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Wisconsin Dockyard - West Virginia '44 compensation revealed.

Colonel Potter

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Just seen the Work in Progress article and it has been revealed the compensation for having the West Virginia '44 in your port is 3 phases of the Dockyard. So, technically, you can get the Wisconsin in the Dockyard for free without buying any phases if you already have the West Virginia '44.  Found that kind of interesting. Also, this is the article for the test server, so things may change.  Also, don't forget to claim your free gift at the bottom of the article. 75 community tokens.


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That's better than nothing !  It's really a lot better than credits or something else....  Three phases is a time savings for many that is worth a lot more than Credits or some silly amount of doubloons. 

Time is the most precious commodity for many players not retired.

Edited by Asym
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I think the dockyard stages available for completion during the last 2 weeks will be made even more difficult and onerous. I hope I am mistaken, but this is starting to feel like the first Puerto Rico Dockyard: grind like a slave, or spend your money.

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1 hour ago, Colonel Potter said:

Just seen the Work in Progress article and it has been revealed the compensation for having the West Virginia '44 in your port is 3 phases of the Dockyard. So, technically, you can get the Wisconsin in the Dockyard for free without buying any phases if you already have the West Virginia '44.  Found that kind of interesting. Also, this is the article for the test server, so things may change.  Also, don't forget to claim your free gift at the bottom of the article. 75 community tokens.


Interesting...while not 'completely free' as promised...it's at least a reward for previous spending, a nice discount if you will.

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44 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

I think the dockyard stages available for completion during the last 2 weeks will be made even more difficult and onerous. I hope I am mistaken, but this is starting to feel like the first Puerto Rico Dockyard: grind like a slave, or spend your money.

Same. I’m hoping it isn’t, but the combination of only needing to buy two stages in the original announcement and getting three free as compensation for WV44 makes it seem like there’s going to be a big grind at the end.

Or they’re actually being somewhat generous, knowing that it’s the summer so some people might have less grinding time. Plus all the newer players they got from the creator verse event, and not wanting to scare them away too early with an insane dockyard grind.

But we’ll have to wait and see when it actually goes live…

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Interesting...while not 'completely free' as promised...it's at least a reward for previous spending, a nice discount if you will.

WV44 was available for tokens in the Independence Day 2023 event. I got it then and I don't recall having to spend any money to get it; I just played a butt ton of missions for tokens. Yes, it was available for real money too at the time in a big bundle but the base ship itself was also available for tokens that were earned just by playing the game.

I can't recall all the details (may have been things like Community Tokens involved and such) but again I don't recall having to spend any real money on it (possible as it was a long time ago now).  But, even if I and others spent real money on it in July 2023 that doesn't invalidate WG saying if you have it now you can get Wisconsin for free in 2024 because that is 100% true.  Any money spent then got you WV44. That is what that money got. It may be a bonus (better word than reward) for past spending but the fact is Wisconsin will be free now.

No offense man. Just seems like quite the nit pick. We get compensation, special missions, etc... all the time for various ships we own that aid us in game. That isn't a negative it is a positive.  I get on WG all the time for what I like to call their "used car salesman BS" with how they word stuff but that is just not the case here. saying you can get Wisconsin 100% for free if you already own WV44 is completely accurate. There is no misleading of the players there.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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Just now, AdmiralThunder said:

WV44 was available for tokens in the Independence Day 2023 event. I got it then and I don't recall having to spend any money to get it; I just played a butt ton of missions for tokens. Yes, it was available for real money too at the time in a big bundle but the base ship itself was also available for tokens that were earned just by playing the game.

I can't recall all the details (may have been things like Community Tokens involved and such) but again I don't recall having to spend any real money on it.  But, even if real money was spent on it in July 2023 that doesn't invalidate saying if you have it now you can get Wisconsin for free in 2024 because that is 100% true.  Any money spent then got you WV44. That is what that money got. It may be a bonus (better word than reward) for past spending but the fact is Wisconsin will be free now.

No offense man. Just seems like quite the nit pick. We get compensation, special missions, etc... all the time for various ships we own that aid us in game. That isn't a negative it is a positive.  I get on WG all the time for what I like to call their "used car salesman BS" with how they word stuff but that is just not the case here. saying you can get Wisconsin 100% for free if you already own WV44 is completely accurate. There is no misleading of the players there.

I agree.

We are basically picking nits.

I'm just making sure someone who doesn't have WV'44 doesn't get confused and think that they could get Whisky for 'completely free.'

I don't have any problem with how WG is running the event...giving a discount on the phases is a cool idea.

Just making sure we are very clear to newer players what is happening.

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Just now, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I agree.

We are basically picking nits.

I'm just making sure someone who doesn't have WV'44 doesn't get confused and think that they could get Whisky for 'completely free.'

I don't have any problem with how WG is running the event...giving a discount on the phases is a cool idea.

Just making sure we are very clear to newer players what is happening.


My bad, seemed like you were upset with them and were saying what they claimed was not really true/was misleading. I misunderstood, Apologies.

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2 hours ago, Frostbow said:

I think the dockyard stages available for completion during the last 2 weeks will be made even more difficult and onerous. I hope I am mistaken, but this is starting to feel like the first Puerto Rico Dockyard: grind like a slave, or spend your money.

How do you figure this is even remotely like the first PR dockyard. What makes it feel anything like the first PR debacle to you ? 

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33 minutes ago, clammboy said:

How do you figure this is even remotely like the first PR dockyard. What makes it feel anything like the first PR debacle to you ? 

Clearly, he has allowed the first PR dockyard to define him forever.

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44 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

WV44 was available for tokens in the Independence Day 2023 event. I got it then and I don't recall having to spend any money to get it; I just played a butt ton of missions for tokens. Yes, it was available for real money too at the time in a big bundle but the base ship itself was also available for tokens that were earned just by playing the game.

WV’41 was available for free for tokens last July, but I’m 99% certain the WV’44 bundle required money to be spent to acquire enough tokens.

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52 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

WV44 was available for tokens in the Independence Day 2023 event.

I'm pretty sure it was the West Virginia '41 that was available for tokens last year. Basically it was take the WV '41 or try the gamble boxes for tokens to potentially get something higher tier than a T6.

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I am surprised WG is slightly more generous than the Mysore (given it can be obtained via dub/money or random lootbox).

However I won't cheer so early unless I see the actual mission list. The compensation sounds a bit too good.

BTW: what is the minimum spending to get WV44? I can't find any source saying the price.

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25 minutes ago, a252 said:

BTW: what is the minimum spending to get WV44? I can't find any source saying the price.

She was last year’s July 4 release, and is being offered as a free reward (stage 20) in the upcoming dockyard. There is a non-zero chance she will also become available for regular purchase soon for the expected price for a tier VII battleship.

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Clearly, he has allowed the first PR dockyard to define him forever.

Clearly, you are awash with premature assumptions forever.

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56 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

WV’41 was available for free for tokens last July, but I’m 99% certain the WV’44 bundle required money to be spent to acquire enough tokens.

There were all kinds of things in that event in 2023 that let you get tokens if memory serves. I had WV41 already and remember getting somewhere around 3000 or 4000 Doubloons for it when I got it with the tokens I earned playing. I could have used that to buy tokens towards WV44. I also seem to recall a ton of missions for various ships that gave stuff too and couldn't we trade Community Tokens in towards event tokens as well? I know I ended up with WV44 and Arleigh Burke and don't recall spending money to do so (but maybe - was a long time ago). 

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2 hours ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

Same. I’m hoping it isn’t, but the combination of only needing to buy two stages in the original announcement and getting three free as compensation for WV44 makes it seem like there’s going to be a big grind at the end.

How big the grind is the big question. 

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56 minutes ago, Kynami said:

I'm pretty sure it was the West Virginia '41 that was available for tokens last year. Basically it was take the WV '41 or try the gamble boxes for tokens to potentially get something higher tier than a T6.

WV41 was but so was WV44. WV44 could be had for tokens or purchased direct in a bundle in the shop. I just don't remember if you could get enough tokens for WV44 totally free or if some $$$ had to be used. But it was available for tokens and I am sure of that. Wasn't there even 1 or 2 other ships in the event that could be had with tokens too? Seems to me it was more than just the 2 WV's.

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Free in terms of not spending money is possible for this dockyard:

1. earn 3200 doubloons from all free sources (Ranked, free containers, PT, monthly login, armory...)

2. earn enough community tokens to get VW44 through T7 containers.

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I'm not surprised that there's no direct compensation, since WG has been leaning away from that for a while now. I also already have WV '44, so if I make it that far in the dockyard, I guess I'll be getting a little bump. I have my doubts about whether or not I'll be able to find the play time- or have the patience- to grind through an entire T10 dockyard again (PR Round 2 burned me out for months; I wasn't playing yet when PR Round 1 happened), but I do very much want Wisconsin...

Time will tell.

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6 hours ago, clammboy said:

How do you figure this is even remotely like the first PR dockyard. What makes it feel anything like the first PR debacle to you ? 

Just guessing but WG said you could get PR in the OG dockyard 100% free right at first only for everyone to find out when it went live that you had to give up your soul to actually do so. I think people have PR PTSD LOL.

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5 hours ago, a252 said:

I am surprised WG is slightly more generous than the Mysore (given it can be obtained via dub/money or random lootbox).

However I won't cheer so early unless I see the actual mission list. The compensation sounds a bit too good.

BTW: what is the minimum spending to get WV44? I can't find any source saying the price.

WV44 will be the stage 20 reward in the Wisconsin dockyard. You can get it 100% free by grinding to stage 20. You don't have to spend anything to get it; just play.

If you are asking about buying WV44 beforehand so you can then get the compensation for it in the dockyard the only way to get it at present is in a SC or in the T7 Premium Ship Crates in the Armory (it is 1 of 30 ships that can drop from the crate) that cost 30,000 Community Tokens each.

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3 hours ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

I'm not surprised that there's no direct compensation, since WG has been leaning away from that for a while now. I also already have WV '44, so if I make it that far in the dockyard, I guess I'll be getting a little bump. I have my doubts about whether or not I'll be able to find the play time- or have the patience- to grind through an entire T10 dockyard again (PR Round 2 burned me out for months; I wasn't playing yet when PR Round 1 happened), but I do very much want Wisconsin...

Time will tell.

PR dockyard 2 was very reasonable by dockyard standards. Frankly, it was easier than some of the T9 dockyards have been.

If PR 2 is the bar for "bad" we set to determine if the Wisconsin dockyard will be bad, I will be happy with any difficulty level it has because it will be doable and reasonable.

If PR2 burned you out you definitely would not have wanted to be here for PR dockyard 1.

PR 2 was:


PR 1 was:


Edited by AdmiralThunder
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I'm just happy to finally see a ship in the dockyard I'm excited for again. PR 2 is the only one I've completed so far, and while it was a grind, it wasn't too awful. We haven't seen the mission list yet, but I'll remain cautiously optimistic for now.

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