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Is It Time For A Change Or Should Traditional Values Stay


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Bacon !

We all know it from bacon and eggs for breakfast to a cheese and bacon roll or a hamburger with the lot including bacon, its been a staple part of a gamer's life.


But has it run its course ? in this new age is bacon still relevant for gamer's or has time run out ? in the 21st century with all kinds of social changes is bacon now outdated.Should this traditional value food be replaced when we get a poll from WG asking

"what nation ship do you want ?  please vote" 

1 Russian

2 Russian

3 Russian

and because you don't like the options should your default choice be 

4 Tofu


When you wake up at some ungodly hour in the morning hoping to get those last 3000 fires for an event WG has task you to do and the timer says you have a hour to finish, do you turn the fry pan on throw in some bacon and eggs in or do you slip down to the beach and grab some seaweed because its trendy ?




Bacon has always been the mainstay for gaming communities around the world when it comes to polling but has this time come to an end, is bacon outdated and obsolete.

Is it time for a change maybe ?

If WG had a poll asking you how you felt about there performance is so far with the game and the options were 

 1 Good 

 2 Very good 

 3 Fantastic

or for a default


For a new generation of gamer would something like 





Yuzu fruit

What Is Yuzu Fruit, and How Is it Used?

be more in vogue ?


Is it time for bacon to go the way of the Dinosaur ? is bacon still relevant, do gamer's still believe in traditional values ?










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11 minutes ago, tm63au said:

is bacon still relevant

Bacon will *always* be relevant!

(Although you can do some splendid things with tofu - spicy ma po tofu is the dog's for instance - one will always return to the majesty that is good bacon.)

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I'm suprised that anyone is even entertaining the notion of a poll without "bacon" as a possible response.  

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I’d accept marmite as a replacement. Power to the marmitians! 

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Is that what bacon looks like? I though bacon was like.. pink in color.

Rice? (I also have oats.) Although yuzu is a good choice. If you can't find it, you can listen to this.


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51 minutes ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

I’d accept marmite as a replacement. Power to the marmitians! 

Ach... fan of German food then?

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3 hours ago, tm63au said:

Is it time for bacon to go the way of the Dinosaur ? is bacon still relevant, do gamer's still believe in traditional values ?

I can't digest/process pork... Bacon is like my archenemy, I always need to thread carefully when eating outside cuz You never know when bacon will slip into any unsuspicious, plain looking dish

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11 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

I can't digest/process pork... Bacon is like my archenemy, I always need to thread carefully when eating outside cuz You never know when bacon will slip into any unsuspicious, plain looking dish

Quite dastardly is this bacon.

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24 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Quite dastardly is this bacon.

That's what I've been saying but they are all enthralled. I tell them bacon is evil and will lead them to a dark end but they don't believe me and go all Lisan-al-Gaibacon!

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Am I the weird one that prefers BBQ scrambled eggs with beacon for my gamer's delight in the morning? Set it up in a tortilla as a taco, breakfast of WOWS champions IMHO. 

For those who like to butcher eggs with ketchup, y'all are equal to the vegans and veterinarians... The culinary terrorists of modern times.

Eat your meat right and the meat will give you benefits. 😎


Before I forget... When we organics die, the only thing in your corps that can and will be preserved, are your muscles/muscle tissues.

Take that vegans and and Vegetarians... Now I must excuse myself, Panda express requires my presence to eat their high protein options.

Edited by Navalpride33
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1 hour ago, Navalpride33 said:

For those who like to butcher eggs with ketchup, y'all are equal to the vegans and veterinarians... The culinary terrorists of modern times

It’s akin to pineapple on pizza it’s sacrilege .  

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16 minutes ago, clammboy said:

It’s akin to pineapple on pizza it’s sacrilege .  

I'll make a mental note not to tell you what I had yesterday.

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6 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

I can't digest/process pork... Bacon is like my archenemy, I always need to thread carefully when eating outside cuz You never know when bacon will slip into any unsuspicious, plain looking dish


if you were still an active player, i would be sure to put on some bacon camo just for you


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7 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

I can't digest/process pork... Bacon is like my archenemy, I always need to thread carefully when eating outside cuz You never know when bacon will slip into any unsuspicious, plain looking dish


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its easy

if you want a long life listen to your doctor

if you want a happy life listen to your paladar


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Doctor Me says Bacon is good for you.

But even Bacon pales next to a good Pork Sausage on a bed of Sauerkraut. 

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