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Should I take a (long) break from the game?


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Currently I feel very annoyed by the game, because progress seems to come crawling pluss that I feel cheated on by WG all the time, although this is most likely a thought in the wrong direction. Doesn't matter how much I improve, my BXP have been "exploding" lately, climbing the WR - ladder in contrary is one special thing. There is hardly any progress visible, because things are going forward very slowly. I don't want to wait five or more years for decent numbers >50%, and since I ruined my account in terms of WR early on, there is hardly any improvement in sight. Plagued by several (!!) losing streaks with more than 10 defeats in a row with just 1900 random battles under the belt I have a constantly uneasy feeling about everything WG does. Nothing seems to be right. I will add that I play PvP (randoms, ranked and brawl) most of the time and PvE is just for relaxation. 

Edited by OT2_2
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8 minutes ago, OT2_2 said:

Currently I feel very annoyed by the game, because progress seems to come crawling pluss that I feel cheated on by WG all the time, although this is most likely a thought in the wrong direction. Doesn't matter how much I improve, my BXP have been "exploding" lately, climbing the WR - ladder in contrary is one special thing. There is hardly any progress visible, because things are going forward very slowly. I don't want to wait five or more years for decent numbers >50%, and since I ruined my account in terms of WR early on, there is hardly any improvement in sight. Plagued by several (!!) losing streaks with more than 10 defeats in a row with just 1900 random battles under the belt I have a constantly uneasy feeling about everything WG does. Nothing seems to be right. I will add that I play PvP (randoms, ranked and brawl) most of the time and PvE is just for relaxation. 

Unfortunately since your profile is private.. No one can give you any direction to seek your fun...

Everything you mentioned is part of WOWS.. Nothing new.. If you're not having fun then, its my humble opinion based on limited information...

You should move on.

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I hit that wall first I think in 2019-2020. I took some breaks now and then but you just end up in same place again when starting to play again. So, my best tip is, stop caring about everything, just look at the game as something you waste a little time on. Trying to care about anything regarding this game, winning, loosing, teamplay, playing objectives, WR, balancing, evolving ..... will just leave you frustrated, angry, calling players this and that, pretty much hating the whole situation.

So just stop caring about anything and try to get the best game you can in each match, doesn't matter how bad you're team play of how some play like bots or dont understand what circles on the map means etc etc etc , and you will finally get some enjoyment out of this game.

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From time to time I get sick of grinding. I get tired of playing ships just to earn enough XP to buy the next ship and then grind to get the upgrades and then grind to get the XP to buy the next ship.

When that happens I put it all aside and just play the one or two ships that I just have fun in. I fire up WoWS and play a game, then I might go and do something else for half an hour, come back and play another game, then decide to watch some youtube, come back play another game, go tease my wife, come back and play another game. During that 'style' of play the only thing I insist on achieving on any day is getting my first crate ... which can be 2 or 3 games of COOP when I'm not rocking any free Premium time and I get poxy spawns. InfantSmiley.gif.36687bda30d8d2ce27edd92ce0de8954.gif

Then I'll get in the mood to grind again, especially if I've just had 30 days of Premium time thrown my way, and I'll pull out the other ships and start working on the lines again.

The only stat that I care about is Personal Enjoyment. But given that you are concerned about them, to some extent, here's a suggestion: Forget the stats and ask yourself if, in your opinion, you are a better player today than you were when you first started? Be honest. If the answer is yes ... then you ARE progressing. Sure there may be more progress to be made, but the fact is you're getting there.



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46 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Trying to care about anything regarding this game, winning, loosing, teamplay, playing objectives, WR, balancing, evolving ..... will just leave you frustrated, angry, calling players this and that, pretty much hating the whole situation.

On the money, that's exactly me currently. I shall try my very best to come away from it. 

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19oo randoms is low enough to change your WR around 6+ months. Provided that you are improving as a player.

1o game losing streaks is a bit tough. I stop or change ships sort of regular and haven't had any streaks that long. If I feel less sharp, I assess my goals for the day and might quit while I'm ahead.

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32 minutes ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

If the answer is yes ... then you ARE progressing. Sure there may be more progress to be made, but the fact is you're getting there.

The answer is yes, I'm progressing, but I'm not patient enough. I hate to wait, but will try to look more or exclusively after personal enjoyment. Thx.

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When you are feeling that way, just take a break for a week at least with something new. And when you come back, don't immediately hit the grind. Instead grab a comfy ship or two at a tier where you can just mostly have fun. Granted every now and then you'll get a team that makes a random collection of monkeys in a zoo look smarter in comparison but that is just Randoms for you.

The easiest way to screw things up is treating what is supposed to be a game for fun as a second job. Your mental outlook plays hard into your decision making. And by trying too hard you just exhaust yourself and then start making simple mistakes you could have avoided that snowball into worse overall performance.

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8 minutes ago, OT2_2 said:

The answer is yes, I'm progressing, but I'm not patient enough. I hate to wait, but will try to look more or exclusively after personal enjoyment. Thx.

All games have "life cycles" as they mature.... When they are young, everything is exciting.  Players "care" and throw themselves at the game.  Content is fresh and new and exciting.  Everything is a new start and as players, we become invested in many ways.

Then, almost all games reach middle age and new becomes clones.  Then clones of clones.  The money and "vision statement" of what the game was at start up was too big to implement!  Too vast and way to expensive to continue with new content.  There starts a low rumble of discontent.

Then,  those game games mature and stall.  Stomps in PVP (non clan open battles) and then, clan matches or Clan Battles (in some games) becomes the norm.  But, almost all mature games stall because it is too expensive or, the content in the era are limited and there is no where to go in that timeline....  In our case, the Cold War ships and missiles would be next.  We will never see them....  Maps are too small and the game can't even make new, non-cloned content anymore.  See any new campaigns?  New maps....  A North Atlantic, more open water mode of play???  (just some examples....)

We are there in my Opinion: a stalled, mature game..........

So, for you, if "fun" is your measure, for heavens sake play PVE:  Asymmetrical Battles and Operations with a good group of close friends and have a lot of fun.....  A great many of us have given up PVP.  Our entire clan has imploded over PVP modes.

And, you are more than welcome to join our evening "circus" of a division that plays OPS and will play ASB's as well in a Division.  All we ask is that you use our discord so we can talk to each other and better coordinate that battle ! 

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1 minute ago, Asym said:

A great many of us have given up PVP.

I play pvp selectively and there are plenty of players in the queue. It took me six months to raise my wr from 41% to 46.77% with about 1,5oo matches. 

So laugh it up. But it is possible to improve on a bad account with only a couple thousand matches. 

Co-op is relaxing and does not have the thrills Randoms can provide - if even only on a good day. 

What is a great many? How many people are missing from randoms? What happened to 'getting gud'? 

Whenever I watch streams, these mostly professional players do their fair share of losing, even though many of them are good players? 

So you can laugh and play your simple and relaxing pve and 'give up on pvp'.


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1 hour ago, Asym said:

And, you are more than welcome to join our evening "circus" of a division that plays OPS and will play ASB's as well in a Division.  All we ask is that you use our discord so we can talk to each other and better coordinate that battle ! 

Thank you very much for your kind words and the invitation. Very much appreciated. Unfortunately, I do play on the EU server ... 

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12 hours ago, thornzero said:

Co-op is relaxing and does not have the thrills Randoms can provide - if even only on a good day. 

I beg to differ. Competing against your team mates in the feeding frenzy is certainly different to the challenges of Randoms, but it has it's own challenges and is a different kind of fun.

Luckily for me I'm in Australia playing on the NA server, so there are times when I'm able to get COOP matches where I am the only player, or perhaps there are two of us. It can be quite a rush when you are half way through killing the enemy team and hear "You are the teams last hope".

Well as much of a rush as any video game can be compared to doing it in RL which is why I don't bother with FPS games on the whole.

But there's no point in comparing the game modes ... we all have fun where we find it. Roll on Asymmetric mode ... I've missed you.

Edited by SunkCostFallacy
Missed 'on the whole'. Doh!
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I would say also not to focus on win-rate as the success criteria for each battle. That will just depress you.

Focus on doing WELL in each match. Focus on not dying early, but still affecting the match.

If your team is throwing, focus on making the enemy team work to sink you.

If you did well even in a loss, take some pride in that. This helps rinse the bad taste of WG RNG screwing you over out of your life.

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I am annoyed about this "game" because of the never ending grind, I am cling on grinding because there are some boat I want that get with RB, coal and steel etc. I have some free premium running and I know that once it goes dry it will require much more effort than what it is now.

I used to grind daily mission in coop, but I ditched it because of the wonderful a few human and rest bots setup almost non exist at the time I log in (ideal scenario for those hey look I got 1000bxp in coop), I sees too often full human setup with competitive players, bots running away from their respective cap/ ram into island etc. I want to have fun blasting bots while clearing daily mission, not a rat race. Also since I can burn some xp bonus for grinding ships, random is more economical than coop.

I don't value WR/PR too much as I sees it as a parameter to indicate how robust I play specific ship, if I play a specific ship well it would be more efficient to finish off daily mission. 

So my idea is simple, get this done and move on and play something else or watch some video etc. When my premium days runs out, I am probably going to take a break until anniversary, my break may arrive early if WG does something big enough that upsets me too much. 

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How much do you want to bring that WR up? And more importantly why?

My suggestion is to just play better, and it'll come naturally.


But if you really want to pump it up, prepare to play very well.

If you're only performing at 51%, it'll take forever. But if you're playing at 60%, those numbers will climb much faster.

There are many ways to help you improve further, unless it's your own hands slowing you down.

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1 hour ago, Verytis said:

If you're only performing at 51%, it'll take forever

That's what I'm actually are doing on this account, ca. 51,3 % the last 260 battles. However, I will take into account what others have sensibly said, and I'm very grateful for that. I shall try to cut out the self - inflicted stress and have some fun.


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4 hours ago, thornzero said:

I play pvp selectively and there are plenty of players in the queue. It took me six months to raise my wr from 41% to 46.77% with about 1,5oo matches. 

So laugh it up. But it is possible to improve on a bad account with only a couple thousand matches. 

Co-op is relaxing and does not have the thrills Randoms can provide - if even only on a good day. 

What is a great many? How many people are missing from randoms? What happened to 'getting gud'? 

Whenever I watch streams, these mostly professional players do their fair share of losing, even though many of them are good players? 

So you can laugh and play your simple and relaxing pve and 'give up on pvp'.


First off, I am not "laughing it off" because I like this game and it is very, very sad to see it as it is.....

as for answering the rest........to what end?  I know better and you like what you like !

I wish you well !

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I could tell you just to play for fun and don’t worry about your win rate or progress but I would not really be being truthful. As hard as I try to not worry about my win rate or progress I do. So you have to find the middle ground where you can enjoy the game and make progress but not get to angry when things go bad .
When the MM and RNG are good play a lot. When things go bad cut back a bit. There seems to be a cycle where it’s good for a while then bad. You can kind of tell after you have played a while. This kind of helps but not everyone believes this but I do. A little Bourbon can also help on the rough nights lol. Good luck with what ever you decide. 

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7 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Currently I feel very annoyed by the game, because progress seems to come crawling pluss that I feel cheated on by WG all the time, although this is most likely a thought in the wrong direction. Doesn't matter how much I improve, my BXP have been "exploding" lately, climbing the WR - ladder in contrary is one special thing. There is hardly any progress visible, because things are going forward very slowly. I don't want to wait five or more years for decent numbers >50%, and since I ruined my account in terms of WR early on, there is hardly any improvement in sight. Plagued by several (!!) losing streaks with more than 10 defeats in a row with just 1900 random battles under the belt I have a constantly uneasy feeling about everything WG does. Nothing seems to be right. I will add that I play PvP (randoms, ranked and brawl) most of the time and PvE is just for relaxation. 

Well, I'm not a psychologist and didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express, last night.

That said, I think you need to adjust your expectations (by not worrying about your statistics, at all, ever, period with a freaking-lazer-beam-equipped shark added-on just for the whimsy of it).

Ask yourself, "Will my statistics in a video game ever get me laid?"
Even Unicum players will probably respond by saying, "No".

I encourage you to find other ways to derive happiness, instead of obsessing over win-rates in WOWs.

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6 hours ago, thornzero said:

Whenever I watch streams, these mostly professional players do their fair share of losing, even though many of them are good players? 

This.  ^^^^

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9 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

So just stop caring about anything and try to get the best game you can in each match, doesn't matter how bad you're team play of how some play like bots or dont understand what circles on the map means etc etc etc , and you will finally get some enjoyment out of this game.

Case in point from 4 min ago........


150 K Kraken game in Smolensk. Superships dead, OP BBs Mecklenburg, Thunderer, Bourgogne ... dead, Shima did Foook All all game and sailed around the entire map border (LITTERARY ... THE ENTIRE BORDER....), maybe looking for the non-existent Carrier?!

You cant choose what kind of bot players you get (and I gotten them ALL this Friday evening!!!). You can swear, you can call out players in port, you can tear of youre hair (im bald btw..), or you can you know ..... enjoy you're Kraken-Loss game and just move on.


Of course, beaten by the sub ... as usual .... because BS Sub Boosts.



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Apparently, I took a break from WOW.  I didn't plan to; I just didn't feel up to the challenge of the game for several days.  During this break from the game, I was able to just zone out and do nothing, think about what is/isn't going on for me in real life and watch some videos of others playing this game.  Occasionally, I would think about different strategies and maneuvers that I will try out when I play again.  So, today I played some random battles.  I got two crappy games in my Iowa w/ defeats and then I switched to Colorado and had an awesome(boring) time kiting from one border to the other as some smokey DD stalked be from behind.  This game I killed the final ship for the victory.

I think I'll take the Hood out for spin.  Maybe a destroyer.  

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9 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Currently I feel very annoyed by the game, because progress seems to come crawling pluss that I feel cheated on by WG all the time, although this is most likely a thought in the wrong direction. Doesn't matter how much I improve, my BXP have been "exploding" lately, climbing the WR - ladder in contrary is one special thing. There is hardly any progress visible, because things are going forward very slowly. I don't want to wait five or more years for decent numbers >50%, and since I ruined my account in terms of WR early on, there is hardly any improvement in sight. Plagued by several (!!) losing streaks with more than 10 defeats in a row with just 1900 random battles under the belt I have a constantly uneasy feeling about everything WG does. Nothing seems to be right. I will add that I play PvP (randoms, ranked and brawl) most of the time and PvE is just for relaxation. 

We all reach a point in the game where we hardly see progress.

It took me 3-4 years of playing before I reached my first Tier 10 ship. And yes, I legit ground that Tier 10 and did not 'free XP' my way to it.

As others have said, grinding is the way this game goes. If you are feeling frustrated, maybe it is time to take a break from the game or if not, play less stressful parts of it.

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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

you can tear of youre hair (im bald btw..)

I'm shocked to learn that the hair in your avatar photo is a wig!  Shocked, I tell you.  😉 


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I haven't played randoms in a couple weeks due to some brawls and a campaign taking up some of my time. But I have been playing hard and at this rate, I should be able to get my account to 5o% by September which would be another 6 months. [Provided I am consistent in my playing and my effort.]

But now, I am done for the night and quitting while I'm ahead. Part of the reason I am tracking is to actually measure some improvement and possibly qualify for a good secondary clan.


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