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PSA: Gifts In Articles (100 Community Tokens)


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Just a bit of a PSA here.

Not all articles that give gifts are turning the port NEWS section gold to indicate there is a gift available in them. It is a good practice to at least scan every article as they become available not only for whatever info that may be helpful/useful/relevant/etc...  but to look for hidden gifts we aren't notified about.

A new article came out today that has a gift but it did not turn the NEWS section gold indicating as such (it may only do it for certain article types?). I only found it because I went through the article.

So take the time to at least scan through articles as they come out. Sometimes there is a little freebie tucked in there.

This article that came out today has 100 Community Tokens as a gift (claim button at the bottom):

NA:  https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/sales-and-events/armory-132-early-access-bundles-and-more/

EU: https://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/sales-and-events/armory-132-early-access-bundles-and-more/

SEA: https://worldofwarships.asia/en/news/sales-and-events/armory-132-early-access-bundles-and-more/


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