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The bungo can not citadel japanese cruisers?

I can;t tell you how many broadsides at close range, far range i've had on yoshinos and what other tier 9 10 cruisers and come away with 0 citadels, ever.

Edited by WES_HoundDog
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12 minutes ago, WES_HoundDog said:

The bungo can not citadel japanese cruisers?

I can;t tell you how many broadsides at close range, far range i've had on yoshinos and what other tier 9 10 cruisers and come away with 0 citadels, ever.

Try taking it into the Training Room. Each ship in WOWS has its own peculiar "ballistics" so you might have to adjust your range and aim a bit to hit certain ships' citadels. If I can get the range right, I can throw an old kitchen knife and stick it into a board every time. If I'm only one step off though it goes careening wildly off into the bushes.

Edited by Snargfargle
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Posted (edited)

It's not hard to citadel these floating citadels.  Near far, it doesn't matter.  I'm probably on average more than every other salvo end up with at least one citadel on these ships.   But here i am, coming on near a dozen salvoes and have big fat 0.    I've probably had more 0 cit salvoes on more less the same shot in the last 3 days as i've had on all other bb's in the last year plus.


I just got 5 pens on a zao flat broadside at 18k.    Don't ask me how i get pens without going through the citadel with an ap threshold of 76mm.

Edited by WES_HoundDog
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It has become a strategy for cruisers lately, to go broadside, as they are just over-penned.

Nose-on and the HP shell has time to arm and explode 'inside' the ship.

More of WG's 'superior' coding. 🙂


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