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Clan Battles "Polar Bear" (aka Piniata) season


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Announcement here for the (3 week!) season


Note that this will include "Support Consumables" from Piniata hunt (including mines, and fleet maneuver speed boost and...). The only consumable it will NOT include is the (obvious to everyone broken) shield of invulnerability.

Further evidence that this is not a "serious" season:


I'm hoping for a "real" season of T7/8 - I think that would include a lot of interesting play, and most of the ships at those tiers were real ships. Will you take DD's at T8 (because that concealment module makes a big difference) or Radar cruisers? Almost all T7 cruisers get overmatched by 15" shells so the BB selection would be a lot more "interesting" as well.

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I would definitely like to see something besides the constant Tier X/XI seasons we’ve been getting recently, and split tiers could certainly be interesting at other tiers  (with a limit on the higher tier, of course). But Tier VII/VIII probably wouldn’t work as well just because there’s such a big mechanics difference between the two.

Concealment mod for destroyers and even cruisers, radar on cruisers besides two premiums (one of which will almost certainly be restricted or banned anyway). Armor differences on cruisers and battleships, plus HE pen differences on otherwise similar or identical CL guns. If you’re dealing with brawling BBs, secondary range too. 

The radar’s one of the big issues, imo. Without as much possibility of radar, you’re probably going to end up with a smoke heavy meta (think of the two Tier VI seasons). And if you have one Tier VIII max, you either have to make that one of your cruisers (and even then really only one of a couple options), or you get a case of the haves and have nots of who has Atlanta (since I’d be shocked if Belfast doesn’t get banned or heavily restricted, and if it doesn’t, it’s even more of a have/have not). 

Tier VI/VII would definitely be fun to see, and even a return of Tier VIII or IX (or a VIII/IX split season) might be interesting. But VII/VIII has too many potential issues to really be viable. 

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2 hours ago, SureBridge said:

I'm hoping for a "real" season of T7/8 - I think that would include a lot of interesting play, and most of the ships at those tiers were real ships. Will you take DD's at T8 (because that concealment module makes a big difference) or Radar cruisers? Almost all T7 cruisers get overmatched by 15" shells so the BB selection would be a lot more "interesting" as well.

I hope Wargaming never gives us another season below Tier 10. The only people who benefit from it are whales with a massive arsenal of premiums to play at those tiers. 

Having "real ships" shouldn't be a factor for the foremost competitive mode of the game. 

There would be absolutely 0 point to bringing a Tier 7 DD that gets outspotted, outgunned, and out torped by their T8 counterparts. 

Every tier besides Tier 10 is not viable for Clan Battles. All the non tier 10 season have been absolutely miserable.  


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On 4/6/2024 at 2:30 PM, Unlooky said:

Every tier besides Tier 10 is not viable for Clan Battles. All the non tier 10 season have been absolutely miserable.

I'll have to respectfully disagree with this. I had a lot of fun in the T8/9 clan battles and it took some skull sweat to figure out what ship mixes worked well, and which didn't. Some mixes were great on some and miserable on others. It was also an opportunity to grind a couple of ship lines: I ground out the Russian DD and CA lines (Kiev is still one of my favorite ships) and reground my Akazuki (reset for RB).

I also think that the T6 season encouraged more people to play - there are (were) lots of clans that didn't have a lot of T10 ships, so the lower tier battles let folks try out a competitive environment. I agree with @MidnightPhoenix07 that the smoke got old pretty darn fast, but my Graf Spee and Nurenberg  (and their 6 k hydro) had much fun going after DD's.

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Just now, SureBridge said:

'll have to respectfully disagree with this. I had a lot of fun in the T8/9 clan battles and it took some skull sweat to figure out what ship mixes worked well, and which didn't. Some mixes were great on some and miserable on others. It was also an opportunity to grind a couple of ship lines: I ground out the Russian DD and CA lines (Kiev is still one of my favorite ships) and reground my Akazuki (reset for RB).

I also think that the T6 season encouraged more people to play - there are (were) lots of clans that didn't have a lot of T10 ships, so the lower tier battles let folks try out a competitive environment. I agree with @MidnightPhoenix07 that the smoke got old pretty darn fast, but my Graf Spee and Nurenberg  (and their 6 k hydro) had much fun going after DD's.

They're tolerable for maybe 1-2 weeks max. I wouldn't care as much if these were shortened seasons, but these absolutely should not be full duration CB seasons. Perhaps a WoT esque side competitive mode for clans would be suitable for them. They're just not fun to play at all imo. 

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That is just it, only in your opinion. Others would find it quite preferred to the boredom fest that is dealing with 90% of the matches being the same two dozen objectively "best" T10s over and over and over. Because that is what it devolves into time and time again.

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