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New BP Less Earnable Points, More Grind Added


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So, the prior battle passes had 195 earnable points/week:

7x20/day for the two 10-point missions

7x5/day for the 5-point daily renewing missions 

10x2 for the weekly renewing missions

195, right? 

Now, those five daily renewing missions and points are gone.

And the 20 points are all rolled up into one, happy mission that renews weekly.

So, it’s now:

7x20/day for the two 10-point missions

20 for one weekly grindable mission.

160 points/week

Oh, yeah: 25,000 BXP grind to get that weekly mission. When it was ten for the week, it was only a net 20,000 BXP grind.

One could argue that is not that much more of a grind, because now, excess BXP above the 2000 BXP threshold will count toward the weekly threshold of 25,000 BXP.

On the other hand, those who can play only intermittently will possibly find those 20 weekly points to be out of reach entirely.

But regardless, the ability to earn points has been cut back.

But wait!!! There’s more!!! It now takes 50 points to get through levels 16-20 of the “battle pass”/“event pass.” It was only 45 points on the last one.

But aww, gee, WG’s generosity is unparalleled for the extra levels: Only 55 points for bonus levels 21 and beyond; was 75 last time around.

Game interface says the event pass ends in 28 days, so this isn’t a long patch, precluding any “you have extra time” argument.

Well done! 
Well done! 
Well done!

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
Typos, clarity.
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Sounds like WG is getting greedier and greedier and less reason to shell out for the paid track.

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In general it’s not a good BP anyway. WG continues to worsen the value proposition for each patch almost. Mysore could be in the free pass as she mediocre at absolute best, she is a port queen that no one needs nor should want. I don’t recommend the premium pass at all.

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Couple things. It's 190 a week; there's a 3x10 point weekend mission also. I will also argue that the 25000 bxp mission requires less base xp than 10x2000 bxp.

Reason is any bxp earned beyond 2000 in the old structure doesn't count towards the next mission. So if you earn 1700bxp followed by 1500bxp you only complete 1 mission and the remainin 1200bxp is useless.

As far as taking more points yeah that sucks.

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2 hours ago, Farmers_Only said:

I will also agree with what you already said in your first post that the 25000 bxp mission requires less base xp than 10x2000 bxp


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Posted (edited)
On 3/13/2024 at 2:20 PM, Farmers_Only said:

Couple things. It's 190 a week; there's a 3x10 point weekend mission also..

And yes, you’re right, there. It’s in the release notes. I was looking just at what was visible in-game. I would have thought it would be greyed out with the standard boilerplate for time-gated missions: “mission will be available in XXX days.”

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JMHO but too many people go out of their way to find the negative on everything in this game vs what might actually be good. I mean there is plenty wrong to complain about but it seems like for some (general comment not at anyone specific) every single thing elicits complaints.

As far as this BP goes it isn’t bad IMHO. I actually upgraded to premium already. It was back to just 2500 Doubloons and all the tokens towards the new ships will save a lot of grinding. It helps get ships which helps with the missions for the perma economic boosts which aren’t cheap. You get Mysore (350 tokens compensation). 

I mean it is what it is. It isn’t amazing but it’s decent and worth $9.90 USD. The overall grind isn’t bad either. Get 1500 BXP each day (takes about 4-5 Co-op matches which is 30 mins) and you will finish with time to spare.

Don't see the issue but YMMV.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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Its a line of free stuff for playing. Im fine with it. 

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11 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

JMHO but too many people go out of their way to find the negative on everything in this game vs what might actually be good. I mean there is plenty wrong to complain about but it seems like for some (general comment not at anyone specific) every single thing elicits complaints.

As far as this BP goes it isn’t bad IMHO. I actually upgraded to premium already. It was back to just 2500 Doubloons and all the tokens towards the new ships will save a lot of grinding. It helps get ships which helps with the missions for the perma economic boosts which aren’t cheap. You get Mysore (350 tokens compensation). 

I mean it is what it is. It isn’t amazing but it’s decent and worth $9.90 USD. The overall grind isn’t bad either. Get 1500 BXP each day (takes about 4-5 Co-op matches which is 30 mins) and you will finish with time to spare.

Don't see the issue but YMMV.

Thanks for you evaluation Thunder. I had only glanced at it, wondered what the compensation for Mysore would be (didn't feel like hunting down the information). My plan was to finish the free line and use all my tokens for the captains and ignore the ships. I have 300k FXP and since there is little I do with that any more, figured I could just unlock the tier 5 when the line goes live. That makes sense for me since I am unlikely ever to bother with Research Bureau ships again.  For newer players farming the ships is probably the better deal since you get port slots with them. I have close to 100 empty slots so no biggie for me. 

Overall the event is fine, don't see any real problems with the free stuff. Just more of the same thing. I like the idea of getting permanent bonuses for free and glad they added the missions even though I won't be bothering with it. 

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Could someone help me with the movie quote, please?


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26 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

JMHO but too many people go out of their way to find the negative on everything in this game vs what might actually be good.

Agreed 100% 

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Hey, c'mon, you get two Canada Day perma cammos. Right now all over Canada WoWs players are are jumping up and down, pumping fists in the air, whooping and hollering, and snapping open brewskis.

Actually, the three ships available from the tokens, plus T6, T7, and T8 economic packages by playing the missions, plus all the other odds and ends, are overall not too bad.

Edited by palestreamer
adding brewskis
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I got a dumb question, is just the free aspect changed, or the paid BP as well?

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Yeah some of the clan regulars don't get that the pass points are actually worse. All they care about is the no 10,000 BXP in daily quests... without paying any attention to the rest of the deal. Previously a casual player could just get 2,000 BXP a day out of a couple random games and walk out with 23 points per day for 161 weekly points for merely ~14,000 BXP a week. Now the minimum threshold to get any of the weekly quest points per week is 78.5% more BXP.

The fact they also tweaked the 16-20 portion to be two and a half days of play per section instead of just two days is just yet more aggravation.

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50 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

JMHO but too many people go out of their way to find the negative on everything in this game vs what might actually be good.

Fact is, there is far more negative to find than genuine positives, its not our fault that WG keeps making poor decisions.

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31 minutes ago, palestreamer said:

Right now all over Canada WoWs players are are jumping up and down, pumping fists in the air, whooping and hollering, and snapping open brewskis.

I wish, we're dealing with so many issues over here its no joke how bad things have become for many living here.

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44 minutes ago, Kynami said:

The fact they also tweaked the 16-20 portion to be two and a half days of play per section instead of just two days is just yet more aggravation.


Its a video game. BP means nothing to playing the game, ignore it completely and the game goes on no problem. Its a bonus reward, treat it as such.

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1 hour ago, MBT808 said:

Fact is, there is far more negative to find than genuine positives, its not our fault that WG keeps making poor decisions.

I acknowledged there is plenty to complain about. Fact is I am no stranger to beating up on WG. But my point stands. For some, it doesn’t matter what WG does they will complain about it.

The last few BP’s all you heard were complaints the cost was up to 3K+ Doubloons over the 2500 it always was, getting tech tree ships in the paid line vs Premiums, etc…

This BP returns to 2500 Doubloons, we get a Premium ship on the paid side, etc… and instead of people being happy about that we have complaints you have to grind for a day more (or whatever it is). Just nothing makes some happy.

The Wisconsin dockyard is another example. We don’t know much about the event yet but what we do know is good; only 30 stages long, only have to buy 2 stages (those 2 are super cheap), and we get WV44 for free. That is all great news. But I see a lot of it should be NJ not Wisconsin (serious massive complaints about it), people complaining that WV44 is at stage 20 not 15 and WG said it was the mid way reward (I mean wow), etc…

So while I 100% agree there is a LOT to complain about not EVERYTHING is bad and should be complained about. It can go too far.



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My simple solution for these, especially if I think I will be too busy  ( this month is crazy with work and the move ) I simple DO NOT buy it until the end when I KNOW I have finished it THEN pay for it if I want the extra goodies.

MYSORE I already have and is a port queen and since WG cheaps out on the compensation for already having a ship now it is less desirable for me.

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I suddenly find myself rather pleased that WG nuked the old forums, because if we were having this discussion on the old forums we'd be being gaslit by the CMs at this point.

WG are trying to deflate the 'economy'. Anyone who argues otherwise can't have been paying attention.

We are, now, getting less reward for everything and we're having to work harder for it.

WG consolidated the old daily/monthly missions into a battle pass, and now they use that for events ... meaning that there are fewer ways to earn 'stuff'.

WG had the big econ rework and swore black and blue that it wouldn't have a negative impact on us ... but I can't be the only persons that has seen that the econ bonus rewards have been slowly but steadily decreasing.

And finally ... when I first started I normally had missions under the 'Common' section. I spent the vast majority of last month with ZERO common missions. All the missions available to me were under "Brawl, Ranked, Clan" ... and I don't PVP, or "Recruiting" and I cannot in good faith suggest to someone that they start playing WoWS given that I think it will only continue to get harder for new players to reach a point where they can play F2P without feeling pressured to spend money.

Now let me be clear ... it's just a game and free stuff is free stuff. I'm playing the game for the fun I get playing the game, so whatever I accumulate along the way is a bonus. But I'm well aware that the bonus stuff is getting harder to 'earn'.

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6 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

So, the prior battle passes had 195 earnable points/week:

7x20/day for the two 10-point missions

7x5/day for the 5-point daily renewing missions 

10x2 for the weekly renewing missions

195, right? 

Now, those five daily renewing missions and points are gone.

And the 20 points are all rolled up into one, happy mission that renews weekly.

So, it’s now:

7x20/day for the two 10-point missions

20 for one weekly grindable mission.

160 points/week

Oh, yeah: 25,000 BXP grind to get that weekly mission. When it was ten for the week, it was only a net 20,000 BXP grind.

One could argue that is not that much more of a grind, because now, excess BXP above the 2000 BXP threshold will count toward the weekly threshold of 25,000 BXP.

On the other hand, those who can play only intermittently will possibly find those 20 weekly points to be out of reach entirely.

But regardless, the ability to earn points has been cut back.

But wait!!! There’s more!!! It now takes 50 points to get through levels 16-20 of the “battle pass”/“event pass.” It was only 45 points on the last one.

But aww, gee, WG’s generosity is unparalleled for the extra levels: Only 55 points for bonus levels 21 and beyond; was 75 last time around.

Game interface says the event pass ends in 28 days, so this isn’t a long patch, precluding any “you have extra time” argument.

Well done! 
Well done! 
Well done!

So, just to be clear, you're spending zero doubloons on this battle-pass?

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2 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Could someone help me with the movie quote, please?


  • Darth Vader : Calrissian. Take the princess and the Wookie to my ship.

    Lando : You said they'd be left at the city under my supervision!

    Darth Vader : I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.


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5 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

I suddenly find myself rather pleased that WG nuked the old forums, because if we were having this discussion on the old forums we'd be being gaslit by the CMs at this point.

I am not sure if agree with this although I do appreciate the new forums I never had any trouble with the old forums or CMs. In all my time there I only had one post removed and that was because I used a political reference and picture and it got removed.

Here it seems like almost every post is a battle between the same people people over WG and there tactics. I can almost tell you who is down voting who and who is up voting who. 

I kind of miss hearing WGs side of the story on some issues instead of the hearsay of posters. I liked some of the CMs and they gave another side to what and why some things were happening whether you believed them or not.

To a certain extent here it can seem like It's just piling on someone who isn't there or listening.

Again I cant say enough good things about this forum and the people who got it off the ground but sometimes I miss hearing from the dark side about our complaints.




Edited by clammboy
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5 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

My simple solution for these, especially if I think I will be too busy  ( this month is crazy with work and the move ) I simple DO NOT buy it until the end when I KNOW I have finished it THEN pay for it if I want the extra goodies.

MYSORE I already have and is a port queen and since WG cheaps out on the compensation for already having a ship now it is less desirable for me.

I will also buy it after a while if I do but those 325 tokens for Mysore might be cruicial to get  another ship and the mission for a new eco boost package. So do not forget to take that into your equation. 

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13 minutes ago, clammboy said:


Again I cant say enough good things about this forum and the people who got it off the ground but sometimes I miss hearing from the dark side about our complaints.




Agree, I miss WOWs comments even if they were restricted in what they could say.

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