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Next x2 reset for RB when?


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Thought you were able to find the information in the RB reset screen ingame but cant find it?!

Anyone knows?

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It is usually displayed in the tech tree if you scroll all the way down.

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22 days, according to the Tech Tree screen.

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Where do you guys see this? I try and hover over the symbol, I even click reset and try and find the info on the RB reset page/screen!?

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Scroll right to the bottom of the Tech Tree page and its under "Resetting Progress".

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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, desmo_2 said:


If you have mods, your screen may not look like this:



Ok ........... its official ...... Im Blind as a bat! .......... and probably old and crap..........


Many Tanks! 

Admins you can now delete this thread and maybe use on of those flashy things from Men in Black on all that viewed this thread ................ and probably just delete my account.............. 🤪

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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38 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Admins you can now delete this thread and maybe use on of those flashy things from Men in Black on all that viewed this thread


Poof...your mind is erased 🤣.

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