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Level 28 for Event Pass not attainable this time? 50/75 for ASIA server.


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Anybody in ASIA reached level 28? I'm wondering if I had missed a day entirely and missed out of 25 points. 

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Don't know man. I only made it to level 25 (not completed). Once I got to 20 and got the main rewards, I stopped bothering focusing on trying to grind it and took some time off (limited playing) to recharge the batteries for the upcoming Commonwealth Cruiser event. Those (2) LNY crates for the free side post progression rewards just weren't much incentive for me to keep going. This dockyard was pretty meh and is only one of a couple I have not upgraded to Premium. 

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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3 hours ago, Charon said:

Anybody in ASIA reached level 28? I'm wondering if I had missed a day entirely and missed out of 25 points. 

Perfect score is 1000, 500 spent on first 20 levels, and remaining 450 for 6 levels, and ending up 50 on last one like what you are at...

Based on this info, I finished 13.1 with 10 LNY crates.

Now 13.2 can earn (7x20 + 50)x4=760+65=825 points.  First 20 need 525.  Remaining 275 will go for 5 levels, leaving 25 extra points for nothing.

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I only got to 25, the 75 point post event levels were a little too steep and there was nothing else going on to pique my interest.

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I completed Level 25, though the rewards past the level 20 were ridiculous.

I one crate I got three (yes, three) expendable camouflages.

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Same for EU as well so it might be intended. 


There is no CM for Asia so I reached out to the EU CM to clarify. 


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I don't really pay much attention to these sorts of things, but after picking up a 10-point PA captain, I just wanted to see how much it would cost to get this over and done with.  It cost me 2,000 doubloons...so that the heck - pulled the trigger...in return, I got this.


I certainly cannot complain about what I received on my EU account.


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9 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Don't know man. I only made it to level 25 (not completed). Once I got to 20 and got the main rewards, I stopped bothering focusing on trying to grind it and took some time off (limited playing) to recharge the batteries for the upcoming Commonwealth Cruiser event. Those (2) LNY crates for the free side post progression rewards just weren't much incentive for me to keep going. This dockyard was pretty meh and is only one of a couple I have not upgraded to Premium. 

Our OPS division made additional levels possible because Ops wasn't limited in value.  So, 29 or so......I should have checked yesterday.  And, the crates had free stuff to be expected.  Nothing earth shattering.

It wasn't worth intentionally doing:  for us, it was "just there" and we play Ops several times a week.

The dockyard is meh....  So, play for the free scraps and if you get bored, come wander in for Ops with our carnival of people....  You are more than welcome to do so.

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