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Where did *this* come from?


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Don't get me wrong; I'm not complaining, I'm just wondering how I got this mission. I don't remember whether I signed up for a contest or a sweepstakes or something...




...it will of course be done post-haste, lest someone realize it wasn't supposed to have happened and yoink it before I get a free Mainz correction: bundle of lies and sadness. A free bundle of lies and sadness. Curse you, WeeGee!

Edited by Wrath_of_Deadguy
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8 minutes ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

before I get a free Mainz.

Only as a rental though, not to keep

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7 minutes ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

Don't get me wrong; I'm not complaining, I'm just wondering how I got this mission. I don't remember whether I signed up for a contest or a sweepstakes or something...




...it will of course be done post-haste, lest someone realize it wasn't supposed to have happened and yoink it before I get a free Mainz.

I think there's a misinterpretation due to your enthusiasm. Hate to be the downer but its a ship for rent.. It says you can rent it for 3 days.

Its not to keep. This promotion is dated pre covid times. Nothing new really...



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Well then, this sums up my feelings on the matter:


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Now, I'm out of the loop a bit, there are those ship containers you can get for ... is it community tokens? So what would be the best way to try to farm whatever it is you need for those blue crates?

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Now, I'm out of the loop a bit, there are those ship containers you can get for ... is it community tokens? So what would be the best way to try to farm whatever it is you need for those blue crates?

You can get up to 1500 a week from the recruiting station. That’s probably the fastest/most reliable way, if you have enough active recruits.

Twitch and discord drops and missions also give a bunch, as do PTS missions/sessions. Some of the recent news articles occasionally have also had some hidden on the page, like the day of premium buttons. 


Those are the recruiting station crates though, not the premium ship crates. In this case, the Junior one. They still have a decent chance of dropping a ship (and it’s a shorter list, with the tiers and ships depending on the crate), but it’s not a guaranteed drop like the premium ship crates. 

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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10 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

You can get up to 1500 a week from the recruiting station. That’s probably the fastest/most reliable way, if you have enough active recruits.

Twitch and discord drops and missions also give a bunch, as do PTS missions/sessions. Some of the recent news articles occasionally have also had some hidden on the page, like the day of premium buttons. 


Those are the recruiting station crates though, not the premium ship crates. In this case, the Junior one. They still have a decent chance of dropping a ship (and it’s a shorter list, with the tiers and ships depending on the crate), but it’s not a guaranteed drop like the premium ship crates. 

This page is singularly unhelpful in this regard.


I've seen these referenced as veteran containers. The above page has no information, at least as far as I can see, how these are obtained.

Armory has these under the community tab, so from there we see they are available for community tokens which, as you say, you get from recruiting new players and from 'various events', though the only sure way I know of is by playing on PTS.

So... unless OP or anyone else wants to shanghai their friends, this probably means having to spend more time on PTS to farm those tokens. Then it's just pot luck which tier 7 ship drops from these crates.

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Now, I'm out of the loop a bit, there are those ship containers you can get for ... is it community tokens? So what would be the best way to try to farm whatever it is you need for those blue crates?

PTS rewards are around 10-12,000 community tokens per patch in my experience. I’m interested in them as the tier 7 ships crates are the only method to slim down Santa crate ships for me besides the 4 or 5 coal ships left. The goal is Smaland, the only ship I want and don’t have. 

Edited by DoW_
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40 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

though the only sure way I know of is by playing on PTS.

So... unless OP or anyone else wants to shanghai their friends, this probably means having to spend more time on PTS to farm those tokens. Then it's just pot luck which tier 7 ship drops from these crates.

Assuming a normal 4 week patch, Twitch is a guaranteed 2k a month between the missions and containers. Depending on what drops are running on the official wows twitch channel, that’s up to another 1400 a month.

From the listed missions and rewards on the 13.3 WIP article, the 13.3 PTS should give 8,500 CT between the two rounds (assuming they listed all of them).

The twitch stuff can just run in the background and is basically a “passive” CT income (plus normal play time for the missions). Discord drops are the same, as long as you’re in the server you’ll get them. It’ll be a slow trickle if that’s your only CT source (so no recruiting station or PTS), but it should still be about two t7 crates a year.

PTS can be pretty easy for some of the missions (and you also get to try out other tech tree ships to see if you want to grind them on live), but some of the missions for the larger rewards can get time consuming. For example, some of the PTS mission sets require playing several times a day on multiple days each round, and one of the recent ones required a pretty significant grind iirc. 

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