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Early Morning WOWS Weirdness


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Fail division of three brand-new players with two tier-V ships in a tier VIII match.

It went about as good for my team as you would expect.

At least everyone was a human though.




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This moment is like looking over your fleet with pride, and then noticing it contains the repair ship Kamchatka...and she is radioing about Japanese torpedo boats...


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I didn't think the MM would allow players to division with a 4 tier spread inside their division. How is this even possible let alone the abysmal WRs shown? I've seen some really bad WR players (usually, more on my team, ofc) but that trio? (42, 26 & 34 - I rounded up) This may be close to the worst record I've ever seen or can recall. &, I can bet the other team, if they had a 3 player div - that div likely were all 50+% WR players. You know - those types of WG MM 'arranged' divisions.

Edited by Aethervox
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20 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

I didn't think the MM would allow players to division with a 4 tier spread inside their division. How is this even possible let alone the abysmal WRs shown? I've seen some really bad WR players (usually, more on my team, ofc) but that trio? (42, 26 & 34 - I rounded up) This may be close to the worst record I've ever seen or can recall. &, I can bet the other team, if they had a 3 player div - that div likely were all 50+% WR players. You know - those types of WG MM 'arranged' divisions.

One-tier spread. The T5’s had to be divisioned with either the Arizona or Hatsu.

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51 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

I didn't think the MM would allow players to division with a 4 tier spread inside their division.

It was a "fail division." The tier V's were divisioned with a tier VI and then got dragged int a tier VI-VIII battle. That wasn't so much of a problem but the tier Vs were brand new to the game and terrible at it, and their tier VI division mate wasn't much more experienced or better.

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