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Dev Blog 517 — Wisconsin Dockyard, Asymmetric Battles


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Just announced on stream and confirmed via the just released devblog


30 phases in total with only two needed to be purchased (a 2 phase starter pack for 3200 Doubloons will be available). WV 44 will be the stage 20 reward so that will be FREE.

So that seems amazing for a T10 dockyard ship based on past dockyard costs and # of stages. However, I want to see the task requirements first.

But, Wisconsin will be the next dockyard and I just have to say I nailed it as I said that was what I thought it might be...



EDIT - read the entire devblog. There is other stuff in it that is pretty cool.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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Wisconsin will be the next dockyard ship (with a very nice looking camo imo). Dockyard missions will run during 13.3 and 13.4, and the dockyard itself will be available until 13.6. 30 stages (with 28 free), 3200 doubloon starter pack. 

WeeVee 44 will return as the free midpoint reward at Stage 20. 

Asymmetric battles will return in 13.3, with the same parameters as last time:

Five humans vs twelve bots; t6 to supers; limit of 1 carrier, 2 battleships/cruisers/destroyers, 1 sub; bots will be one tier lower than humans.

Also testing a new permacamo with unique destruction animations. You can get one for free in 13.3 and three more for credits, but they are temporary and will be removed at the end of the patch.

Armory will now track your progress to a guaranteed drop on a container, as well as showing how many of a container you have in your inventory. 

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20 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

WV 44 will be the stage 20 reward so that will be FREE.

This is the only thing I read. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On one hand, 3200 dubs for Whiskey is amazing (so is the Great White Fleet camo.) On the other, I'm going on vacation for a week around the time 13.3 would end and when 13.4 starts, so if some of the later dockyard missions get crazy grindy, I may miss it. But Assym battles returning and definitely WV'44 for free is great.

They also seem to be having some fun with the wording on their sentences.

Edited by tfcas119
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I’m honestly surprised by this development. Considering that MO is still unavailable through regular means, I didn’t think WG would release WI in a limited time event. The demand for the ship (at least among the NA population) will likely be very high and draw a lot of engagement with the dockyard, but that will ultimately be a short-term phenomenon.

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Merged the two threads.

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I doubt I'll have the play time to devote to a T10 dockyard... but if it's going to be available for four patches, I might be able to buy out whatever I can't grind in the two patches the missions will be up for. We'll see.

I wonder what the compensation for already owning WV '44 will be.

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I am excited but yet I am also concerned by how much grinding this might take. Hopefully it is not as bad as the Puerto Rico or something like that

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1 hour ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

I doubt I'll have the play time to devote to a T10 dockyard... but if it's going to be available for four patches, I might be able to buy out whatever I can't grind in the two patches the missions will be up for. We'll see.


The dockyard will be available for the standard three patches: missions will be available in 13.3 and 13.4 and the ability to purchase stages will remain until the beginning of 13.6 (i.e. through 13.5).

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3 hours ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

I wonder what the compensation for already owning WV '44 will be.


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Oh gosh, I dearly hope we are not going to have a deja vu,  PR moment...   With our host seemingly playing nice these past few weeks, there's has to be a "balance" in this system we play in.....  Ship yard, nice ship......another free ship at 20.............I really hope the Schwartz is with us....

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1 hour ago, Asym said:

a deja vu,  PR moment

The repeat campaign for the PR under "current rules" was VERY fair compared to the monstrosity which was the original. 

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5 hours ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

I wonder what the compensation for already owning WV '44 will be.

Generally, duplicates from missions have been credit compensation, but duplicates from cash/doubloon sources have been doubloons. But the amount of doubloons has sometimes varied.

For example, if you get a duplicate from one of the random doubloon bundles, you get twice the cost of a bundle — basically refunding the cost of the duplicate ship bundle and giving you one extra “free” chance. Leone’s compensation from the Italian DD collection and Yahagi from the Hizen dockyard were full doubloon value though.

Duplicates from crates is always a random guess, since it ranges from credit value (like on the CT crates) to replacing with the next rarest drop to a completely different resource as compensation (like fxp). 

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