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Gaming companies have joined together to perm ban for toxic chat.


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A bunch of gaming companies are cracking down on toxic chat and joining together to stop it. This is a good thing in my opinion. 

Call of duty in testing with the new AI system bans over 2 million players.


Gaming companies are nolonger playing around when it comes to toxic chat and other gaming companies in the process of joining the group. 


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Awesome!! If WG joined this WGs player base would drop like a rock in WoT and would take a decent hit in WoWs also. 

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The only problem in this current "woke" age is who is determining what is "toxic."

Also, players will just find ways of denigrating fellow players by "complementing" them, as with the triple "well done's" you see from time to time in WOWS' chat.

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4 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

The only problem in this current "woke" age is who is determining what is "toxic."

Also, players will just find ways of denigrating fellow players by "complementing" them, as with the triple "well done's" you see from time to time in WOWS' chat.

True, but if it limits the true toxic stuff that is a good thing I think. 

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Since I've been playing better I have not been on the receiving end of anything remotely toxic and I have been seeing it less in a variety of modes I've been playing. 

When you worry about yourself and your game play, I find myself too busy to really notice others bad plays. 

On the other hand, karma is at an all time low. Even for good play it is rarely rewarded. At least on EU.

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As someone whose been "mildly toxic" at times, not that big of a deal for me. Just means you have to be more "creative" with your insults.


The other issue is AI can be biased in what it considers to be "inappropriate".

I'm not well versed in the topic, so I suggest just looking up terms like "chat GPT political bias"

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Im just curious if the gaming companies ever question why their playerbase is so toxic then need to develop an entire AI system to ban them? Could it possibly be that there is something wrong with the design of their games?

I cant speak for more popular games like COD or Counterstrike etc or even WOT, but maybe in WOW there is something about making some classes so overpowered so some players can strike other player over and over again and they cant do nothing about it (yeah right ......"just dodge/just avoid/dont try to play objective, dont sail alone/dont try to do anything you want to do in the game just stick together in a blob etc").

Maybe its something about purposely releasing broken/OP ships to create a hysteria/hype and quick money grab?

Maybe its something about pushing new players up the tiers or make them pay their way to T10 so that T10 and ranked can be filled with players who have zero understanding of basic game mechanics and how to play this game?

Maybe its something about creating FUBAR modes like Arms race where they force DDs to suicide in first 2 min for BS buffs and then make already fast T10 8 min steamrolls into 5 min steamrolls?


Anyone ever questioned why WOW has a report system that has zero effect on the players getting reported? Could it be that WG knows they created a game that will bring SOOO MUCH tons of frustration and HATE to their players and then understanding for this they need a security vent system (report system)?

Im not saying there is no toxic players, there probably are. But if the problem is this huge they need to take these steps to BAN their own paying customers and players, maybe they need to look at themselves and what they have done to contribute to all the toxic-ness and hate.

I would guess that if WG would implement this without first fixing all the issues creating this environment (Their game and all the BS), they would just kill of their own game in 2-3 days because they would ban 80% of their experienced playerbase and all that would be left are those clueless T10 players who still not understood game modes or just out to sail a ship and never felt the need to ever communicate in chat.


Im a competitive guy/player, and if I invested YEARS of my life (started to play in CBT 2015) getting good and understanding even the smallest details and mechanics of a game ..... I actually want to win when I play. Im not here to "look at the fishes" or the cool wave animations.

This is a team based game and you depend upon your teammates to win and to progress in the game. So ask yourself, if you payed tickets to go and see you're favorite elite football team, teams that has players like Messi etc in them, would you get offended/frustrated if they had 2-3 clueless players on the team creating self-goals or giving the other team the ball over and over, at the highest level of that sport? Would you stand silent on the bleachers, or would you scream you're head of (write in chat) at those idiot players that ruins you're favorite teams chance of winning?


Just food for thought.........

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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But of course, it is always just easier to ban the players than actually fixing the problem......  or realizing you (WG) IS the problem.....

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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16 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

But of course, it is always just easier to ban the players than actually fixing the problem......

What I cant quite understand is that the article said COD banned two million accounts. However, COD currently seeing only about 85,000 players peak in any given day.

Banning accounts also is a sneaky way for pay-to-play games to bring in more revenue. In Age of Empires III, which at one time cost $120 for the game and its two expansions, banned thousands of accounts for cheating. However, almost all of these players bought new software packages and created new accounts. Microsoft didn't care how many times someone returned on a new account because they made money each time.

Edited by Snargfargle
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23 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

What I cant quite understand is that the article said COD banned two million accounts. However, COD currently seeing only about 85,000 players peak in any given day.

Banning accounts also is a sneaky way for pay-to-play games to bring in more revenue. In Age of Empires III, which at one time cost $120 for the game and its two expansions, banned thousands of accounts for cheating. However, almost all of these players bought new software packages and created new accounts. Microsoft didn't care how many times someone returned on a new account because they made money each time.

Could be like you said the COD players could have just started new accounts and kept the server population steady. WoWs has many more accounts than you see on any given day also. My only issue is AI doing the banning. How do you stop the AI from making mistakes and who do you report mistakes to when it could be banning you over stuff from more than one game from different companies. 

Edited by USMC2145
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24 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

What I cant quite understand is that the article said COD banned two million accounts. However, COD currently seeing only about 85,000 players peak in any given day.

Banning accounts also is a sneaky way for pay-to-play games to bring in more revenue. In Age of Empires III, which at one time cost $120 for the game and its two expansions, banned thousands of accounts for cheating. However, almost all of these players bought new software packages and created new accounts. Microsoft didn't care how many times someone returned on a new account because they made money each time.

Can someone explain to me how any intelligent person would do that? You bought a game for 120 dollars and the gaming company bans you .... and then you go out and buy a new copy? For another 120 dollars I guess?! (not that familiar with Ages of empires). So, they can ban you again...? (What is the definition of "stupidity" again .... ? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?)

Maybe in that case the gaming company and the people playing it kind of deserve each other. If I got banned from a game, I had invested 120 dollars in, I would definitely NOT go and buy a new copy ...... or any other game from that company ... ever!


But thats just me.

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1 hour ago, Snargfargle said:

The only problem in this current "woke" age is who is determining what is "toxic."

Also, players will just find ways of denigrating fellow players by "complementing" them, as with the triple "well done's" you see from time to time in WOWS' chat.

Quite true. And telling some condescending ponce to ** *** **** is not toxic, but simply appropriate. 

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3 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Can someone explain to me how any intelligent person would do that?

People get addicted to games.

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1 hour ago, Snargfargle said:

The only problem in this current "woke" age is who is determining what is "toxic."

Also, players will just find ways of denigrating fellow players by "complementing" them, as with the triple "well done's" you see from time to time in WOWS' chat.

First part is very true and the second part, players will always find away around some things. 

27 minutes ago, USMC2145 said:

How do you stop the AI from making mistakes and who do you report mistakes to when it could be banning you over stuff from more than one game from different companies. 

This is worrisome and a good question. 

9 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

People get addicted to games.

This is sooooo true of many games.. sadly, it is probably why I am still here, lol. 

Edited by Zysyss
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If there is something in game that can deal with this problem, oh yeah, blacklist or even mute chat.

Like someone said this will not solve problem, sometimes game makes you toxic or you had a bad day and need a steam off.

Toxicity is less problem then dealing or playing with ultra bad players, where now my average tier 10battles last 5 minutes, that causes rage, ultimate rage towards company that doesnt listen to players.

We are perfect example of that, WG got sick of "toxic" or should I say bad comment in orginal forum so the problem is just close it.Did that solve the issue? No. I think companys are just running from the problems not solving it...

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Woke crap smells all round this one, since even with supposed good intentions this time round, I dont see it turning into anything else than entitlements duels, with pistols of course albeit filled up with blanks.

Here s an intermediate solution😁..treat any teammate or opponent not as he or she is online somewhere far and away but rather as they re sitting just next or opposite of You🤟😘

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While I hate to have to bring it up, it's entirely relevant at this juncture.

If you haven't heard about Sweet Baby Inc and the current backlash to them that's being touted as Gamergate 2.0 ... a quick trip to youtube should clue you in. But to summarise it briefly ... it's a racist/sexist extortion scam to force DEI into games and when it was exposed, Sweet Baby Inc tried to cancel the guy who exposed it, and instead were pilloried themselves. Please note that Sweet Baby Inc are just one of MANY companies doing exactly the same thing.

Add the fact that we've seen multiple examples recently of just how racist and sexist the current crop of 'AI' are (again, youtube will get you up to speed if you aren't) and we know that it's because of the ideology of the companies behind those 'AI'.

So we've got a gaming industry that is infected by parasites who are on record as being massively racist and sexist, and AI developers whose output is just as bad ... and we're going to just hope that they don't stack the AI with their bigotry?

Remember that, these days, every time a game (or movie, or comic book, or tv show) flops ... the goto excuse from the creators is 'toxic fandom'. It's NEVER that what they created was crap.

Last year I reported a player for an obscene name in WoWS, and the staff were so incompetent that they couldn't FIND the player ... I had to find him in the chat system and send them a screenshot to prove that he existed.  If WG can't filter out blatantly obscene names at the creation process, I think it's unlikely that they are up to addressing the subtleties of complete sentences.

And don't think I'm just pointing the finger at WG ... have a look at Blizzard. World of Warcraft is overrun by bots farming instances to sell gold. Blizzard either can't, or won't, stop them. But they WILL ban people who sell stuff on the Auction House to people who bought gold. That's right ... you get a really good drop in a raid, nobody needs it ... so you decide to sell it on the Auction House and split the money amongst the raid ... and YOU get banned because the guy who bought it from you did so with gold he got from gold sellers. Here's the post on the Blizzard forums. That's the level of incompetence and stupidity that game companies are operating with at this point.

I have zero faith in game publishers being able to credibly do anything proportional and effective ... it will either be a massive waste of time and money, or just as likely, be so over the top that chat would be unusable.




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A lot of this toxicity stuff is imho mostly a problem on the receiving end. There should indeed be zero tolerance for racial slurs, death wishes, nazi propaganda etc., but other than that I feel like people are just too easily offended these days. It is actually a paradox, especially the people that preach tolerance for everything are totally intolerant of certain things. I see that every day in our own kids. Of course, that is a result of society totally overpampering the youngins in the last 20 years. Lately I have read some articles about driving schools where the teachers say they have a lot of problems with the current breed of learner drivers because for many driving school is really the first time where they actually encounter serious headwind in their life. At 18 years. Snowflakes. 'Nuff said.


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2 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

The only problem in this current "woke" age is who is determining what is "toxic."

Also, players will just find ways of denigrating fellow players by "complementing" them, as with the triple "well done's" you see from time to time in WOWS' chat.

I'm reporting you to the admins cause your post contained words with letters!

Quick joke aside, this is very true.

For everyone here, I think we should try to keep this discussion to a minimum. Cause this is a rather politically charged discussion that could escalate quickly depending on how people reply. I'm all for discussing this, but we need to keep this a constructive discussion.

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The funny thing is some of you are right about how offended some get over nothing. If I was that thin skinned I could have never sat through a Thankgiving dinner with my all my relatives every year. 🤣🤣🤣

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2 hours ago, USMC2145 said:

Could be like you said the COD players could have just started new accounts and kept the server population steady. WoWs has many more accounts than you see on any given day also. My only issue is AI doing the banning. How do you stop the AI from making mistakes and who do you report mistakes to when it could be banning you over stuff from more than one game from different companies. 

I imagine there is a list of "banned words" and the A.I. simply searches for those words.
Chat those words often enough and I imagine someone can earn a ban.
To avoid being banned, I suggest consulting the list and then avoid using the banned words.  
As @Verytis mentioned, "get creative", if you really feel the need to express yourself.

As for @OldSchoolGaming_Youtube example of teams that we paid a ticket-price to see?
Well, WOWs is using teams made from randomly available/selected players who (except for kots?) aren't being paid to be there.
Essentially "amateurs" instead of "professionals".  
Do you really want to be "that guy" who shouts obscenities at players and referees/umpires at a game in your hometown being played by your neighbor's children?
I guess that's a tough choice for some people, but I prefer to be positive.

Oh, and by the way @Snargfargle, I tend to use the "Well done!" quick-chat when my team-mates sink a ship or do something important (capture an area, for example).
So I frequently say "Well done!" during a battle.  🙂 

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2 hours ago, coolrunings_99 said:

Woke crap smells all round this one, ..


1 hour ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

While I hate to have to bring it up...

Yep and yep. 

3 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

But of course, it is always just easier to ban the players than actually fixing the problem......  or realizing you (WG) IS the problem.....

That's not what this is about.

Of course if what you want is license to verbally abuse coalface WG employees for something they themselves have no power over, feel free to say so openly - but if you go on doing that, don't come crying to me if you find out one day that you no longer have an account any more. The customer always being right only applies when there is an atmosphere of politeness; any business is well within their rights to show continually abusive customers the door. 

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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So.  Will we start the practice of cussing in Morse Code?  😉 

... --- .-.-.- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / .-- . / ... - .- .-. - / - .... . / .--. .-. .- -.-. - .. -.-. . / --- ..-. / -.-. ..- ... ... .. -. --. / .. -. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . ..--..

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Bottom line?  If the censorship is intolerable, then one has the choice of "voting with their feet" and their money, eh?  🙂 

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51 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Oh, and by the way @Snargfargle, I tend to use the "Well done!" quick-chat when my team-mates sink a ship or do something important (capture an area, for example).
So I frequently say "Well done!" during a battle.  🙂 

On EU well done is not well done even if once. As soon as a DD dies, someone pipes up a well done. Not three time either unless they are very special. There is just zero tolerance among some for mistakes. Even one.

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