, or some other objective condition is achieved, everybody gets a -50% dispersion buff to ensure maximum carnage in the endgame. Or a free-for-all mode where every time someone dies, every surviving player gets -5% dispersion so that the pace of the action just gets faster and faster...

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One thing to keep in mind is that the RNG can make you hit more times perhaps not percentagewise but more salvos will give a hit. Say that you fire on a manouvering DD at long distance the RNG might help you to get a hit after all as you target an area so to speak instead of a much smaller area which you suggest. The first thing gets you a better likelyhood to hit with say 1-2 hits while your suggestion will produce far more zero hits as the target did a small course adjustment. Otoh more hits the few times you were lucky.

USN in f.e. Samar (if I remember correctly from memory)  battle commented on the tightly grouped near misses that IJN ships fired, but they might have been too tight i.e. they missed many salvos. It is with shell flight times easier to avoid being hit totally if the spread is too narrow. 


Edited by Gnirf
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Didn't the playerbase took out pitchforks because of a 10% dispersion buff from deadeye?

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2 minutes ago, Verytis said:

Didn't the playerbase took out pitchforks because of a 10% dispersion buff from deadeye?

Deadeye, though many were up at arms about it... %10 dispersion was the scapegoat for anger at the company. Not about the percentage at all.

Dispersion, only improves with sigma value. The improvement was in the minds of the players' now thinking they have improved.

Prime example of the placebo affect. It was evident, the improvement was minimal at best, number wise.

From then till present day. The argument causing the %10 dispersion myth is still used at present today. Now, its a different bogey man, Subs.

Usually, the ones with pitch forks are the ones who were sunk in a fantastic manner.  

In the end, the conditions complained about haven't changed.. Now, people forget how to use the overwhelming force a ship in WOWS has.

I'm starting to think, living in bliss is probably for the best for all.

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I'd love the idea but... there's a lot of players who might not, and a lot of people over at WG who most likely wouldn't. I'd expect hits to go down, DMG to go down, and battles would likely last a little longer than now. On average, that is. Like I said, I wouldn't mind myself.

In short, we'd be getting a 'thinking man's game' instead of the current 'blind man's buff'.

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6 hours ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

The funny thing is that WoWs already features massively buffed gun performance compared to what real-world naval artillery was capable of by the mid-20th century... and ours never jam, overheat, or suffer premature shell detonations.

This.  ^^^^

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12 hours ago, pepe_trueno said:

with all the new modes why not give a try to one with reduced RNG? 

i am open to discussion how this mode should work but i was aiming to something along these lines:

main gun: general buff to all ships dispersion, In exchange elevation auto aim will be removed and  large caliber guns will receive a reduction in shell speed

fires: replace fire chance with a threshold. after receiving "x" amount of HE potential damage on a given section a fire will be started, modifiers that apply to fire chance will instead apply to the threshold. If the section does not receive HE damage in "x" time the threshold is reset.

flood: overpens and torpedo hits to the lower part of the mid section hull will always cause flooding.

When a CV's Armor-Piercing Bombs over-penetrate a ship, shouldn't they cause flooding?
But, most of the time, they don't.

Surprise, surprise.  🙂 

Even though ships become more "lethal" to other ships as one sails up the ladder of tiers, the game still offers some element of "chance" for things to work well or not work as planned during game-play.  🙂 
Hence the occasional "pleasant surprise" or "What the F<bleep>?!?!" moments.  🙂 


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