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Seems like Russia is adding a Montana/Smolensk hybrid......


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If anyone was on the fence about WG totally lost their plot ..... heeeeeeres Super Smolensk......


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Isn’t this just a tier X Illinois, i.e. a Montana with the same turrets?

Edited by Nevermore135
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1 minute ago, Nevermore135 said:

Isn’t this just a tier X Illinois, i.e. a Montana with the same turrets?

If im not mistaken, Illinois is a T9 Iowa hull with Des Moines guns, and this New Hampshire is a T10 Montana hull with Smolensk guns. So more tanky and higher fire spamming DPM.

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2 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

If im not mistaken, Illinois is a T9 Iowa hull with Des Moines guns, and this New Hampshire is a T10 Montana hull with Smolensk guns. So more tanky and higher fire spamming DPM.

Those turrets in the thumbnail image are too large to be 130mm guns. They do, however, look like the same quad 203mm autoloaders found on Illinois.

Edited by Nevermore135
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6 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

If im not mistaken, Illinois is a T9 Iowa hull with Des Moines guns, and this New Hampshire is a T10 Montana hull with Smolensk guns. So more tanky and higher fire spamming DPM.

Even World of Warships/Mir Korabli has been creating its own fantasty alternative world since launch, to arm a United States Navy battleship with Cold War Soviet weapons seems to be beyond even WG/Lesta's credibility criteria.

8 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Those turrets in the thumbnail image are too large to be 130mm guns. They do, however, look like the same quad 203mm autoloaders found on Illinois.

They are, and it doesn't even need ability to recognize Cyrillic to look it up in Lesta's Devblog.

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I wonder if this is some sort of misunderstanding caused by figure of speech/analogy used in the video.

Edited by Project45_Opytny
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Shit did I just give WG a free idea to build a Montana riddled with Smolensk gun in the future ............ my bad!

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They will have Senjo. And now New Hampshire.

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1 hour ago, Project45_Opytny said:

some sort of misunderstanding

Some people seem prone to those, making absolute statements that turn out to be incorrect instead of asking clarifying questions that nobody could possibly object to.

1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Shit did I just give WG a free idea to build a Montana riddled with Smolensk gun in the future ............ my bad!

Somewhere in the past, I remember an obscenity that was teased as being for the China server - as remote from everything else then as Mir Korabley is from WOWS now - which was a Zao with multiple Akizuki turrets sprinkled all over. Don't worry; I'm sure both WOWS and MK design teams have probably assembled such a thing on a closed server somewhere, just to see what it would be capable of. 

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My impression of Lesta is that all the people who put brakes on true power creep and the insanity that is 'make it bigger all the time to force people to buy the new hotness' stayed with the WG side of the split and Lesta is now in 'brake failure' mode.  We'll see more and more radical ships come out as Lesta tries to pull people from WOWS to their game with flash and bang, and appeal to the players they took with them whose cultural outlook is 'bigger and more than anyone else'.


At some point, I don't doubt we'll see missile Cruisers and cluster munitions (gold ammo of course) in MK.



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3 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

If im not mistaken, Illinois is a T9 Iowa hull with Des Moines guns, and this New Hampshire is a T10 Montana hull with Smolensk guns. So more tanky and higher fire spamming DPM.

No, this is a Montana Hull with Des Moines guns (203MM). Basically a T10 version of the Illinois on a Montana hull and 16 guns instead of an Iowa with 12 (Illinois).




And let me add, as someone who grew up/spent most of my life in NH and considers it home, who's favorite ship in the game is Montana, and who has longed for WG to add New Hampshire which would have been built had the US Navy not cancelled the Montana class, PLEASE WG add this ship to our version of WOWS!!! Or, whatever way you want to add it is a Montana style ship with gimmicks.




Edited by AdmiralThunder
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I'd like to see WG try to dabble in the missile age...

...partly because it's cool, and partly to watch how badly it would be executed.

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5 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I'd like to see WG try to dabble in the missile age...

...partly because it's cool, and partly to watch how badly it would be executed.

If they added more tiers I would be ok with it. T15 New Jersey with it's tomahawks...


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2 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

If they added more tiers I would be ok with it. T15 New Jersey with it's tomahawks...


Yes, YEESsssss...

The PRrreccioous...

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And let me add, as someone who grew up/spent most of my life in NH and considers it home, who's favorite ship in the game is Montana, and who has longed for WG to add New Hampshire which would have been built had the US Navy not cancelled the Montana class, PLEASE WG add this ship to our version of WOWS!!! Or, whatever way you want to add it is a Montana style ship with gimmicks.

agree born and raised in New Hampshire and am in love the only thing that could outdo her is to add a carrier deck in the middle of the ship or add torpedoes, 

As for missiles sure take the skill floor and the skill ceiling forming a skill level and crush them into a skill crawl space, if you mean anti-hip missiles, as for ASW an AA Missile maybe

Edited by kriegerfaust
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2 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

My impression of Lesta is that all the people who put brakes on true power creep and the insanity that is 'make it bigger all the time to force people to buy the new hotness' stayed with the WG side of the split and Lesta is now in 'brake failure' mode.  We'll see more and more radical ships come out as Lesta tries to pull people from WOWS to their game with flash and bang, and appeal to the players they took with them whose cultural outlook is 'bigger and more than anyone else'.


At some point, I don't doubt we'll see missile Cruisers and cluster munitions (gold ammo of course) in MK.



On the plus side, it can say that they are experimenting with some unconventional and at least very interesting ideas.

Examples include "Fog of War" (that hide all information on opponents until they themselves are spotted in battle), F-key combat instruction of absorbing enough potential damage during the battle, then vastly shorten tactical squardrons' regen time that a hybrid BB can actually played as a makeshift CV for the remainder part of battle (Severomorsk), and a now also work in progress concept: a brawler battleship with NO repair parties, but powerful secondaries batteries and a F-key combat instruction of scoring a few secondaries hit to receive HP regeneration (Changzheng).

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6 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

If im not mistaken, Illinois is a T9 Iowa hull with Des Moines guns

I dont understand why everyone keeps saying this. 

They are much closer to Baltimore guns then anything else.

tier8-10 cruisers have the same guns. Balt is 10 sec reload. Illinois is 9. Buffalo is 11.

Des is 5.5- not even close. 

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14 minutes ago, mashed68 said:

I dont understand why everyone keeps saying this. 

They are much closer to Baltimore guns then anything else.

tier8-10 cruisers have the same guns. Balt is 10 sec reload. Illinois is 9. Buffalo is 11.

Des is 5.5- not even close. 

The guns/ammo on Illinois and Des Moines are actually exactly the same. The reload and range differences, while using the exact same guns and ammo, are for game balance reasons one would assume. The actual guns and ammo however are identical as said. The sigma differences are also most likely for balance reasons. The Mk.16 was 1st used on the Des Moines and employed a new loading system. IRL reload for this gun was 10 rounds p/ min so 6 sec which is pretty much what it gets in game @ 5.5 sec on Des Moines while Illinois's 9 sec reload is for "balance".

Baltimore uses the same ammunition as Des Moines and Illinois but has a different 203MM gun. Baltimore and Des Moines have identical gun performance other than for sigma and reload. Tier balance and an older gun model that maybe was not as accurate can account for the sigma difference. As far as reload goes, IRL the Mk.15 had a ROF of just 3-4 rounds p/ min which would be 15-20 sec reloads. So, Baltimore's 10 sec reload is actually not historical and tweaked by WG (again most likely for game balance). 

New Hampshire (RU server) seems to be a Frankegunstein. It has some stats from the Mk.16 and uses the same HE ammo the rest do but the AP ammo is actually what is used on the T6 and T7 203MM armed CA's. The reload, sigma, and range were tweaked for that all important game balance. 

So it is not wrong to say Illinois uses Des Moines guns because that is actually the case. 


  • 203MM/55 Mk.15
  • 2.0 Sigma
  • 10 sec reload
  • 30 sec turret rotation
  • 15.8km range
  • HE/HC Mk25 (HE): 2800 / 14% fire chance / 34MM pen / 823 m/s
  • AP Mk21 (AP): 5000 / 762 m/s

Des Moines:

  • 203MM/55 RF Mk.16
  • 2.05 Sigma
  • 5.5 sec reload
  • 30 sec turret rotation
  • 15.8km range
  • HE/HC Mk25 (HE): 2800 / 14% fire chance / 34MM pen / 823 m/s
  • AP Mk21 (AP): 5000 / 762 m/s


  • 203MM/55 RF Mk.16
  • 1.8 Sigma
  • 9.0 sec reload
  • 30 sec turret rotation
  • 18.4km range
  • HE/HC Mk25 (HE): 2800 / 14% fire chance / 34MM pen / 823 m/s
  • AP Mk21 (AP): 5000 / 762 m/s

New Hampshire: (on RU - not in our version of game)

  • 203MM (exact gun model unknown)
  • 2.0 Sigma
  • 6.5 sec reload
  • 30 sec turret rotation
  • 18.7km range
  • (HE): 2800 / 14% fire chance / 34MM pen / 823 m/s (most likely it is the HE/HC Mk25) 
  • (AP): 4600 / 853 m/s (appears to be AP Mk19 used on T6 Pensacola and T7 New Orleans/Indianapolis)
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4 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I'd like to see WG try to dabble in the missile age...

...partly because it's cool, and partly to watch how badly it would be executed.


4 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

If they added more tiers I would be ok with it. T15 New Jersey with it's tomahawks...

Before we'd get a New Jersey....... we'd likely get a Mississippi AG-128

File:USS Mississippi (EAG-128) launches SAM-N-7 Terrier missile c1954.jpg -  Wikimedia Commons



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1 hour ago, Lord_Slayer said:

Before we'd get a New Jersey....... we'd likely get a Mississippi AG-128


That being said, those early Terriers were primitive as F, relatively short-ranged, and single-shot kill probability was barely 0.5 on a good day. 

Friedman in US Naval Weapons gives its range as 20,000 yards (say, 19km rounding down), minimum range 3nm (~6km), a 218lb warhead lethal at 65ft, and a speed of Mach 1.8 at motor burnout, which is slower than just about any shell in the game. It's a beam rider, which means the same radar has to stick with it from launch to impact, and manoeuvrability is limited by beam-slew rate (similar to 180deg turn time for turrets), so its ability to handle fast targets could be balanced in that respect. 

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3 hours ago, Lord_Slayer said:


Before we'd get a New Jersey....... we'd likely get a Mississippi AG-128

File:USS Mississippi (EAG-128) launches SAM-N-7 Terrier missile c1954.jpg -  Wikimedia Commons



and before those the rocket spammer 😁


Edited by pepe_trueno
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On 3/5/2024 at 12:12 PM, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Shit did I just give WG a free idea to build a Montana riddled with Smolensk gun in the future ............ my bad!

there was a proposal to refit french Jean Bart as an AA Battleship making it a One quad turret with 15x2 dual purpose 127mm.

lets double down on that idea and replace the remaining quad turret with 3 more 127mm to get 18x2 dual purpose 127mm as main guns 😁







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On 3/6/2024 at 12:51 AM, Jakob Knight said:

We'll see more and more radical ships come out as Lesta tries to pull people from WOWS to their game with flash and bang


On 3/5/2024 at 11:24 PM, Frostbow said:

They will have Senjo. And now New Hampshire.


I spent a little time just now to go further on an earlier personal speculative perspective, that even after the split, WG and Lesta still share some sort of "planning" on ship types and tiers regarding new premium/special ships.

Strong correspondence in green, some correspondence in yellow and unique development in orange.

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