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Welcome to Rigged Games Vol. 3


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When one shell.  Leaves it's dispersion clump.   Hits the end of your ship where the citadel is not.  Never hits enough armor to arm  (likely only 25mm, max 35mm of the 85mm needed to arm) unless it hits the citadel.   And if it did happen to pen far enough forward to the citadel it would have bounced off of it.   And if it did happen to have the angle to pen the citadel had only a few feet of armed distance before it punctures out the other side.   And after all that it still does 124% to 133%  of it's max damage.   Welcome to rigged games.














Edited by WES_HoundDog
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RNG is a lottery, sometimes you hit home and sometimes your out of the ballpark. 

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55 minutes ago, CFagan_1987 said:

RNG is a lottery, sometimes you hit home and sometimes your out of the ballpark. 

It is sold to us as something different.

I've often wondered if the actual shell hit locations aren't actually calculated and the damage / citadel hit outcomes are just procedurally generated from a RNG distribution rather than figuring out what armor was penetrated...

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I don't know about rigged, but there are times I seriously wonder what WG have been smoking.
Have you ever fired a salvo and realised that it's one of those infrequent ones where all your 'parcels of peace' have been blessed by the Dispersion Gods and your shells are so close that they could high five each other? And you know that, if your aim is good ... you are about to b*tch slap the bajesus out of your target? And your aim IS good ... all of your shells hammer into your opponent like an unexpected tax demand!
And then you see the little icon float up telling you that you just destroyed his spotter plane and that's ALL you did?



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20 minutes ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

I don't know about rigged, but there are times I seriously wonder what WG have been smoking.
Have you ever fired a salvo and realised that it's one of those infrequent ones where all your 'parcels of peace' have been blessed by the Dispersion Gods and your shells are so close that they could high five each other? And you know that, if your aim is good ... you are about to b*tch slap the bajesus out of your target? And your aim IS good ... all of your shells hammer into your opponent like an unexpected tax demand!
And then you see the little icon float up telling you that you just destroyed his spotter plane and that's ALL you did?



My personal 'favorite' is the single set of dropped aerial bombs that results in two separate hit animations...first one, then another.

The bombs all fall at the same rate...they can't hit twice...

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I suggest you think of this game's hit box geometry algorithm as an eight year old with water colors being asked to paint a mobious loop, illustrating it's continuous surface...

That is the level of effort this games has invested into game mechanics.....  IOW's, children level art....  We are PG-13 for a reason, yes!?

My favorite is the lone DD, way off, almost in your peripheral vision that gets whacked, two minutes and one Island later, no where near the deceased DD's launch angles, hits you out of no where...  Oh yes, the game is rigged........in a obtuse way... 

All of the ship "art changes" in updates......I suspect were hit box geometry changes.... 

Edited by Asym
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5 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

I don't know about rigged, but there are times I seriously wonder what WG have been smoking.

So many times that I have been left completely bewildered by the numbers that WG throws up.

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Rigged? Nothing in WOWS is rigged... 

Its high tier WOWS play... Where, for years players' want/been asking for better guns more penetration capability.

WOWS gave the player based what they asked (although, relentlessly, only conceded to earn the cash).

The player's asked and WG delivered...

Now, when they get hit with one shell for heavy DMG... Now they dont like what WG have done.

Go figure.

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3 hours ago, Navalpride33 said:

Rigged? Nothing in WOWS is rigged... 

Objectively untrue statement.

Remember the Makarov?

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12 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

Welcome to

The shell clipped either the barbette or the athwartships plating. 

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I wonder how much the RNG is based on the weak servers that WG is using? I mean you see the ship you are shooting at, however is the ship really there? Is the enemy ship a few meters outside of the citadel zone when the rounds impact? Rendering is a problem with WoWS and what you see may not be in real time for your gunnery results.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Objectively untrue statement.

Remember the Makarov?

Nothing is objective in the statement...There's no shred of documentation of "rigged" matches...

Now, your false convictions on the other hand... Is a subjective observation of your need to live the bliss life...

I rather live in reality... Not, an objectively untrue/made up one.

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8 minutes ago, Navalpride33 said:

Nothing is objective in the statement...There's no shred of documentation of "rigged" matches...

Now, your false convictions on the other hand... Is a subjective observation of your need to live the bliss life...

I rather live in reality... Not, an objectively untrue/made up one.

Now you are moving the goalposts. You never said anything about 'matches' in your previous statement...which was:

3 hours ago, Navalpride33 said:

Rigged? Nothing in WOWS is rigged... 

Just helping correct an oversimplification on your part that would confuse new players.

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4 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Now you are moving the goalposts. You never said anything about 'matches' in your previous statement...which was:

Just helping correct an oversimplification on your part that would confuse new players.

Oh my fault if you're talking about ships... Then yes, the first post is accurate. We love big guns, big penetrations, and big explosions.

Yet, we dont like it when it happens to us..

We been asking for more power for years... Now, high tiers is what we the players' have asked for.

Edited by Navalpride33
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11 minutes ago, Navalpride33 said:

Oh my fault if you're talking about ships... Then yes, the first post is accurate. We love big guns, big penetrations, and big explosions.

Yet, we dont like it when it happens to us..

We been asking for more power for years... Now, high tiers is what we the players' have asked for.

Who is 'we' in your post?

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2 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Who is 'we' in your post?

We the players... Those players who ask for more power ships. Those players who express this over the years though all of WG's social media and live streams.

Do I know these players' personally? Nope.


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5 minutes ago, Navalpride33 said:

We the players... Those players who ask for more power ships. Those players who express this over the years though all of WG's social media and live streams.

Do I know these players' personally? Nope.


Ah, so it's just a strawman then. Good to know.

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13 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

When one shell.  Leaves it's dispersion clump.   Hits the end of your ship where the citadel is not.  Never hits enough armor to arm  (likely only 25mm, max 35mm of the 85mm needed to arm) unless it hits the citadel.   And if it did happen to pen far enough forward to the citadel it would have bounced off of it.   And if it did happen to have the angle to pen the citadel had only a few feet of armed distance before it punctures out the other side.   And after all that it still does 124% to 133%  of it's max damage.   Welcome to rigged games.

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I can't make out your ping timing in that pic, though I do note you are running mods.  That in and of itself makes the cause suspect, and I might advise looking at what those mods are doing to the game code to see if they are producing incorrect information on what you are seeing or interfering with hit registry.


Personally, I prefer to rely on torpedoes.  Not as clumsy or random as a blaster.... 😁



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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Ah, so it's just a strawman then. Good to know.

Don’t feed the…

Well, just don’t feed it.

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9 hours ago, Navalpride33 said:

We love big guns, big penetrations, and big explosions.

Yet, we dont like it when it happens to us..

Nor should we! 

The difference is that not everyone comes here to sit in sackcloth and ashes every time a 20 inch-gunned BB slaps their cruiser around.

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Someone playing a Russian ship is talking about the game being rigged? Oh the irony. 

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1 hour ago, Wolfswetpaws said:



Hits might not penetrate, might overpenetrate, or might shatter...even at close range.

Being in close isn't a perfect panacea either. Hence why many Mikasa players just fire HE. The chances of your main battery hitting a specific part of a ship are so low it's just better to accept the more certain damage of an HE shell.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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11 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:


Personally, I prefer to rely on torpedoes.  Not as clumsy or random as a blaster.... 😁


“This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age.”
― Obi-wan Kenobi



  • Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi : I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn fool idealistic crusade like your father did.

    Luke Skywalker : What is it?

    Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi : Your father's light saber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Empire.



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2 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:




45 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Hits might not penetrate, might overpenetrate, or might shatter...even at close range.

Being in close isn't a perfect panacea either. Hence why many Mikasa players just fire HE. The chances of your main battery hitting a specific part of a ship are so low it's just better to accept the more certain damage of an HE shell.

Which is why the proper choice of ammunition for the situation is important.

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