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Japanese Torpedo DD Captain Skills


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Hello Bob,

What skills would you recommend for a 21 pt Japanese torpoedo DD commander? I'm grinding the line for the first time, at Akatsuki now. 

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Standard 10 points, then AR and torp reload. After that I’d take RL personally, then I guess Liquidator with your last point?

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9 hours ago, DDG44_Vet said:

Hello Bob,

What skills would you recommend for a 21 pt Japanese torpoedo DD commander? I'm grinding the line for the first time, at Akatsuki now. 

Akatsuki was my first higherish tier DD I played. Be careful of her bad stealth but remember you have an amazing torpedo salvo weight. In my opinion you can run many different types of builds.

This is the starting 16 points:

Now you can go a build like this, which focuses on repositioning around the enemy DD to give you the best chance at torpedoing the rest of their team:

I like SIS because while yes you do sacrifice that reload you are faster and it lets you reposition easier and the increased turret traverse helps you if you're for some reason caught off guard by another DD.

Another build you can run is this:

Gives you knowledge on the enemy DDs and letting you stay away while boosting your torpedoes a bit more.

The equipment mounted should be this, not really any exceptions:
If you don't have an engine boost that's fine, go for engine room protection and if you don't have the LM go for normal torpedo reload.

While I am not the best torpedo DD player I did get these builds from friends who are so I hope this helped a bit. I do have Shima and I have played it a bit, she can do well when positioned well and in the correct match making.

- Boob

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10 hours ago, DDG44_Vet said:

Hello Bob,

What skills would you recommend for a 21 pt Japanese torpoedo DD commander? I'm grinding the line for the first time, at Akatsuki now. 

For grinding? If I were you... I would have two torp DD commanders... One for tiers 6 and below and the other for tiers 7 and above...

I can't help you with upper tier torp DD stuff because its evident I detest high tier torp DD play. Mainly, WOWS policy of making torps hit like pillow fists due to not packing enough explosives...

Not to mention, Torp reloads are to long.. Threats like radar and hydro are to lethal.   You know, just to name a few...

If you have a specific ship you want to config.. Let me know..

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18 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

Akatsuki was my first higherish tier DD I played. Be careful of her bad stealth but remember you have an amazing torpedo salvo weight. In my opinion you can run many different types of builds.

This is the starting 16 points:

Now you can go a build like this, which focuses on repositioning around the enemy DD to give you the best chance at torpedoing the rest of their team:

I like SIS because while yes you do sacrifice that reload you are faster and it lets you reposition easier and the increased turret traverse helps you if you're for some reason caught off guard by another DD.

Another build you can run is this:

Gives you knowledge on the enemy DDs and letting you stay away while boosting your torpedoes a bit more.

The equipment mounted should be this, not really any exceptions:
If you don't have an engine boost that's fine, go for engine room protection and if you don't have the LM go for normal torpedo reload.

While I am not the best torpedo DD player I did get these builds from friends who are so I hope this helped a bit. I do have Shima and I have played it a bit, she can do well when positioned well and in the correct match making.

- Boob

Thank you very much Bob, I really appreciate your taking the  time to give me lots of things to consider play style wise in addition to suggested skill selections 🫡

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16 hours ago, Navalpride33 said:

For grinding? If I were you... I would have two torp DD commanders... One for tiers 6 and below and the other for tiers 7 and above...

I can't help you with upper tier torp DD stuff because its evident I detest high tier torp DD play. Mainly, WOWS policy of making torps hit like pillow fists due to not packing enough explosives...

Not to mention, Torp reloads are to long.. Threats like radar and hydro are to lethal.   You know, just to name a few...

If you have a specific ship you want to config.. Let me know..

Thank you @Navalpride33, I’m working on improving my torpedo skills and figured the Japanese line was the best for that, however I am struggling with staying unspotted with all the radar and hydro as you mentioned. 

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5 hours ago, DDG44_Vet said:

Thank you @Navalpride33, I’m working on improving my torpedo skills and figured the Japanese line was the best for that, however I am struggling with staying unspotted with all the radar and hydro as you mentioned. 

For this... I recommend the FUBUKI... Or even better the Fujin...

Anything above those tiers... Then, I'm really not much help... If you insist on high tier torp play... Then, the AMerican DD Benham would be the only suitable option IMHO.

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On 3/25/2024 at 9:44 PM, DDG44_Vet said:

Thank you very much Bob, I really appreciate your taking the  time to give me lots of things to consider play style wise in addition to suggested skill selections 🫡

No problem at all, that's my job at the end of the day! If you have any need for more questions to be answered please go ahead. As for the difference between higher tier and lower tier DD builds they're mostly the same if I'm honest. I can't really think of an improvement to make over the builds I provided. And if you wish to learn how to play a torpedo DD Shima line isn't a bad choice but go play tier +8 US DDs as they're better in the current meta, slightly less focus on torpedoes however and an upgrade in main battery which would actually let you defend yourself from enemies.

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Thank you @BOBTHEBALL, I have worked my way up to the Benson in the US destroyer line, I’ll take your advice and focus on playing her for a while. 

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2 hours ago, DDG44_Vet said:

Thank you @BOBTHEBALL, I have worked my way up to the Benson in the US destroyer line, I’ll take your advice and focus on playing her for a while. 

No problem and good luck, if you need advice or captain builds/modules for them please don't hesitate to ask.

- Boob

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On 3/24/2024 at 10:55 AM, DDG44_Vet said:

Hello Bob,

What skills would you recommend for a 21 pt Japanese torpoedo DD commander? I'm grinding the line for the first time, at Akatsuki now. 

Your turned the wrong way...you were supposed to go left not right after T6 Shiratsuyu (sp...on phone... can't look it up right now) for the torp DD line...

Akitsuki is the gunboat line... ideally you want the Kagero if you're trying to torp DD.

Don't torp build Aki...take guns skills...all gun skills (especially IFHE...IJN gunboats scored with the IFHE rework...it's a MUST skill for them)...

@BOBTHEBALL...how did you miss recommending IFHE for Aki... even if you build the rest for torps that's a given there?

If you have a few points left after taking all gun skills you can...you can then drop some into torps...but prioritize guns for the Aki line.

As for torp DDs...Kagero & her sister ships get the best possible detection in higher tiers (other than the T10 Gearing w/UU & the situational scenario of getting a Double Strike while having Halsey on board...which tops the Kag sisters 5.4km detection by dropping all the way down to 5.04km detection...but again... VERY situational).

Kagero allows you to spot those gunboat DDs so your team can take them out of the way for you w/out you needing to risk your HP in a DD gun brawl so you can get up close & personal with those BBs & torp from close enough they won't have time to turn out...

DISCLAIMER: As long as you don't make the rookie mistake of hitting the 1 key after launching those torps...informing them (via their Priority target skill) that somebody just launched torps at them...& is now being nice enough to let them know about it so they can turn out from those torps...as the DD smokes up & shoots at them...to try to start a fire...because a 10k damage fire is more damage than a whole rack of torps...


Summary: JUST STAY ON 3 after launching & let the torps do their job...if a DD shows up that you need to fire at...switch target to DD (with X key) before hitting the 1 key to switch to guns so it doesn't toggle the BBs Priority Target & he can keep blissfully sailing into those torps.

GL & Happy Torpings.

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2 hours ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:


Akitsuki is the gunboat line... ideally you want the Kagero if you're trying to torp DD.



Akatsuki is the T7 torp boat. Akizuki is the T8 gun boat.

Edited by BlueMax1916
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6 hours ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

Akitsuki is the gunboat line... ideally you want the Kagero if you're trying to torp DD.


6 hours ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

@BOBTHEBALL...how did you miss recommending IFHE for Aki... even if you build the rest for torps that's a given there?

I didn't miss recommend it. I just went for the build with the best winning potential and swayed towards a more DD hunter playstyle.



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On 4/3/2024 at 12:52 PM, BlueMax1916 said:


Akatsuki is the T7 torp boat. Akizuki is the T8 gun boat.


21 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:


I didn't miss recommend it. I just went for the build with the best winning potential and swayed towards a more DD hunter playstyle.

Oh yeah...total brain fart (sorry 'bout the smell :-0 )

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3 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:


Oh yeah...total brain fart (sorry 'bout the smell :-0 )

It's totally fine, mistakes happen!

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On 3/24/2024 at 6:55 PM, DDG44_Vet said:

What skills would you recommend for a 21 pt Japanese torpedo DD commander? I'm grinding the line for the first time, at Akatsuki now. 

The beautiful thing about WoWS is that even within this one line, there are multiple viable builds/play-styles based on what is important to you. The thing to understand is that IJN torps are already great at what they do, so you don't necessarily need to improve them to get fantastic results. As far as I can tell there are three distinct variants of the IJN torp boat beyond the standard torpedo spammers (applies to T8 on up):

Backline hunter: the idea here is that you want to use your excellent concealment to get behind the enemy and wreak havok. Beyond the standard 10 points you want max speed and information (Swift in Silence and RPF). Remaining upgrades and captain points would go to keeping the engine boost up as long as possible. 

DD bumper: once you get to T8, the IJN torp boats have best-in-tier concealment. You can (ab)use this to get enemy DDs killed by spotting them for your allies. Once the enemy DD is gone, you can torp to your heart's content. Beyond the standard 10 points you would go RPF and Dazzle to maximize your ability to bump enemy DDs without losing too much HP. Remaining points would go in knife fightery skills like turret traverse and aiming systems for the occasions where you have to use your guns to finish them off.

Fire support: most people don't take IJN torp botes seriously as gun platforms, but it is actually one of the better ways to reliably win games. Think of them as smoke-laying lane cloggers, not unlike Pan Asian CLAAs. Beyond the standard 10 points you would go SI and AFT for more smoke and better range. Run gun accuracy and consumables specialist for faster smoke up time. 


For folks who are wondering how one could possibly have a successful time in an IJN torp boat without taking all the torp skills, consider this: 

A statistically great game in a Shimakaze is ~3-4 torp hits.

If you're behind the enemy, those are easy to come by (upgrade mobility?). Much harder if there's an enemy DD in the way (upgrade DD bumping?). Impossible if they're protected by rocks (upgrade firepower?). 

What I can say with confidence is that slightly increasing the number of pulls at the slot machine lever (torp reload), is often not the answer.

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