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Very strange bug - You can't login to Wargaming.net with FireFox browser any more...


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Hi all,

Very strange bug - You can't login to Wargaming.net with FireFox browser any more...



Leo "Apollo11"

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What happens when you try?

I am currently on Firefox logged in on both EU and ASIA. I only log in when I occasionally get kicked out.

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Hi all,


14 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

What happens when you try?

I am currently on Firefox logged in on both EU and ASIA. I only log in when I occasionally get kicked out.

You simply get stuck in captcha...


Leo "Apollo11"

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5 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,


You simply get stuck in captcha...


Leo "Apollo11"

I don't remember captcha... something new?

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WG’s aware of the captcha issue on Firefox but it was supposed to be fixed last night. Is it still getting stuck?

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I use MS Edge to login but get the captcha pop up everytime because I use a VPN. 

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Hi all,


2 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

WG’s aware of the captcha issue on Firefox but it was supposed to be fixed last night. Is it still getting stuck?



Leo "Apollo11"

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Hi all,

1 hour ago, Snargfargle said:

I can log in using Firefox. Try clearing your Firefox cache. The easiest way is via CCleaner.


You are NA... I am EU... I doesn't work... I am almost 100% sure this is connected to yesterday's "event"...


Leo "Apolllo11"

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I've seen it reported on reddit, user there said switching to edge browser solved it for him.

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3 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

You can't login to Wargaming.net with FireFox browser any more

FireFox is no longer supported by Google (who now owns it) - I know that.  Anyone with FireFox browser should be updating their browser. FireFox is now internet ancient history (as they say) (I used Firefox until Google made it inoperative for me so I had no choice but to delete it). Old drivers get deleted/dumped, C'est la vie.

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16 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

FireFox is no longer supported by Google (who now owns it) - I know that.  Anyone with FireFox browser should be updating their browser. FireFox is now internet ancient history (as they say) (I used Firefox until Google made it inoperative for me so I had no choice but to delete it). Old drivers get deleted/dumped, C'est la vie.

I wasn't aware that the open Mozilla Foundation was taken over by Google along with their signature Firefox browser.   That would be awful since it is one of the few "open" foundations.

I use Mozilla's products to avoid the cancer that is Google.  While the Google search engine is the default for Firefox and thus a significant revenue source for Mozilla, users are under no obligation to use it.

Best regards!

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Hi all,

1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

FireFox is no longer supported by Google (who now owns it) - I know that.  Anyone with FireFox browser should be updating their browser. FireFox is now internet ancient history (as they say) (I used Firefox until Google made it inoperative for me so I had no choice but to delete it). Old drivers get deleted/dumped, C'est la vie.

Where did you read that Google owns Mozilla?

Mozilla Foundation is still separate company AFAIK.


Leo "Apollo11"

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1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

FireFox is no longer supported by Google (who now owns it) - I know that. 

I use Firefox with no issues whatsoever. I don't think you have your information right. Mozilla signed a multi-year deal with Google to make Google the default search engine for Firefox but Google has not purchased Mozilla. The default engine can easily be changed, however. I use DuckDuckGo.


Edited by Snargfargle
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1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

FireFox is no longer supported by Google (who now owns it) - I know that.  Anyone with FireFox browser should be updating their browser. FireFox is now internet ancient history (as they say) (I used Firefox until Google made it inoperative for me so I had no choice but to delete it). Old drivers get deleted/dumped, C'est la vie.

They bought it so they could dismantle it?
Reminds me of a villainous plot in the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"

  • Eddie Valiant : What the hell's a freeway?

    Judge Doom : Eight lanes of shimmering cement running from here to Pasadena. Smooth, safe, fast. Traffic jams will be a thing of the past.

    Eddie Valiant : So *that's* why you killed Acme and Maroon? For this freeway? I don't get it.

    Judge Doom : Of course not. You lack vision. *I* see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on, all day, all night! Soon, where Toontown once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly-prepared food, tyre salons, automobile dealerships, and wonderful, *wonderful* billboards reaching as far as the eye can see! My God, it'll be beautiful.

    Eddie Valiant : Come *on*! Nobody's gonna drive this lousy freeway when they can take the Red Car for a nickel!

    Judge Doom : Oh, they'll drive. They'll *have* to. You see, I bought the Red Car so I could dismantle it!

The "Red Car" was the name of a trolley company.

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6 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

Very strange bug - You can't login to Wargaming.net with FireFox browser any more...



Leo "Apollo11"

IF you do a Firefox cache clean, and you continue to have web issue... Only then, do I recommend doing a DNS FLUSH. Now, this step should be done every 3 months.

I can assure you, this step will fix the issue without complications.

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My pardon. Perhaps, FireFox was not bought by Google. However, one day, Google implied this to me via not allowing me FireFox access & informing me to use Google mail instead - Google informed me that they no longer supported FireFox - so, I now use Google for my email. Maybe it was a Google scam - thing is my email works - not going to change back now &, potentially, have more problems.

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What the ell is going on here???

I use Firefox, and while I have to refresh every now and again at login, I don't have any problems getting onto WG's main website.  Had no issues getting onto the main site just now.


16 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

My pardon. Perhaps, FireFox was not bought by Google. However, one day, Google implied this to me via not allowing me FireFox access & informing me to use Google mail instead - Google informed me that they no longer supported FireFox - so, I now use Google for my email. Maybe it was a Google scam - thing is my email works - not going to change back now &, potentially, have more problems.

Yeah, there is no "maybe" in this case, you were definitely being "phished".  Good thing you didn't take the bait.

Edited by Volron
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As for the problem mentionned here, I did not experience it, but it sounds very strange.
I've been using Firefox since version 0.73 (yeah : it's quite a long time 🙂  )and almost never had any problem with this browser.
Juste ONCE in 20 years with version3.6, before they upgraded the engine.
I always have between 30 and 40 tabs open and never have any issue.


But I admit that I am a bit of a paranoïd : I always refuse cookies on my computers and I clean the various caches on a regular basis.
A few tips to know/apply and its OK (Ctrl + F5 is always good thing)

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Hi all,

As far as I can see - it works now...


Leo "Apollo11"


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