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Commonwealth T10 cruiser CERBERUS ("Sub hunting" cruiser)


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Im just wondering if this line isn't already redundant considering the buffs to Venezia?! If you wanna YOLO in to try and radar/ASW/kill a nearby Sub, spotted by pings on the surface, do you want to crawl (with smoke) there like a chubby pensioner with a walker (while sub is pinging youre smoke) or do you wanna race in full speed in smoke in you're sleek Italian?

With right build you can get almost 1 min of full speed smoke in Venezia, cant really be compaired with the 120 sec something smoke at crawl speed of the Cerberus. Venezia can also dev strike a Sub with SAP if it tries to save themselves by surfacing.

Also, rest of the time Venezia is a damage monster. Cerberus seems pretty Meeeeh.

Also. most already have or are close to Venezia, why grind a full new line that will suck in comparison?!

Or am I missing something?! 


First game also showcase how completely useless and misleading sub pings on the surface are. And that's a T8 sub he (07/Super unicum player?) is struggling with.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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39 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Or am I missing something?! 

Italian ships are trapped in their smoke. If there is nobody to spot for them, they are blind for the duration. This can be an absolute death trap if you are being radared, as you can find yourself literally unable to see what's shooting at you in order to return fire. Commonwealth ships can sprint out of smoke to regain vision/return fire then potentially slow down again and drop back into concealment if they still have smoke time left. 

Italian tech tree cruisers cannot light fires with their main armament; their only damage-over-time mechanism is torpedoes or secondaries. Last I looked, the Commonwealth cruisers have HE and AP. 

If you are seeing these ships exclusively in terms of interactions with submarines - if the thought of running down and killing subs has you typing one-handed as you compare stats - you're seeing the world through too narrow a view.


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The Italians are all about massive alpha damage with their SAP and AP. They did get an anti-sub buff with the sub surveillance consumable, but they’re still primarily a damage dealing line. And as Ensign already mentioned, they don’t have a “reliable” DOT option and the full speed smoke is a blessing and a curse.

The commonwealth cruisers are still IMO a better anti-sub line between the sub surveillance and having more asw charges. They are also able to set fires with HE, and still have pretty good guns for damage farming. The exhaust and crawling smokes are both good for different purposes, so neither one is necessarily better than the other. The commonwealth cruisers are also much stealthier than the Italian cruisers.

If I had to pick just one to play, I think I’d go with Venezia over Cerberus. But both are very fun ships and will be enjoyable grinds.

That’s not to say the Commonwealth cruisers don’t have their downsides. They definitely have some survivability issues, with very vulnerable and exposed citadels on almost the entire line. Encounter and Cerberus also have effectively cardboard turrets and they’re pretty easy to disable. And the turrets are slow, and it gets even worse at high tiers when you add reload mod. They’re not Yamato/Musashi levels of pain, but you will sit around waiting for your guns to switch sides and will definitely out turn them sometimes.

I didn’t play the Tier I to III, but Dunedin and up I had no problems getting damage with any of them. I did get nuked a couple times in the mid tier cruisers when bottom tiered and my battleships refused to get closer than 15-18km from the nearest enemy. But that’s a general mid tier cruiser problem, and they’re better at it than some because of the smokescreen. 

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7 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

The Italians are all about massive alpha damage with their SAP and AP. They did get an anti-sub buff with the sub surveillance consumable, but they’re still primarily a damage dealing line. And as Ensign already mentioned, they don’t have a “reliable” DOT option and the full speed smoke is a blessing and a curse.

The commonwealth cruisers are still IMO a better anti-sub line between the sub surveillance and having more asw charges. They are also able to set fires with HE, and still have pretty good guns for damage farming. The exhaust and crawling smokes are both good for different purposes, so neither one is necessarily better than the other. The commonwealth cruisers are also much stealthier than the Italian cruisers.

If I had to pick just one to play, I think I’d go with Venezia over Cerberus. But both are very fun ships and will be enjoyable grinds.

That’s not to say the Commonwealth cruisers don’t have their downsides. They definitely have some survivability issues, with very vulnerable and exposed citadels on almost the entire line. Encounter and Cerberus also have effectively cardboard turrets and they’re pretty easy to disable. And the turrets are slow, and it gets even worse at high tiers when you add reload mod. They’re not Yamato/Musashi levels of pain, but you will sit around waiting for your guns to switch sides and will definitely out turn them sometimes.

I didn’t play the Tier I to III, but Dunedin and up I had no problems getting damage with any of them. I did get nuked a couple times in the mid tier cruisers when bottom tiered and my battleships refused to get closer than 15-18km from the nearest enemy. But that’s a general mid tier cruiser problem, and they’re better at it than some because of the smokescreen. 

Idk, for me its like "You want a Sub hunter that's also a great damage farmer (Venezia), or do you want just a sub hunter (Cerberus)". It might show wrong in just a video but I wasn't that impressed by the damage output against other surface ships, seems like pretty much every other T10 cruiser (maybe not Zao 😆) might be better/stronger.

And sure, fires, but if you mean regards to sub you will probably set one fire that he will DCP the second he dives, I then much rather have the devastating Alpha damage of V´s SAP guns, you could probably dev strike a sub with 1 well aimed SAP salvo.


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