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All the T8 CV had to do was move


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I have seen this so much with CV players just being allergic to moving or using WASD for anything... It is real frustrating...

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4 minutes ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

I have seen this so much with CV players just being allergic to moving or using WASD for anything... It is real frustrating...

The problem is that they don't even have to use "WASD for anything", they have to click once on the map and the autopilot does all the work. And even that is too much work for most CV player!? They dont have to move/steer themselves, they dont have to use damage con because ship does it for you, and you dont even have to be aware of subs, dont have to try and aim using useless new sub pings, dont have to try and lead the sub, youre CV does that also automatic with a build in aimbot/headshot hack.

Im pretty sure most CV players dont even look at minimap, because they dont seem to see a lone DD trying to get a cap for their team, they dont seem to see a Kleber/Halland rushing their position even tho they get spotted every other second, or half the enemy team steaming towards their island for that matter.

CVs has such power and are usually wasted on the worst part of the playerbase, and nothing determent's a game more then when one team get a 70% WR CV player and the other gets a 40%.

I bought the IJN Super CV because I heard it was really strong, but I haven't played it once. Why? Because even tho im decent at CV even tho I just started to play them, I wouldn't wanna give my team the disadvantage of having a decent Super CV on their team when the other team probably have a really great and experienced Super CV player.

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3 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

The problem is that they don't even have to use "WASD for anything", they have to click once on the map and the autopilot does all the work. And even that is too much work for most CV player!? They dont have to move/steer themselves, they dont have to use damage con because ship does it for you, and you dont even have to be aware of subs, dont have to try and aim using useless new sub pings, dont have to try and lead the sub, youre CV does that also automatic with a build in aimbot/headshot hack.

Im pretty sure most CV players dont even look at minimap, because they dont seem to see a lone DD trying to get a cap for their team, they dont seem to see a Kleber/Halland rushing their position even tho they get spotted every other second, or half the enemy team steaming towards their island for that matter.

CVs has such power and are usually wasted on the worst part of the playerbase, and nothing determent's a game more then when one team get a 70% WR CV player and the other gets a 40%.

I bought the IJN Super CV because I heard it was really strong, but I haven't played it once. Why? Because even tho im decent at CV even tho I just started to play them, I wouldn't wanna give my team the disadvantage of having a decent Super CV on their team when the other team probably have a really great and experienced Super CV player.

The autopilot and auto DCP are functionally worse than a human doing that work...

But yes, WG made it so much easier to play the class...and people STILL don't take advantage of it enough.

If we really want CVs to be nerfed or removed....we need to play and exploit the hell out of them...we need to make the spreadsheet cry.

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Posted (edited)

In all my CV play, RTS & reworked CVs (for a bit), I would never use the auto-pilot, rather, I would move manually, as required. It is easy to do so.

Old School & Daniel are correct. Reworked CVs are so dumbed down (& WG protected) it's rediculous (is why, on principle, I no longer play them).

Edited by Aethervox
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3 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

The problem is that they don't even have to use "WASD for anything", they have to click once on the map and the autopilot does all the work. And even that is too much work for most CV player!? They dont have to move/steer themselves, they dont have to use damage con because ship does it for you, and you dont even have to be aware of subs, dont have to try and aim using useless new sub pings, dont have to try and lead the sub, youre CV does that also automatic with a build in aimbot/headshot hack.

Im pretty sure most CV players dont even look at minimap, because they dont seem to see a lone DD trying to get a cap for their team, they dont seem to see a Kleber/Halland rushing their position even tho they get spotted every other second, or half the enemy team steaming towards their island for that matter.

CVs has such power and are usually wasted on the worst part of the playerbase, and nothing determent's a game more then when one team get a 70% WR CV player and the other gets a 40%.

I bought the IJN Super CV because I heard it was really strong, but I haven't played it once. Why? Because even tho im decent at CV even tho I just started to play them, I wouldn't wanna give my team the disadvantage of having a decent Super CV on their team when the other team probably have a really great and experienced Super CV player.

While your restraint is laudable (not playing a ship until you feel that you're good enough), there'll eventually be a time when the phrase "just do it" applies.  🙂 

I've made plenty of mistakes and gotten plenty of salty chat along the way to get to where I am now. 
(And I still get "salt" sometimes, usually from cads who are clueless about CV gameplay principles.)

Bottom line?  It's okay to take the plunge into the deep end of the figurative pool.  🙂 

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25 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

In all my CV play, RTS & reworked CVs (for a bit), I would never use the auto-pilot, rather, I would move manually, as required. It is easy to do so.

Old School & Daniel are correct. Reworked CVs are so dumbed down (& WG protected) it's rediculous (is why, on principle, I no longer play them).

I'm pretty sure I used the Autopilot in the RTS CV era, and I definitely use the Autopilot in re-worked CV's nowadays.

Though, I frequently write-up or charge my CV helmsmen for being drunk while on duty, too.  😉 

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22 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I'm pretty sure I used the Autopilot in the RTS CV era, and I definitely use the Autopilot in re-worked CV's nowadays.

Though, I frequently write-up or charge my CV helmsmen for being drunk while on duty, too.  😉 

I used the autopilot during the RTS era too...

It's why I openly mocked WG for stating that with the rework I could only be in one place at one time.

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5 hours ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

I have seen this so much with CV players just being allergic to moving or using WASD for anything... It is real frustrating...

Its been this way since the beginning.

Most CV players find a spot to 'park' and sit there until its too late.
I've even had battles where the rest of the team calls out to the CV to move, and they ignore it.

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22 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The autopilot and auto DCP are functionally worse than a human doing that work...

But yes, WG made it so much easier to play the class...and people STILL don't take advantage of it enough.

The autopilot tends to try and kill you if you're not watching I grant you that, especially when it tries to do Hola Hops around islands because it cant figure out what islands are etc. But its still in most cases a very easy way to keep my carrier out of harms way when enemy team are pushing my position. And I wouldn't say no to the 5 min fire duration and 1 min action time DCP on all my other ships as well. Give me that and a AI can control that on my other ships as much as they want.


22 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

If we really want CVs to be nerfed or removed....we need to play and exploit the hell out of them...we need to make the spreadsheet cry.

This is the reason why I switched from DD Main to pretty much Sub Main in the last year. But I fear that it doesn't matter how well I perform in subs or how much I show them to be OP, there will always be 40 other sub players suiciding in subs in 2 min because they dont know how to play them. So unfortunately, the spreadsheet will always say the class/ships is underperforming and need buffs.

Like most OP/Broken ships/classes in this game to be honest.


Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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I didn't see the replay, but I was in a match the other day where I sometimes wonder about the SA level of some T8 players.  Yeah, I know, anyone can be T8 these days.

Enterprise sitting at spawn and there is obviously a DD moving on the flank.  Detected several times by surface combatants, with the last detect very stale and no one on the flank.  I click the squares to get attention...do this over a few minutes.  CV is oblivious.  Ultimate spotting power on a closing DD...literally perhaps a 20 second search look...and nothing.

A minute or so later.  Devestating strike from a mass of torps.


In related news, I played another game where there was a flanking DD where I was clicking on the location to inform the team.  One BB just wandered full broadside to the clicks and ate a DS load of torps.  Then our CV decided it was a good idea to park on that side of the map...and again, I'm clicking the squares like no tomorrow.  Even come up on chat to tell the CV player where to look.  So does another teammate.  FINALLY CV runs a spotter...but too late.  Another DS for the DD.


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1 hour ago, SoshiSone said:

I didn't see the replay, but I was in a match the other day where I sometimes wonder about the SA level of some T8 players.  Yeah, I know, anyone can be T8 these days.

Enterprise sitting at spawn and there is obviously a DD moving on the flank.  Detected several times by surface combatants, with the last detect very stale and no one on the flank.  I click the squares to get attention...do this over a few minutes.  CV is oblivious.  Ultimate spotting power on a closing DD...literally perhaps a 20 second search look...and nothing.

A minute or so later.  Devestating strike from a mass of torps.


In related news, I played another game where there was a flanking DD where I was clicking on the location to inform the team.  One BB just wandered full broadside to the clicks and ate a DS load of torps.  Then our CV decided it was a good idea to park on that side of the map...and again, I'm clicking the squares like no tomorrow.  Even come up on chat to tell the CV player where to look.  So does another teammate.  FINALLY CV runs a spotter...but too late.  Another DS for the DD.


It must be common.

Pretty much every match in my Midway I see a DD try to kill me if I never moved from spawn.

By the time they actually get there I am usually far away on the flank that is winning...or actively in the enemy team spawn.

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Just adding a little perspective to this topic. I have a son who plays WoWs–actually mostly the Legends on the Xbox, but occasionally WoWs on the PC. Of relevance here is how he gravitated to the CVs. He loves them, and he got good at using them. And on the PC-based WoWs, he gravitated to the subs. I think the sneak factor is particularly appealing. The standard surface units (DD, CL, CA, BC, BB) he was not so interested in, though in this case his preference was using DDs so that he could torp everything in sight. He, BTW, got really good at sneaking around the map with the Anshan and sinking the red CVs! A DD tactic that I have seen many not recommend. In any event–keep in mind that some of these players are young, and they have different priorities. They may not care so much about winning the match at hand as trying to accomplish some smaller goal, like sinking a CV early in the match with a DD. And that if other kids are like my son, they may be more attracted to things like CVs and subs than the kind of surface units many of us, er, well, more aged-to-perfection, WoWs players enjoy (me it is DDs and CLs).


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14 hours ago, RedLimitFreeway said:

Just adding a little perspective to this topic. I have a son who plays WoWs...I think the sneak factor is particularly appealing.... got really good at sneaking around the map...some of these players are young, and they have different priorities.

Check under the mattress for contraband.


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A fun thing a Asashio owner can do is launch 20 km Nukes at an early game spotted CV some 18-19 km away, to see if he moves his ship or not. Dont know how many times I gotten multiple hits or even dev strikes (with TRB) on a CV some minute or so after I sent my deadly fishes. This is also doable for seemingly afk BB´s early game with guaranteed flood damage as a bonus.

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On 3/18/2024 at 7:27 AM, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:


This is the reason why I switched from DD Main to pretty much Sub Main in the last year. But I fear that it doesn't matter how well I perform in subs or how much I show them to be OP, there will always be 40 other sub players suiciding in subs in 2 min because they dont know how to play them. So unfortunately, the spreadsheet will always say the class/ships is underperforming and need buffs.

Like most OP/Broken ships/classes in this game to be honest.


This was the MO of El2aZeR on EU server; he produced illustrative replays playing CVs and subs (80% solo WR in CVs, 68% in subs), and posted jaw dropping replays about both ship types and pretty scathing commentary. 

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8 minutes ago, Pugilistic said:

This was the MO of El2aZeR on EU server; he produced illustrative replays playing CVs and subs (80% solo WR in CVs, 68% in subs), and posted jaw dropping replays about both ship types and pretty scathing commentary. 

Too bad his channel seems dead now.

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52 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Too bad his channel seems dead now.

I get the impression that he doesnt feel the game is even vaguely balanced for CV and subs. Which seems absolutely true at his skill level, it would probably be very difficult to accomplish. 

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