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What will you do with "excess" of "Commonwealth Cruiser Tokens"?


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Hi all,

What will you do with "excess" of "Commonwealth Cruiser Tokens"?

I have 450 remaining (yes - just 50 short of Tier VI - but this is how WG planned it)... 😞


Leo "Apollo11"

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8 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

What will you do with "excess" of "Commonwealth Cruiser Tokens"?

I have 450 remaining (yes - just 50 short of Tier VI - but this is how WG planned it)... 😞


Leo "Apollo11"

I'm not gonna lose sleep over it.
The Commonwealth line of ships will become "tech-tree" soon enough.

Will surplus tokens be automatically converted to credits?

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Credits. I'm pixel-poor again.

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1 hour ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

What will you do with "excess" of "Commonwealth Cruiser Tokens"?

I have 450 remaining (yes - just 50 short of Tier VI - but this is how WG planned it)... 😞


Leo "Apollo11"

I concluded after some thought when I realized that I would reach the 20 mark quite easy, have not missed any points that it was after all tolerable to pay for the premium, then I reached T7 as I had the Mysore so I will get that + the 10 p real captain if I want. I might if I splash doubloons have the T8 within reach that will get the T9 ecobonus. That I will not decide until after this update or when it is not possible to get more tokens. I know that many think my reasoning are wrong but a T9 booster are useful. I am fairly certain that these smoke cruisers are a line I might consider regrinding in a very slow fashion (even in coop to a large part) so high tier boosters are nice. 

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I probably use it for the cheap stuff in the section.

For me, this whole new cruiser line went obsolete after they gave Venezia the Sub tools, it will always do the same job but just 100 times better than this new line. Also Nuke any DD it sees ....... or any broadside BB ...... or any angles BB ...... or everything else....

I wont be wasting time on grinding this meeh line.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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Well, 10-point captains from the event for the Commonwealth are 300 tokens each, limit of two, so there is that.

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17 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

What will you do with "excess" of "Commonwealth Cruiser Tokens"?

I have 450 remaining (yes - just 50 short of Tier VI - but this is how WG planned it)... 😞


Leo "Apollo11"

Have you fixed all codes  - there has been at least 3- or 4 I think that is more than 50 tokens Leo!

Edit: Note to self think before you write , it is only for the premium route as other have stated.

Edited by Gnirf
Incorrect post so edited
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9 minutes ago, Gnirf said:

Have you fixed all codes  - there has been at least 3- or 4 I think that is more than 50 tokens Leo!

The codes give progress points not tokens, that means it's only helpful when you have paid for the second progression line, otherwise you are 50 tokens short no matter what you do.

Edited by UnrepentantSinner
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5 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

What will you do with "excess" of "Commonwealth Cruiser Tokens"?

I have 450 remaining (yes - just 50 short of Tier VI - but this is how WG planned it)... 😞


Leo "Apollo11"

I’ll go further than my above post: the “so near, and yet so far” surplus of 450 tokens is designed to get players past the emotional hurdle to paying: Plunk down the 2500 doubloons, and you instantly get enough tokens to get the next ship. Plunk down the 2500 doubloons, AND grind to the 20th stage, and you have enough to get the next ship after that as well.

I’ll throw down a “Ol’ Utt Buggly is off the rails” thought: if you’re a player normally given to buying 10-point captains from the Armory at 1500 doubloons per pop, throwing down 2500 doubloons gets you over the hurdle for getting the T5 ship, and leaves you enough tokens to get two 10-point captains, for the 2500 doubloons.

I’ve never bought a captain for 1500 doubloons, myself.

(but I am off the rails, because you could get those two captains for free if you don’t/didn’t by the T5, and get both of those captains with tokens from the free side of the event.)

Just helping any of you guys who may be looking for justifications to throw down.

The best justification may be Perth for the 2500 Ds. But I already have one.

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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9 minutes ago, UnrepentantSinner said:

The codes give progress points not tokens, that means it's only helpful when you have paid for the second progression line, otherwise you are 50 tokens short no matter what you do.

This guy has it right, here.

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34 minutes ago, UnrepentantSinner said:

The codes give progress points not tokens, that means it's only helpful when you have paid for the second progression line, otherwise you are 50 tokens short no matter what you do.

I think I might take the tack I mentioned above: I’m sitting on 100 tokens right now, 45 points shy of netting the final 500 tokens. When I get those 500, I’m thinking of foregoing the ship that it does allow me to get, and get the two copies of the 10-point captain in the armory. That’s the equivalent of 370,000-ish ECXP. And with FXP being freely exchangeable for ECXP at 1:1, foregoing the ship is mathematically equivalent to

“Someday” having to spend 50-70k FXP on some ship I’ll need to research “someday,”
but pocketing the equivalent of 370k ECXP.

With having burned my ECXP reserve for the prior season of Ranked, I rather prefer this path - it puts two viable captains into a tech tree line that needs them

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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I'll probably exchange them for credits as I just got the Shimakaze which set me back 16 million credits. 

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17 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

I’m thinking of foregoing the ship that it does allow me to get, and get the two copies of the 10-point captain in the armory. That’s the equivalent of 370,000-ish ECXP. And with FXP being freely exchangeable for ECXP at 1:1, foregoing the ship is mathematically equivalent to

“Someday” having to spend 50-70k FXP on some ship I’ll need to research “someday,”
but pocketing the equivalent of 370k ECXP.

Good point, i decided to get the Delhi (always on the lookout for more ships to collect Snowflakes, even though i'm not really interested in her or the rest of the line) and the rest of the tokens i will spend on commanders and credits, looking back getting only the commanders might have been smarter i admit.

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The only thing I want from the commonwealth release line is credits. 

Researching and buying those first 5 ships that I could get with tokens is a lot cheaper credit wise then the amount of credits those tokens get me. 

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After obtaining a 10 pt & a 6 pt Cpt, I will simply use any excess Com tokens for signal flags.

I refuse to get suckered into anything Wedgie now offers. I will wait for the Com Cruisers I want to play when they are free to obtain by credits.

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1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

After obtaining a 10 pt & a 6 pt Cpt, I will simply use any excess Com tokens for signal flags.

I refuse to get suckered into anything Wedgie now offers. I will wait for the Com Cruisers I want to play when they are free to obtain by credits.

There's a limit on how many signal flags you can get...I would have spent them all on that had there not been.

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11 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

What will you do with "excess" of "Commonwealth Cruiser Tokens"?

I have 450 remaining (yes - just 50 short of Tier VI - but this is how WG planned it)... 😞


Leo "Apollo11"

I recommend signals, commander and a camo

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6 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

because you could get those two captains for free if you don’t/didn’t by the T5, and get both of those captains with tokens from the free side of the event.)

I used my tokens to welcome the Commanders, one each.

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I just finished the mission chain and after buying the two unique captains, figure I will let the last 610 tokens convert to credits. Will end up with almost 5 million credits doing that. Buying the ships is a waste IMHO. I don't need any of the 3 point captains nor do I need port slots. The low tier stuff will only sell for a small amount of credits so spending the tokens seems a bad deal for me.  I plan on just using FXP to buy the tier 5 when they go live. That won't be much and FXP has little value for me since they removed the ability to buy special/premium ships with that resource. I also don't care about Research Bureau stuff so it seems a good use for just skipping over the early ships. 

I think for players who are short of port slots, buying the ships using tokens is a good deal.  

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14 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Will surplus tokens be automatically converted to credits?

I assume they will BUT not positive. After reading your post I decided to just spend the tokens myself and get my credits. Better to be safe than sorry. 

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Bought the historic Canadian Captain Murray, but the rest will go to credits.  I'll agree with @Taylor3006 and get them myself, just in case 🙂 

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  There was this in the news article, concerning unused tokens:



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11 hours ago, UnrepentantSinner said:

The codes give progress points not tokens, that means it's only helpful when you have paid for the second progression line, otherwise you are 50 tokens short no matter what you do.

Yes you are ofc correct so I have edited my post

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Recruit historical commander Leonard Murray and spend the remainder on one "Blue Coral" or "Blue Lagoon" permacamo.

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will be just credits for me  as you can only get a limit amount of signals 

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