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8000 Damage



No redeaming other stats




Results in this....????


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Welcome to WG, where the points don't count and the results don't make sense.

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Im guessing... Its tabulating your team play..

Its normal to get rewarded for making zero DMG and making spotting DMG along with potential DMG..

DDs (especially the stealth torp ones) do this all the time.

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Spotting is important and I agree with WG here

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Thanks for the feedback.  I pushed up and almost had a cap...literally seconds away before some random shots in my smoke reset me.  I sometimes wonder if cap tics are counted internally even if they only appear on the stat screen if you complete the cap.  Did a good bit of spotting on that push.  Our flank collapsed and I was running like hell to get out of there...would of made it too except for a sub spotting me.  Game was gone at that point anyway.

I did have a salvation moment out of the blue.  DE-7 had pushed up to engage as I was smoke capping. Had me range spotted and there was no where for me to go...my pee shooter is worthless in these engagements...and although I had some terrain coverage, I was not going ot last long as just too many vectors to engage me. Then...literally out of the blue (over my head) a line of shells impacts him for a Devestating Strike...saved me.  Comps to North Carolina. 

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8 hours ago, SoshiSone said:

Results in this....????


At a glance, I'd guess most of your team was blown-out-of-the-water before they could accomplish much.
Thus, your ship's performance was awarded the #1 spot on the Leader-board of your team, in this particular game.

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8 hours ago, SoshiSone said:

Results in this....????


Seems like a normal STOMP....  Points received are as described above pretty well.  Why play that mode ???

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9 hours ago, SoshiSone said:

8000 Damage



No redeaming other stats




Results in this....????


Well.....  spotting dmg 50k, pot dmg almost 700k  and 8 mins somethin' spent in battle, out of 10, given the ship....seems justified.


57 minutes ago, SoshiSone said:

I sometimes wonder if cap tics are counted internally even if they only appear on the stat screen if you complete the cap.


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Potential damage doesn't count for points I thought it was only spotting damage?

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