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It's Not Easy, Becoming Green


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After 8930 random battles, the stigma of "average" (according to na.wows-numbers.com) has been shed, and I am recognized as "good." My last self-imposed goal with WoWs is met.


Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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What next, or will you rest on your laurels? Laurels? Holy <expletive deleted> ... beware the Ides of March Oh Conqueror, for the potatoes doth lay in wait to screw your average! Horrorsmiley.gif.318b34e20d9da7d454c8f23b38d7ff39.gif

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, SunkCostFallacy said:


What next, or will you rest on your laurels? Laurels? Holy <expletive deleted> ... beware the Ides of March Oh Conqueror, for the potatoes doth lay in wait to screw your average! Horrorsmiley.gif.318b34e20d9da7d454c8f23b38d7ff39.gif

Gonna go hide in Ranked, Co-op and Ops for a while.


Actually entered a random by mistake half an hour ago with Worcester, when I was really looking for easy double Naval Battles points in Co-op.

 Thought I was going to go right back under the line…but I smoked a Yamagiri and a Santander, did some handsome burning of a GK, and survived on the way to a win!

Oh, alright, alright already- what I call “smoked” looked a lot more like the bathroom fight scene in Jack Reacher.

Thanks, all!

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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Well done!

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2 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

PR is much more important then WR

I disagree a bit as a DD main - sometimes one cannot get the damage required to net sufficient PR. Not saying some DDs don't, some of them do but many of them don't.

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12 minutes ago, thornzero said:

I disagree a bit as a DD main - sometimes one cannot get the damage required to net sufficient PR. Not saying some DDs don't, some of them do but many of them don't.

PR is not gain just by doing damage

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8 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

PR is not gain just by doing damage

Damage, Warship Kills, and Wins.

Damage is huge. When I do more damage, I get more kills, and more wins and my PR will be good then, but just spotting damage or caps isn't enough.

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

PR is much more important then WR

1. It’s “than.” Thanthanthan

2. And, not necessarily true. As a player who focuses hard against DDs, regardless of the ship I’m in, my average damage is low-ish, yet my average frags is high-ish.

3. I’ll bear your pronouncement in mind, next time I see a WoWs mission that has to be completed by “get a PR above XXXX in YY battles”, or when ranked stars & rewards are earned via PR.

And what is PR?:

Damage vs. Average,

WR vs. Average,

Frags vs. Average,

and scale factors for each.

(The PR formula turns those three attributes into ratios, then normalizes them, then applies different scale factors for each.

I use MMM, and WoWs is LITTERED with DD  players with hundreds, even thousands of battles in a given DD, winrates in upper 50’s and well into the sixties, with red & orange damage numbers and yellow to green PRs. They win primarily by stealth, spotting and capping.

I love supporting those DDs in particular, because I generally eat well behind them.

6 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

PR is not gain[ed] just by doing damage

It primarily is. Or did you not know that the scale factors weight winning as only 13% of PR? Frags as only 26%?

Damage is the entire remainder of the PR calculation, weighted at 61%.

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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2 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

PR is much more important then WR

PR is a farmer's metric... High PR along Bad WR is nothing to be proud of. I would rather trust a good WR.

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3 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

PR is much more important then WR

The opposite actually. Winning 60%+ solo is very hard to do and requires a huge amount of game knowledge and tactical experience. Getting "unicum" PR is mostly sitting at the back and farming while taking no hits for your teammates. 

Worse still, behaviors that are better for winning are actually bad for PR farming. Don't take caps, that makes the games finish sooner, meaning less damage! Don't focus fire targets until they're dead, that doesn't give them any time to heal up! Don't commit your ship to a trade even if it would definitively win a flank because you can't do damage when you're dead. 

Having spent the bulk of my WoWS career playing/shotcalling in CBs or teaching players how to play/shotcall in CBs it is maddening how many bad habits I have to have people "unlearn" from farming PR in randoms. 

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

PR is a farmer's metric...

Bushels per acre vs. average, dollars per bushel vs. average…

I like it!

But seriously, it doesn’t have to be a farmer’s metrics, but it has an inherent propensity to lean toward that:

The whole “vs. average” thing is, of course, important, but when you get down to PR in individual ships, PR in bad ships is comparing a player to a bad average: If a player is beating the average WR in Turdarado by 2%, and average damage by 10%, he might be “a good Colorado player”, but he’s still under 50% in WR. I wouldn’t want to see him on the green team in Colorado.

That’s not particularly farming, but it does show the kind of skewing inherent in the metric, that farming can also effect.

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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It's a long road to fix win rate once you're into the thousands of battles.

Well done

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5 minutes ago, Nautic_Hunt said:

It's a long road to fix win rate once you're into the thousands of battles.

Well done


You know, sometimes yes, and sometimes no on that. I got from 51.88 to 52.00 in about three weeks, but I was on a pretty good tear.

On the other hand, I hung out right around 51.90 for a good year, because I wasn’t playing above a 52% level.


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2 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:


You know, sometimes yes, and sometimes no on that. I got from 51.88 to 52.00 in about three weeks, but I was on a pretty good tear.

On the other hand, I hung out right around 51.90 for a good year, because I wasn’t playing above a 52% level.


My w/r journey lol. Bounced off 50.95 3 times

Screenshot 2024-03-10 141635.jpg

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On 3/9/2024 at 7:52 AM, Utt_Bugglier said:

After 8930 random battles, the stigma of "average" (according to na.wows-numbers.com) has been shed, and I am recognized as "good." My last self-imposed goal with WoWs is met.

Congratulations, @Utt_Bugglier👍

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18 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

PR is much more important then WR

All stats matter. Some just matter more than others. When I look at a player I look at all the stats. When you look at all the stats you get a better idea of how good the player is or is not. 

Gratz on going green Utt_Bugglier.

Edited by Zysyss
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