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Flambass about the unwillingness of WG fixing balance problems and other quite obvious things.


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A topic of utmost interest as everyone will attest. Discussed during the first five minutes of the video. 

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Do you agree with him or have your own thoughts?

Seems a bit of a pointless post just to link someone else's video...

It's not that hard to make decent original content posts...is it?

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i think it's spite at this point.  They see their numbers crashing and don't want to admit they have a lower iq than a video game player.

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the real question is how you monetize game fixes (charging players for it)

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The real question is what was Flambass talking about? He didn’t really answer the question sounds like a politician.

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WG won't, imo, fix their myriad problems with WoWS. Far too late for WG to ever change it's behaviour.

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2 hours ago, Aethervox said:

WG won't, imo, fix their myriad problems with WoWS. Far too late for WG to ever change it's behaviour.

As Flambass suggests, WG refuses to accept that they are doing or have done wrong. For them everything seems to be just fine. A few but crucial mistakes could be fixed immediately and with ease. Like even distribution of good / average and bad players on teams in PvP, not skilled based but as a percentage. Same for ships with their distinct characteristics, not distributing the main body of really potent ships to one team, etc. In their arrogance towards their customers they are going to do nothing I would assume. 

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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

It's not that hard to make decent original content posts...is it?

You shouldn't try to patronize me! You are missing all the prerequisites of doing so IMO. I do as I want to and think it's adequate. Your opinion about how I should handle things is of little relevance. You are writing a lot at times, pretty often a lot of rubbish IMO, but I don't interfere because it's important for you and your own decision. 

Edited by OT2_2
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Anither rant video by one of the CC hypocrites, this time I wont even bother listening through it as its repeating the "same old same old" WG wont "fix" anything as they dont think there is anything to fix... From their POV they develop the game they want, they have the audeince they want and they get the cash flow they want, if that wasnt the case they would have already put the game to the axe, lets not kidd ourselves here WG doesnt have any emotional attachement to WOWS whatsoever also the MM "inbalances" are there on purpose, stomps and unwinable games are all part of the moetizing strategy and it works...

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I honestly think WG has NO IDEA how to balance their game at this point. They have been focused on flooding the game with so much OP/Unbalanced ships and classes for years and years so now its almost impossible for them to even attempt to do so.

Just look at CVs! They have been in the game for 9 years ..... 9 YEARS ... and they still are trying to "balance" them, the recent attempts coming soon with different spotting mechanics and different altitudes for their squadrons?! Which will probably end up fixing ONE problem while also creating TWO new ones.

Now they are "trying" to balance subs, I bet you anything that if this game is still alive in five years, they will still try and "balance" subs.

Another great sign on they attempts on "Balancing" ships:

  • Nerfing OG OP Kremlin by nerfing its AA.....?
  • Nerfing OG OP Khaba by nerfing its torps.....?!

So yeah, my advice since a while back is just stop caring about anything about this game, it will never get "fixed" or "balanced". Either stop playing it or just try and get as good games you can each time even tho MM pairs you will players who seem to be playing the game for the first time .... at T10.

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5 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

You shouldn't try to patronize me! You are missing all the prerequisites of doing so IMO. I do as I want to and think it's adequate. Your opinion about how I should handle things is of little relevance. You are writing a lot at times, pretty often a lot of rubbish IMO, but I don't interfere because it's important for you and your own decision. 

Just hoping to get your opinion...I can get flambass whenever I go to his social channels.

Your opinion is of more interest to me.

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2 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I honestly think WG has NO IDEA how to balance their game at this point. They have been focused on flooding the game with so much OP/Unbalanced ships and classes for years and years so now its almost impossible for them to even attempt to do so.

Just look at CVs! They have been in the game for 9 years ..... 9 YEARS ... and they still are trying to "balance" them, the recent attempts coming soon with different spotting mechanics and different altitudes for their squadrons?! Which will probably end up fixing ONE problem while also creating TWO new ones.

Now they are "trying" to balance subs, I bet you anything that if this game is still alive in five years, they will still try and "balance" subs.

Another great sign on they attempts on "Balancing" ships:

  • Nerfing OG OP Kremlin by nerfing its AA.....?
  • Nerfing OG OP Khaba by nerfing its torps.....?!

So yeah, my advice since a while back is just stop caring about anything about this game, it will never get "fixed" or "balanced". Either stop playing it or just try and get as good games you can each time even tho MM pairs you will players who seem to be playing the game for the first time .... at T10.

Heh.  I liked your last sentence the most.

Yeah, years of some players being dissatisfied and others happily playing the game.
While everyone has their own ideas about what the "best" solutions for improvemment are. 
And the solutions may vary considerably from player to player (from banning certain ship types to minor tweaks of game mechanics and everything in-between).

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20 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Do you agree with him or have your own thoughts?

Seems a bit of a pointless post just to link someone else's video...

It's not that hard to make decent original content posts...is it?

I don't often agree with everything you say, but this is one of those times. 

7 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

While everyone has their own ideas about what the "best" solutions for improvemment are. 

I keep on thinking of that Simpson's episode where Homer's rich industrialist brother allows Homer to design the new car that is going to make or break his fortunes. The car is a complete disaster and Homer's brother is ruined.

This is why WG doesn't want to listen too hard to any one section of the playerbase, particularly to the ones who make the most noise.

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4 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

particularly to the ones who make the most noise.

Which reminds me of this ...


4. My rifle and myself know that what counts in this war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit….


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When you can see some of the players opine in certain areas like twitch streams and discord, they actually complain as opposed to being constructive. Consequently they are usually ignored because it is really over the top as far as complaining goes. 

Generally, the best policy is to have solutions prepared, if you wish to be listened to. This is not always easy or the case. Being the squeaky wheel alone is not necessarily going to get one the attention they seek.

I have seen some solutions brought to bear or times where there was a complaint/issue brought up and a solution that seemed to be satisfactory to wg and was implemented like spawning subs closer to the action as opposed to farther from it.

They have to filter the noise, realise that some complainers will never be happy, and try to do what is best for the majority; all without breaking something else. The loudest are generally in the minority. If you consider for a moment the sample of participants in areas vs. the thousands of players [even if it is less now than before] the thousands of players command attention in ways. The players are voting with their feet by playing consistently even in the face of what might be considered broken, there are still thousands of players. You also have to consider that new, consistent players don't really miss what is missing or know about before until they hear veterans in places like this forum. [While the forum is growing, it is very small considering the player base.]

It is my opinion that wg is trying. They do have access to information that we don't have.


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Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, thornzero said:

It is my opinion that wg is trying. They do have access to information that we don't have.

I admire your faith in a company like WG with its doubtful reputation, and maybe you should ask yourself why they are sitting on information nobody else has access to. Transparency looks very much different IMO.

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Do you really think they will sabotage themselves in a 2oo billion dollar marketplace, of which they have a sliver?

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On 4/6/2024 at 4:14 AM, OT2_2 said:

A topic of utmost interest as everyone will attest. Discussed during the first five minutes of the video. 

Considering, Flambass is a dependent of WG.. At the same time, has contributed to the problem over the years with his Raging for views videos. Milking every viewer over the imaginary anger he has cultivated. 

He doesn't have the correct mentality nor the position to diagnose the problem. He's a content creator. He really, doesn't have any other title/duties or responsibilities.

His opinion, shouldn't be taken anymore serious or taken to heart then say The Mighty Jingles.

So how do I know WOWS is losing members (even though from a Statistics POV it loses people daily)? When People like Flamu, Flambass, Sea Lord, or Potato Quality, start getting desperate. As a result, they will get desperate as numbers tank (WOWS are stable but not growing, though, people leave daily without announcement).

Double down for WG to fix issues perceived as beneficial to them and their viewership. Instead of actual critical review from someone with actual brains in the background of game design.

Why would you as a Chef/cook, to fix or bake a cake? Two different disciplines but same scenery, the Kitchen.

So why would we take these raging for views "content creators" opinion, if this is not the area of his expertise, butt out IMHO.


Now, I've been critical of WG and I still am. I've also been a vocal advocate of Toxic Content creators dependent (economically) on WG.

I think, if the trend continues.. Flambass has two years or less creating what he knows works. As I hear him now, he's on pure will power to complete his basic Content Creator task...

Not good in the long run.

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6 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

and maybe you should ask yourself why they are sitting on information nobody else has access to.

It's called corporate privilege, and you will find the competition engaging in exactly the same thing.

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6 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

I admire your faith in a company like WG with its doubtful reputation, and maybe you should ask yourself why they are sitting on information nobody else has access to. Transparency looks very much different IMO.

Every multi-million dollar corporation of any country doing business in a given sector... Will have, company secretes.

Its there right as a company to do so AND... According to the US Supreme Court, company entities are considered people (as told by Senator Mitt Romney). With that in mind, Companies have the right to secrets and privacy, as if they're considered a named person.

Remember, transparency is a privileged, not a right. The only way to break the vile of privacy is by a court order.. Sometimes by law, the court can't order to release any information under the law and will keep send information under seal.





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On 4/7/2024 at 2:56 AM, WES_HoundDog said:

i think it's spite at this point.  They see their numbers crashing and don't want to admit they have a lower iq than a video game player.

Who is they? 

Do you mean War Gaming?

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14 hours ago, Yedwy said:

rant video by one of the CC hypocrites,

Why are they hypocrites?

Do you know the correct definition of a hypocrite?

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14 hours ago, Yedwy said:

the MM "inbalances" are there on purpose, stomps and unwinable games are all part of the moetizing strategy and it works...

From a statistician POV... There's no documentation or any other supporting data. To suggest, MM is imbalanced, stomp are on purpose, and unwinnable games happen consistently ( from time to time youll have one).. 

MM is set up to have manageable threats (at least in WG/WOWS POV). You know the capabilities in a given tier spread of operation.

The only recognized unfair match up that is documented so far... Is the tier 8 soviet BB BoroDino VS a tier 6 DD. 

  • The Radar encompasses the range of the majority of the tier 6 DD offensive capabilities.

One sided wins AND loses happen its part of the game.. Its more evident at high tier.. The only place where One sided wins happen with %90 of the time.. The Kiddie pool Co-op.

If we want fair matches as I think you do.. We have to relinquish our thirst for more power ships, more capable ships. start nerfing High tier ships.

Since we like MORE boom/power and explosions.. One sided matches will only get worse. Its the sided affect of our thirst for being all powerful.

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2 hours ago, majmac said:

Why are they hypocrites?

Do you know the correct definition of a hypocrite?

Honestly flambass is 100% a hypocrite. If you want to know what CC's (or former CC's) and streamers are hypocrites he is definitely one of them. The biggest and most glaring example with flambass is how he rails against CV's and how they ruin the game.

  • Yet he himself plays a ton of Eagle which is one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, CV's in game.
  • If he is in a surface ship and is attacked by the CV he whines and complains.
  • When he is in a CV he says a lot of stuff in ways that makes me think of a griefer mentality as he is attacking the reds because of how he says it tbh (not necessarily in game chat but just on his stream as he talks) and seems to enjoy it a bit too much for someone who supposedly hates CV's.
  • He complains AA is useless when facing a CV and then complains if he losses planes to AA if playing them.
  • He constantly does the whole "gee they had a fun and engaging game" thing when a CV kills a ship (god forbid it is a DD then he has a stroke because it is so unfair) yet when he does it he loves to say things like "get wrecked B*tch" and so forth.
  • It seems like if he wants to play them it's ok but if others do it's the worst thing ever.

 Wouldn't the above qualify as a hypocrite in action? IF he truly hated CV's as much as he says, and they are so bad for the game, he should stand by his belief's and convictions and not play them at all let alone so often and enjoy it so much. Total hypocrite IMHO. And, I am not saying any of this as a CV (or flambass) hater or defender. Just a simple unbiased observation of him. There are other things he does that are hypocritical but this is the big one with him specifically.

I really used to like the kid. He was always happy and laughed and joked around. His streams and youtube stuff were fun to watch. He really needs to move on completely though from WOWS at this point. He clearly hates WG and the game and when he does play it generally he does nothing but complain, whine, and rant about it. Just move on already with well wishes.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Honestly flambass is 100% a hypocrite. If you want to know what CC's (or former CC's) and streamers are hypocrites he is definitely one of them. The biggest and most glaring example with flambass is how he rails against CV's and how they ruin the game.

  • Yet he himself plays a ton of Eagle which is one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, CV's in game.
  • If he is in a surface ship and is attacked by the CV he whines and complains.
  • When he is in a CV he says a lot of stuff in ways that makes me think of a griefer mentality as he is attacking the reds because of how he says it tbh (not necessarily in game chat but just on his stream as he talks) and seems to enjoy it a bit too much for someone who supposedly hates CV's.
  • He complains AA is useless when facing a CV and then complains if he losses planes to AA if playing them.
  • He constantly does the whole "gee they had a fun and engaging game" thing when a CV kills a ship (god forbid it is a DD then he has a stroke because it is so unfair) yet when he does it he loves to say things like "get wrecked B*tch" and so forth.
  • It seems like if he wants to play them it's ok but if others do it's the worst thing ever.

 Wouldn't the above qualify as a hypocrite in action? IF he truly hated CV's as much as he says, and they are so bad for the game, he should stand by his belief's and convictions and not play them at all let alone so often and enjoy it so much. Total hypocrite IMHO. And, I am not saying any of this as a CV (or flambass) hater or defender. Just a simple unbiased observation of him. There are other things he does that are hypocritical but this is the big one with him specifically.

I really used to like the kid. He was always happy and laughed and joked around. His streams and youtube stuff were fun to watch. He really needs to move on completely though from WOWS at this point. He clearly hates WG and the game and when he does play it generally he does nothing but complain, whine, and rant about it. Just move on already with well wishes.

I really hate the whole stigma of 'griefing' in this game.

The game is literally designed for each class to have a way to absolutely wreck the day of another ship in the right circumstances...i.e., the game is designed to foster the behavior folks claim is 'griefing'...

...yet people demand that no one 'grief.'

It's absurd hypocritical rationalizations.

The game is a meme arcade where 'griefing' is a main selling point for the monetization strategy.

If you don't like 'griefing', find another game.

Note: the definition of 'griefing' above is not the commonly used definition outside of the game...i.e., a bad faith player trolling others using aspects of the game for purpose they were not designed to perform.

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