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Weekend Spree, 29 to 31 March 2024

Ensign Cthulhu

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A little of this and a little of that. Sort of meandered through the weekend, polishing off a few of the tasks from the Five Epochs campaign.

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The main thing so far was finishing my Johan to GL grind by farming ~180k xp in four days in pinata. Now back to basically only having destroyer grinds in progress, until Asymmetric returns (if I decide to suffer with Lepanto this time around) or until the Commonwealth cruisers are researchable. 

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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Visited my family for Easter brunch, today.  Was a good time.  🙂 

Played a mostly WOWs during the past week, with a changeover to playing Star Trek Online Friday and Saturday.

In WOWs, I earned enough Pinata Hunt tokens to acquire the Pinata Commemorative Flag.
Next on my to-do list is to acquire one or more of the permanent camouflages.

In Star Trek Online, I completed my collection of a 3-piece set of equipment available from the Romulan "reputation" system. 
~[Console - Universal - Zero-Point Energy Conduit Mk XII]
~[Romulan Hyper-Plasma Torpedo Launcher Mk XII]
~[Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array Mk XII]

In addition, I splurged on "Master Keys" and unlocked a number of "Infinity Lock-boxes" in an effort to acquire "Corrosive plasma" weapons available either directly from the lock-boxes or via the exchange of Lobi-crystals (which are provided, in random amounts, when the lock-boxes are opened) in the Lobi-store on Drozana Space Station.
~Corrosive Plasma Beam Array
~Corrosive Plasma Torpedo Launcher
~Corrosive Plasma Blast Mine Launcher

I was curious about them and acquired them mostly as "novelty items".  Upon testing them, two out of three were satisfactory and functional.
The mine-launcher didn't quite satisfy me, so I reverted to using a normal plasma mine-launcher.

For the curious, the equipment was installed on a Faeht Intel Warbard that I'm tinkering with.  https://stowiki.net/wiki/Faeht_Intel_Warbird

During the process, the lock-boxes provided other items that I wasn't specifically interested in. 
Some of them I placed in my character's "bank" for possible future use.  Other items I recycled or sold on the in-game "Exchange".

Was notified about @Ensign Cthulhu's Twitch stream by the Twitch app on my phone, but didn't arrive in time to view him live (Saturday).

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Started the journey to get to a good site to see the eclipse next week.  So, as a tribute to the beginning of the trip, I played the Phoenix and Arizona on the PTS yesterday, and the Texas today.  Other than that, most of the time was spend on Interstate-10.

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For this weekend I tried the NBs for EU & NA. Both NBs were simply where your clan ranked in the group (whatever that is). On NA we probably were down at the bottom somewhere. In EU my clan got 2nd in group but that wasn't good enough for anything (apparently). Even NBs are beginning, perhaps, to be useless.

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out of town this weekend, so only able to play 3-4 games.

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On 4/1/2024 at 9:12 AM, Aethervox said:

In EU my clan got 2nd in group but that wasn't good enough for anything (apparently). Even NBs are beginning, perhaps, to be useless.

NBs are the key for any clan to get oil to continue to build out the port.  Even with a loss, you still receive oil.  The base XP ones vary from rather easy to somewhat hard depending on the team play; the ribbons or damaged ones are usually a blast.

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