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Unified Server?


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2 days ago, when I got my brand new Port Jackson, I decided to play a few games in co-op with her. 3 games down, I popped over to discord after getting a notification beep - saw a post in chat saying they were unable to play any T2 to T4 ships in co-op all of a sudden. So I went back to my game, and yes I too was now unable to take my T2 ship into a co-op game. The battle button just played the usual sound, but left me in port. I tried Hector (T9) and was able to play a game as usual.

This lasted 2 hours. Then I was able to play my T2 again, but now I was seeing pings much higher than usual. 170 to 180 range. Funny thing is playing anything T5 and above my pings were normal - in the 35 to 80 range. Odd right?

Anyway, this evening while playing my new T3 commonwealth cruiser, the pings were high, I had a look at the team members in the results screen. There were 9 humans in this T3/T4 game. A full set of players. Right clicking the names of 7 of them the game told me [this account does not exist] or words to that effect. Only 1 other players profile came up. I thought this was weird, so screen shots grabbed, I went to wows-numbers.

This is where I discovered something interesting. Of the 9 players in the game, 2 have ASIA accounts (myself included), 1 is a NA account and the remaining 6 have EU accounts.


This is now looking weird to me. We are playing on a UNIFIED server. I have over 20K games, 2 others have well over 200 games and the remaining 6 players have under 200 games on their account.

But when I asked on wows discord 2 days ago regarding unified server (as I had an inkling when only low tier games had high pings) Killerbin replied he is only aware of protected matchmaking using a unified server.

Anyone else seeing this?








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Needed another post to include the 3 remaining players (exceeded the file size limit)




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Interesting notes. I have not played the lower tiers since WG killed the lower tiers for veterans from playing those ships. I am surprised that WG did not say clear you browser cache first. 😄

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1 minute ago, Tpaktop2_1 NA said:

Interesting notes. I have not played the lower tiers since WG killed the lower tiers for veterans from playing those ships. I am surprised that WG did not say clear you browser cache first. 😄

When I first reported being unable to play low tiers, they said to verify the game files. I did that (steam) and all files verified. After that was when I logged back in and could play, but with the higher pings.

I tagged killerbin again in a reply with info about what I found today. If only the protected MM is supposed to be on the unified server, then they have a problem. However, they may be moving low tier co-op games onto it now as well. I would like other players to go play a T3 co-op game and make a note of the players names etc. I had to dig a bit on wows numbers.

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14 minutes ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

When I first reported being unable to play low tiers, they said to verify the game files. I did that (steam) and all files verified. After that was when I logged back in and could play, but with the higher pings.

I tagged killerbin again in a reply with info about what I found today. If only the protected MM is supposed to be on the unified server, then they have a problem. However, they may be moving low tier co-op games onto it now as well. I would like other players to go play a T3 co-op game and make a note of the players names etc. I had to dig a bit on wows numbers.

Then why have the lower tiers at all? I see what I can find when I have the time.

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54 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Interesting 🧐

You ninja'd my response.  🙂 

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29 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

You ninja'd my response.  🙂 

The gentle art of ninja posting.


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I just loaded up my alt account. T5 co-op game low pings all the way. T3 game however - 180 ping all game. The team members all from different servers again, some like me with over 1000 games played in random battles, others with well under 100 games in total. They are definitely throwing veterans in with the new players in protected match making - at least in co-op.


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1 hour ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

I just loaded up my alt account. T5 co-op game low pings all the way. T3 game however - 180 ping all game. The team members all from different servers again, some like me with over 1000 games played in random battles, others with well under 100 games in total. They are definitely throwing veterans in with the new players in protected match making - at least in co-op.

Protected (<200 battles) is absolutely on just one server.  It is extremely rare to have a combined total of six real players representing both sides.  I have had many battles where the total was only two players combined and often completely by myself with a complete population of red bots.  (New players - my opinion - just are not playing lower tiers and jumping right into T5 or higher, or WoWs just are not getting that many new players involved in the game)

If you are getting what you say is happening (1) perhaps (?) without notice, WG consolidated co-op T4 and below to one server for players like you with that game experience/history, or (2) two servers crashed (unlikely), forcing the move to one server.

Tested: I just played a co-op T4.  The game was on the EU server.

I played a random battle at T4, and it was on the NA server.

It would seem that T4 and less in a co-op battle are now on the EU servers.


Edited by HogHammer
Strike through (without notice).
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I figured I'd have a look.
I hit the battle button at 00:01 Sunday 17 March UTC with my mighty St Louis. There were, according to the stats, 10223 people online on the NA server at the time. Everyone in the match appeared to be NA.
I'll try again later when the server numbers are down around 3000 and see how it goes.

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30 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

It would seem that T4 and less in a co-op battle are now on the EU servers.

Low tier Coop (T1-T4) was moved to a unified server last year. This battle was with an NA account on October 2nd 2023, but wasn't on any NA server.





13 hours ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

I tagged killerbin again in a reply with info about what I found today. If only the protected MM is supposed to be on the unified server, then they have a problem. However, they may be moving low tier co-op games onto it now as well. I would like other players to go play a T3 co-op game and make a note of the players names etc. 

Judging by the increase ping, every low tier Coop game I've played in the last 6 months has been on EU.  As for Killerbin, he's pretty new to his position and WG has a history of not informing their community managers of various changes.

Edited by Amaruk
Replaced image, local storage very blurred.
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10 minutes ago, Amaruk said:

Low tier Coop (T1-T4) was moved to a unified server last year. This battle was with an NA account on October 2nd 2023, but wasn't on any NA server.


Thanks.  I was not aware of that tidbit of information.

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Played some Tier-5 random matches while sailing my Minekaze and my Mutsuki, tonight.

Some of the Minekaze's games were plagued by high ping/lag numbers and some choppy/stuttering display of the action.
Thankfully, not all my games were experiencing ping/lag of 300ms or more.

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That was likely to be local internet issues - all my T5 and T6 games today had low pings - so definitely on my "local" server. But multiple games at T3 and T4 on both my accounts was on the EU server with a mixed bag of NA,SEA and EU players. Many of those players have well below 200 games, some as low as 12 even in total. They are placing us veterans with the newbies. At least in co-op all we are is taking all the base xp's on offer from them. 

I did test randoms, and that was on the normal SEA local server, so no need to ping Flamu with the next weegee bug. I was going to go straight to the top if my random game in T3 was on the protected MM server (especially considering I have over 20K games on my main account). It wasn't so all's well and so on.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Amaruk said:

Low tier Coop (T1-T4) was moved to a unified server last year. This battle was with an NA account on October 2nd 2023, but wasn't on any NA server.

Did they make any sort of announcement or notification in a dev blog or patch notes? If they did - I obviously didn't remember it, which with my short term perfect forgettery is no surprise.

I guess the reason would be to reduce load on the main servers. It wasn't all that unusual to be the only player in a game, especially T2 and T3.

Also, it shows how long it's been since we had an entirely new line to grind. 

Edited by UnderTheRadarAgain
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I jumped in to a tier III game at 08:13 UTC ... a few bots, and amusingly a couple of players with French names.

Naturally this came to mind


Edited by SunkCostFallacy
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Were you.. taunted much?


A reprisal..



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