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Your Game Journey & Progress


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So, for those around here who were veterans over on NA forums, or anyone here from other servers who has paid attention (LOL), you will know I am a Co-op main. I have 43K+ Co-op games to just 1600+ Randoms. Just never could get into Randoms. I started playing Randoms somewhat regular (few games a week or so) though starting in 2021. At that time I had all of 170 Random battles since I started playing WOWS in 2016 (and only a 41.52% WR - OY! 😱).

Today I was just kind of going over stuff and looking back on how far I have come in the game in general. It is amazing to me how many ships I have (every tech tree line current in game done to T10 + 16 SuperShips + hundreds of Premiums), so many 21 pt Capt's, Campaigns all done, all collections done, have every dockyard ship, 45K+ total games, etc... considering my journey to this point has mainly been as a Co-op player and how WG prioritizes PVP as the main mode(s) over PVE. Such a long time ago starting the game with just those 5 T1 Cruisers (when I started there was only IJN, US, KM, BRN, RU) and nothing else, playing mostly Co-op, but here I am today with so much stuff.

Being a Co-op main hasn't hurt me in any way. I have everything I want (heck I even got Kitakami using just Coal) and pretty much finish everything WG puts out there unless they specifically ban Co-op. I have even turned into a decent Randoms player and have improved on my dismal start in the mode to at least acceptable levels. Spent a lot of years fighting back against those who say Co-op mains can't cut it in Randoms calling bull and can now back that up LOL.  I just had a Random battle actually about 30 mins ago in my KGV (love that ship) and scored a Dev Strike and 1st Blood on the way to a win where I placed near the top of the pack. After the game I took a look at my achievements and was surprised at how many I have for so few Random battles played. Got 2 +1's in the game so looked at my karma total and that is another thing that makes me go wow I have been here a LONG time LOL.

So this has been an interesting journey for me to this point. The addition of Subs came close to ending it but I have stuck it out. Hoping to hit 50K total games before WG pulls the plug. What has your journey in WOWS been like?


  • Joined WOWS: Dec 2016
  • Main Mode: Co-op (have only ever played Co-op and Randoms)
  • Main Class: BB (Co-op & Randoms)
  • Total Games Played: 45,348
  • Total Ships: 567 (all lines to T10 done and I mainly only keep T5+/ 275 Tech Tree including 16 SuperShips / 292 Premium & Special)
  • Total 21 pt Captains: 35 (have all Legendary at 21pts except the Pan Asian one which I have but am not using right now)













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Looks like you have had a great time!

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Man that’s some awesome accomplishments! And you did it 99% pve! You sir are definition of dedication. 

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3 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:



Looks like you have had a great time!

No humblebrag just a trip down memory lane so to speak 😎. Also not sure that is much to brag about but LOL.

For the most part yes. Subs kind of put a kink in the fun but overall I still enjoy the game and have fun.

39 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

Man that’s some awesome accomplishments! And you did it 99% pve! You sir are definition of dedication. 

Dedication...no life...same thing. 🤣

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5 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

So, for those around here who were veterans over on NA forums, or anyone here from other servers who has paid attention (LOL), you will know I am a Co-op main. I have 43K+ Co-op games to just 1600+ Randoms. Just never could get into Randoms. I started playing Randoms somewhat regular (few games a week or so) though starting in 2021. At that time I had all of 170 Random battles since I started playing WOWS in 2016 (and only a 41.52% WR - OY! 😱).

I think you and I have been following roughly opposite tracks over the last few years. Sometime around late 2021 was when my Randoms play started to decline, for a variety of reasons I won’t get into to avoid derailing the thread. I can count of my fingers the number of Random Battles I’ve played on the live server in the last few months (my total has been hovering around 4K for a long time), spending most of my time nowadays in Ranked, Coop, and various special battle modes (Asymmetric Battles in particular was great).


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Joined 7 Sept 2018    494 Ships. 

Also Co-Op/PVE Main (53k+) with some earlier Random/PVP (5,533) - It's nice to be retired 🙂

The achievements were a combo of PVP and PVE before they took them out.





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Thunder and Musket - awesome records, and revealing a deep love for and commitment to the game.

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Playing regularly since Aug 2017.  Timeline: first premium ship via mission: Dec 2017; first premium ship from SC: Apr 2018; first FXP ship: May 2018; first coal ship: Oct 2018; first steel ship: Dec 2019; first dockyard ship: Jan 2020; first RP ship: Sep 2020; first CT ship: Dec 2021; first ECXP ship: May 2023; first premium ship via 30M credits worth of containers: July 2023.  Now got all dockyard, coal, RP, CT T7/T5 ships, total 231 premium/special ships.  Still working on these 4 ships, plus any upcoming tech trees.  Even without new steel ships, will keep me playing for 1.5 years....


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Hi all,

14 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

So, for those around here who were veterans over on NA forums, or anyone here from other servers who has paid attention (LOL), you will know I am a Co-op main. I have 43K+ Co-op games to just 1600+ Randoms. Just never could get into Randoms. I started playing Randoms somewhat regular (few games a week or so) though starting in 2021. At that time I had all of 170 Random battles since I started playing WOWS in 2016 (and only a 41.52% WR - OY! 😱).

Today I was just kind of going over stuff and looking back on how far I have come in the game in general. It is amazing to me how many ships I have (every tech tree line current in game done to T10 + 16 SuperShips + hundreds of Premiums), so many 21 pt Capt's, Campaigns all done, all collections done, have every dockyard ship, 45K+ total games, etc... considering my journey to this point has mainly been as a Co-op player and how WG prioritizes PVP as the main mode(s) over PVE. Such a long time ago starting the game with just those 5 T1 Cruisers (when I started there was only IJN, US, KM, BRN, RU) and nothing else, playing mostly Co-op, but here I am today with so much stuff.

Being a Co-op main hasn't hurt me in any way. I have everything I want (heck I even got Kitakami using just Coal) and pretty much finish everything WG puts out there unless they specifically ban Co-op. I have even turned into a decent Randoms player and have improved on my dismal start in the mode to at least acceptable levels. Spent a lot of years fighting back against those who say Co-op mains can't cut it in Randoms calling bull and can now back that up LOL.  I just had a Random battle actually about 30 mins ago in my KGV (love that ship) and scored a Dev Strike and 1st Blood on the way to a win where I placed near the top of the pack. After the game I took a look at my achievements and was surprised at how many I have for so few Random battles played. Got 2 +1's in the game so looked at my karma total and that is another thing that makes me go wow I have been here a LONG time LOL.

So this has been an interesting journey for me to this point. The addition of Subs came close to ending it but I have stuck it out. Hoping to hit 50K total games before WG pulls the plug. What has your journey in WOWS been like?


  • Joined WOWS: Dec 2016
  • Main Mode: Co-op (have only ever played Co-op and Randoms)
  • Main Class: BB (Co-op & Randoms)
  • Total Games Played: 45,348
  • Total Ships: 567 (all lines to T10 done and I mainly only keep T5+/ 275 Tech Tree including 16 SuperShips / 292 Premium & Special)
  • Total 21 pt Captains: 35 (have all Legendary at 21pts except the Pan Asian one which I have but am not using right now)













I also stopped playing Random games... I did it in March 2020 and ever since then I only do my required missions in the Ranked / Brawl / CoOp (and some other modes when they are available - Asymmetric / Airship Escort etc.)... I never looked back...

I have:

  • 8.500 Random games = WinRate 56,29%
  • 14.000 CoOP games = WinRate  99,11% (yes there are cases when there are very very few human players and if you accidentally die and don't carry - you lose)
  • 500+ ships
  • All Tier X (except for new USN CVs) lines from Tier IV to Tier X (I will get Tier II and Tier III as well when enough Port slots are acquired)
  • All Tier XI ships


Leo "Apolo11"



In those past 3+ years I played only 169 Random battles - mostly due to WG bug when they automatically switched game types... argh... but my WinRate for those is 59% (and all done Solo)...

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My game journey in WoWS could be considered a casual player (tho I think I play enough not to be a casual player). I have two accounts, a main & an alt which I switched servers with for both when WG allowed that. I began WoWS in NA June 25, 2015 at the very end of Alpha testing & I did make sure to get the reward ship (plus the Beta  reward later).

I have 15,752 battles (as of this post) with a WR of 49.365 % which is a combination of both accounts. The breakdown: EU 12,977 47.78%, NA 2775 50.95%.

I play almost all random battles & which are mainly solo play. I don't play Flubs. I used to play RTS CVs & wish they would return (fat chance of that, eh?). Nor will I play reworked CVs as I think WG intentionally dumbed down their play for the mass of the Herring School of player type (my term for players who swallow any dreck chum scum WG offers).

I'm interested in any new historical ships/ship lines WG may introduce. I am attempting to get a dedicated Cpt onto all my ships to 10 pts minimum. I don't have one 21 pter yet but will have a few soon. For the most part, my lower pt Cpts are on the lower tier ships - graduated somewhat as the ship tier increases.

I will never give WG another penny*. Imo, WG does not deserve anything more. The owner of WG is already a billionnaire. I think he must have had a deprived childhood under the Soviet Union times.

*Exception: I'd give War Failing some money if they would sell a 'dedicated clan flag slot' but, even here, they blew that opportunity years ago. 

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I started playing this game as a side game to War Thunder and Overwatch in 2020. I pretty much dropped War Thunder in favor of WoWS by 2022 since I started enjoying the game FAR more than WT.

I remember speed grinding GK as my first line during the Thunderer epidemic. That wasn't very fun, but i was able to at least keep 50% in my GK. The rest of the line though, was pretty sad. Right now I'm at over 8000 Random Battle games, and probably would be at 10,000 battles if we include all modes. I pretty much only plays tier 10 at this point since I find the other tiers too slow. As far as I can remember I always have found Tier 10 to be the most fun. Most of the days my average tier is 9.8 or something like that. 

So far I've only bought two things,3000 doubloons total for Black Friday ships, and Atago when I had a 100% cashback coupon. I feel that ships are far too overpriced especially for the value they give. I can't justify dropping enough money for a full price game for some Tier 8 that I'm going to play maybe 6 times total. 

As a cruiser main, my collection of cruisers is the closest to completion. The only tech tree cruiser I'm missing is Petropavlovsk, which I'll probably grab when I accumulate enough FXP. I despise Hipper hulls, and I've heard too many complains about Riga to consider actually grinding the line. My battleship collection is also nearing completion, I'm missing Colombo and Louisiana, although I don't have an interest in either. 





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Came into the game a few months after beta, I was playing on a Microsoft Surface at the time. I'd get 15fps on a good day so pretty much stuck to coop. Bought a full desktop in the summer of 18 but still mainly played coop. 

Got bored during 2020 as I wasn't working and joined my current clan to get into Clan Battles. Played those pretty heavily (4 nights a week 4 hours each time) until the summer of 21 when work has kept me from having that amount of spare time. 

With the new battle pass system I hop on each day for at least 1 coop battle but usually enough for 1500 base xp. I play to relax so I try to avoid the pvp modes. Haven't played a randoms match in roughly 2 years. 


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I started playing on the first day of Open Beta in July 2015. There were only two nations, then...IJN and USN.

I am a Random main, but I play Co-op when it suits mission tasks (which was at least once a day before they changed the daily XP tasks).  I have only played CV's enough to know the basics.  I rejected subs until last Christmas, when I took advantage of the +200% first win XP bonus to learn subs and get all three lines to Tier 10.  I play cruisers, destroyers and battleships pretty evenly.  I admit, since learning subs I play them occasionally, as well...so sue me!  😁

  • 14,500 Random games played, 57% WR (all solo)
  • 10,450 Co-op games played
  • 482 ships in port, 222 of which are premiums/specials.  Only the CV lines are not to Tier 10.
  • I have played as a special event captain several times (Corgi captain twice, Maskarado and Pumpkin once each)
  • 636 Confederates; 494 Dreadnoughts; 433 High Calibers; 155 Krakens; 99 Double Strikes; 45 Witherers; 5 Solo Warriors; 4 Combat Scouts; 4 Die Hards; and 2 Clear Skies.



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I'm going to try be brief, which is totally not in keeping with my normal style, but I figure nobody will read it if I get too wordy.

I registered in June of 2021 because from 2017 to 2022 I was house bound due to medical issues. Due to a dry spell in my other projects I had a few months where I needed to find some stuff to fill the gaps, and I finally decided that I'd give WoWS a try, even though I have a great disdain for WG left over from my time in WoT.

I have a total, as of this post, of 18141 games played. Of that total, only 12 of them were in Randoms because I quickly discovered that I didn't like being dependent on the other players in my team being competent. In COOP I can have fun even if all the other players are absolute potatoes.

I currently have 131 ships in port, with 51 vacant slots.

I just went and had a look at my achievements and was quite surprised at what I found ... I actually have a Kraken Unleashed! I got it in my Black Swan a month after I started playing!  I've got Tactical Expertise and Sea Star from my one game in Operations.

My only real goal in WoWS is to have fun, so I currently have 10470 games in my Salem because that's the ship I have the most fun in, by far.

Aside from having fun, my only other goal is to keep earning oil for my clan, which I do through earning crates. I do NOT participate in those Naval Battles which use BXP as the metric because it's completely rigged against COOP players being able to achieve anything but the first level, so I don't bother. I do participate in them when Damage is the metric though.

I would have gone for all the tech tree cruisers in the game, but at this point I have no interest in the lines that don't have HE, so I'm branching out into BBs a bit.

I've completed all the campaigns, via COOP, and wish they'd make some more to be honest.

I'm 100% free to play, and there's nothing I want that I haven't been able to get that way. I would like a Smolensk, but not enough to pay for it or participate in some auction which is designed to drain my resources.


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I started playing December of 2016. Was never much of a video gamer. I saw an add somewhere either my phone or computer for Wows I always loved naval history and it was free so I registered. One of my first book reports I remember getting an A on was Sink the Bismarck. After that I became hooked on war history and naval history.

I have roughly 12,800 games played mostly very poorly and while under the influence of copious amounts of alcohol. I really only play after work and for relaxation and until recently I really didn't take the game to seriously.

Almost all my games are in random cant play to much coop don't find the automatic wins or the ease of it very challenging. Don't take that the wrong way it really can be fun but I get crazy with the rat race to sink ships and knowing that I really just have to hit the play button and it's a win.

Also I am a little older when I grew up everybody yelled at you. Your parents, coaches, teachers, boss even the Priest when I was an alter boy would yell at you. So I don't get offended by words much especially from people I don't know on the internet. Random toxic idiots are really not a problem for me. Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. 

I Have 261 ships I think 140 are premiums I have spent money on the game almost from day 1. I don't mind spending some money to help keep the game running. As I have said before if the game ended tomorrow I feel I would have got my money's worth after playing for 7 years.

Also I figure I own a restaurant imagine if everyone was free to eat I would be out of business lol.





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6 hours ago, clammboy said:

Also I am a little older when I grew up everybody yelled at you. Your parents, coaches, teachers, boss even the Priest when I was an alter boy would yell at you.

At least you made alter boy.  I was forced out of Catholic school during my second grade.  A hard-packed, carefully crafted snowball, tossed at a fellow playmate on the playground, decided to alter course and hit the back of the head of a nun, knocking her habit to the ground.  To this day, the image of the snowball in flight, kids parting like the Red Sea to avoid getting hit, is burned in my memory.  Being escorted to Father's office was not fun either, as the Nun decided to use my left ear as a leash to drag me to the office.  To top that off, I had to write on the blackboard at the end of the school day, "I will not throw snowballs," 100 times.

That was my final day at elementary Catholic school, and I can tell you it DID NOT make my mom happy.

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2 hours ago, HogHammer said:

A hard-packed, carefully crafted snowball, tossed at a fellow playmate on the playground

We used to love having snowball fights as kids but there was always that one kid who would go to the curb and make himself a nice, hard slushball to see if he could do some real damage with it.

I ran across Jingles' videos when he was playing in the Beta and watched them for their historical content for some time before I downloaded the game itself.

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25 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

We used to love having snowball fights as kids but there was always that one kid who would go to the curb and make himself a nice, hard slushball to see if he could do some real damage with it.

When I was a kid we used to have chestnut fights we would stock pile them in different stashes for the next days battle. Those things hurt when they hit you thank god must peoples aim was pretty bad. But every year someone ended up with 3 stiches in the back of his head.  

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3 hours ago, HogHammer said:

At least you made alter boy.  I was forced out of Catholic school during my second grade.  A hard-packed, carefully crafted snowball, tossed at a fellow playmate on the playground, decided to alter course and hit the back of the head of a nun, knocking her habit to the ground.  To this day, the image of the snowball in flight, kids parting like the Red Sea to avoid getting hit, is burned in my memory.  Being escorted to Father's office was not fun either, as the Nun decided to use my left ear as a leash to drag me to the office.  To top that off, I had to write on the blackboard at the end of the school day, "I will not throw snowballs," 100 times.

That was my final day at elementary Catholic school, and I can tell you it DID NOT make my mom happy.

Hell hath no fury like a Nun who has been hit with a snowball...


Other than the Mom of the kid who threw it...


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My game journey started when my gaming clan left mechwarrior enmass (2017) and I needed another military-esk game to study, tracking game life cycles in games that are Red Ocean products.   To do that, I had to depart from my gaming clan; because, after trying WoWs (which, they really didn't like because it was on the same trajectory as MWO....) I stayed to see what would happen and ran into several other Video gamers I've known for years....  Been in three clans. 

Participated in the old forum very early and in this one.   I started as a PVP main and realized that it really was too stressful to stay in the game.  I switched to PVE and here I am.  Although, I have significantly cut back in play time. 

For me, I'm almost done with the data collection I need...  This is my last game to review and take notes of it's Life Cycle...  Then, it's time to put all of the research together and find a Doctoral host whom want's to take on an Asymmetrical Systems project to create an "adaptive friction measuring tool" that will measure the resistance to a Toffler Wave event.  Just like we measure Tsunami's.  An Innovation center would then have a tool to measure Disruptive or Destructive small niche market changes....

As a colleague last year said:  "OH !  You want to measure Cultural Angst..."  Yep.  We (retired people) all have to have a hobby that stretches the Brain Cells !!!













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Ok, let's recap...

I started playing when there were only 4 nations in the game, can't remember if it was 2016 or 2017. After some months I left the game as it suffered from the same problems of WoT, you couldn't advance organically beyond a certain point as a F2P... there were limited Port slots and making money beyond T8 was a problem, so I left the game for some 3 years and came back when Subs where first announced and got to play every Submarine open test, including the very first when BBs had no ASW at all... fun times!

I returned to a fresh reworked CV environment, low-mid tiers were infested by 3 CV matches, attack squadrons had no delay, squadron drop patterns (reticules) varied wildly, Hosho TBs dropped 2 torps... fun times (/s). Maybe because I was forged in the fires of reworked CV mayhem, later I found myself being more than able to cope with CVs and even enjoying fighting them once I acquired the proper weapons (love my D7P and the CV tears she farms). 

I enjoyed all the long and rough Submarine development road, from the initial "magical" homing torpedo bending (you really could work some insane trick shots with those torps), going all the way down to finally having proper dumbfire torps and the watching the Devs recoil from the terror they unleashed (yes, I confess... I loved shotgunning people, I was one of those delivering invisible torps out of the blue and sending you to port before you could type FU). And Lo, there came the final betrayal... just when Subs were ready to be released in a somewhat balanced state (as true glass cannons), the Devs emasculated Sub vs Sub engagements and buffed survivability by almost doubling the HP of Subs... without any nerfs to their offensive potential... all because the average player was too dumb to make Subs work. 

As many of you know, I left the game after the Official Forum closure. Up to that point I managed to unlock T10 on every TT line, owning and playing all the T9 TT ships. I had 282 ships in my port (plus some T1-T2 I never got to play), including around 70 Premium/Freemium ships. All while playing as full F2P, I never bought PT nor any significant amount of doubloons. I played a mix of all the different modes, I was more oriented to PvP but used the different forms of PvE to test drive ships, grind out of stock modules, retrain Captains (yes, you need to retrain when you don't have dubs or ECXP to pay up) and complete missions in the quickest, most efficient way. 




The API doesn't track Operations nor other Event modes, which I played frequently so I have probably around another unaccounted 1000 matches.

I was a generalist, I didn't "main" any particular ship type nor nation. I barely played CVs or Subs (after release) on PvP because I found them not very challenging and I prefer both my opponent and myself enjoy the interaction... this game includes many players that are unable to enjoy playing against both CV/Subs so that was a downer for me. 



Something quite particular of my experience is I ground out the TT lines simultaneously, one tier at a time, so I took a long time before unlocking T10 TT ships, I never managed to get a 21-pt Captain and I was never interested in acquiring any T11 ships (one of the game features I hate most). I never bought into the "T10 fandom", it's actually the tier I despise the most as all ships are quite overtunned (when compared to previous tiers), are quite clumsy and humungus, CVs and Subs are most unbalanced, the meta is boring and the challenge level is lower (never undertiered and ships are more capable)... above all I dislike it because that's what WG is telling me to do at every step of the game and I hate being herded and manipulated. 

Tier distribution Randoms:



Tier distribution Ranked:







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Started World of Warships in August 2017 after watching Jingles and Farazelleth videos for a while, and then discussing the game with my brother, who has played for longer.

I joined to play RTS USN CVs, with AS builds...because I wanted to provide fleet air defense. Really got into RTS CVs, and enjoyed them until WG killed off that style. I still play CV, and that is the main lines I grind. I also enjoy playing battleship as I'm pretty good at positioning for winning. Still working on aiming. Gunboat destroyers are my next favorite, and I'm still trying to learn cruisers.

4104 Random Battles (54.68% win rate) - never had a less than 50% win rate. It really helps that I like to do my homework before getting into a ship.

160 new ranked battles (57.50% win rate) - I stick around in bronze ranked, because I like the smaller team format and also the single tiers...especially when CVs are allowed. Harvest time, for the CV mains. I don't see the need to grind for prestige in this game. It's a meme game for fun.

95 legacy ranked battles (51.58% win rate) - didn't play much of early ranked as I didn't have sufficient captain skills to actually make my ranked eligible ships competitive. I prefer to have the tier of the ship x2 in captain skill available before I consider a ship to be competitive ready.

311 co-op battles (98.71% win rate) - I don't often play pure co-op as its a bit too short for me.

I do play the HELL out of Operations, and I also enjoy some of the event ones as well.

My top three most played ships are Midway, Lexington, and Ranger...which gives you an idea of the type of player I am.

I'm totally free2play, always have been, always will be.


5 Solo Warriors

49 Kraken Unleasheds

28 Double Strikes

Most hilarious game?

Mikasa - 10 kills, six by secondaries, two by ramming. Survived battle.

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I started my Journey in october 2015 a few weeks after release. I am interested in naval matters since childhood, a combination of Airfix plastic models (Ajax was nr 1 ship) and book reading. I had books like japanese Warships of world war 2 as early as age 10 (remember I am from Sweden so we start English at that time in the 3rd Year in School.

I have during the years from late 70's built up a vast library of mostly English books + a few Swedish, around history, mostly naval and military but also history in general.

So when the youtube began to fill with WoWs material I gave in and started to play, first F2P which meant low tier in the 2 branches IJN and USN. 

After a while I started to play little higher which make me pay for slots, camos on occasion and Premum time. did not buy many ships the first years but after 2017 the spending have increased a lot. Chikuma is still my most played ship, but only a handful of games after 2016.

In the first years I almost only played random but have later played far more coop, this because of missions and that I have combined premium with permacamo(bonus) on the T10s which gives good grind /time as you always win (first win bonus).

Ranked have never been a big thing though I generally have played some to get steel influx, now the goal in these speedranks to get 9 wins in bronze.

I have a WR in the high 54 which I have had forever it seems. I do not play to optimize WR at all. Quiet the opposite i.e. changing ships a lot and playing lines that I do not perform in for variety and regrind.

I do not like subs and CVs so I play the former almost nothing and CVs very little but I do like to play Ark Royal because of Swordfish, so that visually is a fun thing on occasion and sometimes I take a CV game for the team in naval battles. As a Clan leader I have to do it I feel, also when there is those personal tables which is like naval battles I know that taking a few CVs is necessary.

Speaking of clans - I just said yes to an invite - after a few years when the clan base was restructured it became clear that the owner had quit together with his deputy.

I discussed with the player with the second highest oil contribution and I wrote to WG and they gave us the ownership.

It is a pure economy clan, we tried a few evenings to get a few clan battles but we were just to few, I think I have done 2 clan battles. It is a little said.

I think that a sort of pooling service would be beneficial here.

Now my stats: Random




Ranked old:


Ranked new


I guess that special modes and events which are not in the figures above is maybe between 2-3000.

I noted that my coop destruction ratio is maybe low compared to Adm Thunder f.e. I often use the ramming option to max damage, however that is just speculation.


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