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When is Too Much Too Much?

Jakob Knight

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Sea Lord put out his latest video, and I find it interesting that apparently even he is questioning if WG is overdoing their Sub nerfs.....



When I saw the massive increases in depth charge drops, I knew it was going to be a significant hit against Subs at a time when they are already dealing with a series of serious nerfs.  It seems I'm not alone.


I hope WG is taking note of the effects of their changes, or has someone in-office ready to tell them when they have gone too far in the other direction.



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Well.. Sealord and the other players' complain about sub..

  • WG does major changes to keep the complainers happy.

Now they're complaining WG is going to far...

Nothing new... This is an old tale since 0.8.0 series...

Be Careful what you demand from WG... You may not like the final product.

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45 minutes ago, Navalpride33 said:

Well.. Sealord and the other players' complain about sub..

  • WG does major changes to keep the complainers happy.

Now they're complaining WG is going to far...

Nothing new... This is an old tale since 0.8.0 series...

Be Careful what you demand from WG... You may not like the final product.

As if the complainers have any power...


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1 hour ago, Jakob Knight said:

the massive increases in depth charge drops

At least, this is 'historically', accurate. 😁


1 hour ago, Jakob Knight said:

a significant hit against Subs

& you are against this? We do want to know which wolves are wearing sheeps clothing. 😁


57 minutes ago, Navalpride33 said:

Be Careful what you demand from WG... You may not like the final product.

Same itinerary in WoWS as what happened in WoT 😒

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1 hour ago, Jakob Knight said:

Sea Lord put out his latest video, and I find it interesting that apparently even he is questioning if WG is overdoing their Sub nerfs.....



When I saw the massive increases in depth charge drops, I knew it was going to be a significant hit against Subs at a time when they are already dealing with a series of serious nerfs.  It seems I'm not alone.


I hope WG is taking note of the effects of their changes, or has someone in-office ready to tell them when they have gone too far in the other direction.



Subs aren't close to being balanced yet by WG staff standards...

I don't know why we are surprised at big changes still.

Of course, this could all end up like CVs...and just never be balanced...but that's all on WG staff.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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26 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

As if the complainers have any power...


If the complainers fit into who WG is appeasing with the change... They do have power and this is not the first time WG is appeasing to a certain group who, have been complaining for years about the topic.


No worries Mr. Clark, your innocence/bliss on the topic is my entertainment 🤣

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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Subs aren't close to being balanced yet by WG staff standards...

I don't know why we are surprised at big changes still.

Of course, this could all end up like CVs...and just never be balanced...but that's all on WG staff.


WG -does- have a track record of sailing right past the goalposts without even slowing down until they hit the wall.  I do admit to being surprised that they seem to not be waiting their usual length of time to evaluate changes in this case, though.  Usually, they will make a change and then do more changes a few months later.  With the latest Sub changes, it has barely been two weeks between the changes, which makes me wonder where the panic is coming from in WG's offices.


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1 hour ago, Navalpride33 said:

If the complainers fit into who WG is appeasing with the change... They do have power and this is not the first time WG is appeasing to a certain group who, have been complaining for years about the topic.


No worries Mr. Clark, your innocence/bliss on the topic is my entertainment 🤣

The only people WG appeases with changes are WG leadership and the financial targets.

Playerbase complainers are not the impetus for change. That lies entirely within the purview of WG leadership.

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The only people WG appeases with changes are WG leadership and the financial targets.

Playerbase complainers are not the impetus for change. That lies entirely within the purview of WG leadership.

Like I stated in a different post... The player base need to take the 5th and let WG do what they want with their game...

Contrary, to your innocence/blissful disregard to past series in where players ideas were implemented..

Priors will not be ignored or swept under the rug.

Yet, its not going to happen... I'll bet you in the next WG(both EU/NA) stream.. We the players are going to demand changes... WG has made it clear... It only considers changes IF it fits within the future plans for the game.

As I stated, changes are only made to appease a curtain population. THAT I can assure you...

Edited by Navalpride33
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I must admit that I'm not sure how WG look at their stats etc, but I haven't played for weeks now - yet I do still log in to see if there is anything that makes me think it's worth my time to jump back in and start playing again - so far that's a negative.

Now I believe because I log in that means the server numbers reflect 'I'm playing?' - yet I wonder if WG still looks at the time people stay online and therefore whether they are doing as well as they want to be? This is one possible reason I can think for the continual nerfs to a ship type. We know WG is never wrong, so 'subs are a good thing and they are here to stay!' But if the numbers really are reflecting poorly maybe that is why these changes (nerfs) continue? To bring back those players that are peeved with the ship type???

I never left because of subs btw, I stopped playing because it was no longer exciting to log on and do missions for what was rewarded - to much 'meh - same ol same ol' IMO. But I loved the game so keep checking in.

I hope those that still get their shot of excitement continue to do so - I had many years of fun (and wait for the thing that will make me want to come back!). 😃


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8 hours ago, Navalpride33 said:

Like I stated in a different post... The player base need to take the 5th and let WG do what they want with their game...

Contrary, to your innocence/blissful disregard to past series in where players ideas were implemented..

Priors will not be ignored or swept under the rug.

Yet, its not going to happen... I'll bet you in the next WG(both EU/NA) stream.. We the players are going to demand changes... WG has made it clear... It only considers changes IF it fits within the future plans for the game.

As I stated, changes are only made to appease a curtain population. THAT I can assure you...

...and the decision maker that decides what changes are implemented is WG.

You can keep desperately trying to blame people who have no power for things you don't like in the game...or you can accept reality that WG is responsible for WG games.

You will also find that you don't get toxic towards other players, which is a good thing.

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Read the blog, no big deal here.  If you're a sub, don't get caught by a DD that can drop on top of you.  That's true now, and it will be more true when they implment some or all of hte proposed changes.  

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On 3/30/2024 at 2:47 AM, Jakob Knight said:

Sea Lord put out his latest video, and I find it interesting that apparently even he is questioning if WG is overdoing their Sub nerfs.....


53EB5C0D-3B99-4A7E-8E10-0AD06C0F515D.gif Sea Lord is most and foremost a BB player. I seriously doubt that he is in a position to accurately judge the changes.

As for the changes......ships who have depth  charges as ASW take risks while engaging subs so...... yeah the changes are justified

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13 hours ago, SoshiSone said:

Read the blog, no big deal here.  If you're a sub, don't get caught by a DD that can drop on top of you.  That's true now, and it will be more true when they implment some or all of hte proposed changes.  

Personally, remaining at greater distances (while playing a submarine) because my torpedo warheads won't arm (or arm sufficiently) enough to make a properly loud "BANG" is not as fun or exciting.

I've hit some BB's with salvos of 4 to 6 submarine torpedoes (fired from the bow, according to whichever submarine I was sailing at the time) and had the "reward" of a measly few thousand points of damage for the "risk" that I was in.

DD's now have much less risk of getting sunk, too, because of the changes to submarine torpeodes.  If they get hit, well then, "So what?".
Because the torpedo is unlikely to do enough damage to sink them. 
More damage is done by a Submarine performing a ramming attack.  (Let that sink in, eh everyone?  😉 )

The changes were implemented to placate the whiners, in my opinion.  "That mean submarine shotgunned me!  <Insert wailing and gnashing of teeth here>"
The changes did not make people better players.
WG/WOWs changed the conditions of the play environment (and over-compensated, in my opinion).

While this is not the first, nor probably the last, time WG/WOWs has put their figurative thumb on the scales of "balanz", I feel these changes were arbitrary and poorly conceived.

IF it is "good for the goose" then it should also be "good for the gander", metaphorically speaking.
If the rationale is "well if the warhead explodes too close to the submarine, then the submarine's hull will take damage" then the same rationale should apply to all depth-charges (so that the depth charges won't arm or will do reduced damage when they're close to the hull of the ship that launched them).
Yes, WG/WOWs did alter the depth-charge parameters, but not the same way they altered the torpedo warheads.

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13 hours ago, SoshiSone said:

Read the blog, no big deal here.  If you're a sub, don't get caught by a DD that can drop on top of you.  That's true now, and it will be more true when they implment some or all of hte proposed changes.  

This seems to be just about right thanks. Seems pretty much what some sub players were saying to the people complaining about subs. Team work don't get caught alone and all that rot. Only now the shoe is on the other foot you have to figure out new things maybe not going to be as easy as it was. Still think good sub players will work right around this.


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Andrewbassg said:

53EB5C0D-3B99-4A7E-8E10-0AD06C0F515D.gif Sea Lord is most and foremost a BB player. I seriously doubt that he is in a position to accurately judge the changes.

As for the changes......ships who have depth  charges as ASW take risks while engaging subs so...... yeah the changes are justified


All ships take risks, Subs included.  DDs generally are at considerable less risk now given that the Sub won't see them until they can see the Sub, the Sub's torpedoes will do minimal damage to them at those ranges, and the reaction time at such ranges means the Sub won't have alot of time to change its course to evade, especially when the Sub is blind when fully submerged.  Now, they'd increased the damage and chance to hit Subs by DDs, so I would say it's a bit much when piled onto the other changes already put in place recently.


34 minutes ago, clammboy said:

This seems to be just about right thanks. Seems pretty much what some sub players were saying to the people complaining about subs. Team work don't get caught alone and all that rot. Only now the shoe is on the other foot you have to figure out new things maybe not going to be as easy as it was. Still think good sub players will work right around this.



Yes, the good Sub players will adapt their tactics and use to the new situation, which is what all good players in both Sub and non-Sub units were doing already.  The issue is mainly what will happen to the average players and the teams that don't understand why the Subs are no longer acting as forward scouts or staying close to the team anymore.


Edited by Jakob Knight
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more dmg on depth charges is a placebo and won't change anything. With subs now more manouverable under water than DDs above it ,its quite hard to actually hit a depth charge given the time they take to detonate. Any sub with more than 2 brain cells will be able to avoid them. ship based sink bombs from BBs and the cruisers that have them are still way better. I actually preferred the status quo before the changes. At least the ping indicator meant anything. Now its just clutter imho. 

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On 3/29/2024 at 8:47 PM, Jakob Knight said:

Sea Lord put out his latest video, and I find it interesting that apparently even he is questioning if WG is overdoing their Sub nerfs.....



When I saw the massive increases in depth charge drops, I knew it was going to be a significant hit against Subs at a time when they are already dealing with a series of serious nerfs.  It seems I'm not alone.


I hope WG is taking note of the effects of their changes, or has someone in-office ready to tell them when they have gone too far in the other direction.



Shipboard depth charges are for flavor only and completely irrelevant to competent submarine players. These nerfs will not affect submarine players above 40% in any meaningful manner. 

This weekend I fully grinded out U-2501. The amount of times I died to ship mounted depth charges was around two. 

Clearly SLM has ran out of content to farm if he has to resort to clickbait as egregious as this. 

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On 3/29/2024 at 10:48 PM, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The only people WG appeases with changes are WG leadership and the financial targets.

Playerbase complainers are not the impetus for change. That lies entirely within the purview of WG leadership.

Not true. Wargaming has been totally open and transparent when they cite the great "Silent Majority" who communicate with the company thru private channels yet as a group, are so engaged in the game that they can not participate with the rest of us scrubs in every public forum available. 

It totally is believable because some WeeGee said it..... 

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On 3/29/2024 at 5:47 PM, Jakob Knight said:

I hope WG is taking note of the effects of their changes, or has someone in-office ready to tell them when they have gone too far in the other direction.

That's literally impossible. Deleting subs from the game is not too far. This isn't far enough. 

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