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How does this happen?


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I didn't try to do this.  Played my normal game.  Which is push up and engage smartly.  GC is T5, but handles very well in T6.  But how do you do nigh 110K damage across eight enemy ships over 12 minutes of battle and not get hit once.  Not a matter of bouncing or shattering for no damage.  But ZERO hits.  I was shot at a few times...all misses.  I guess the RNG gods were with me. While all the shots were missing me, I gave Serov a max range ten gun split salvo where RNG delivered me a FOUR cit DS.




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Whoa, that's strange.  What camo were you using?

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Someone from the old forums used to comment on some posts as 'how unlucky for you'. I cannot remember his name but he is not on devstrike.

Anyway, how lucky for you. Maybe another instance of getting a set of lucky numbers on a lottery ticket is in your future.

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14 minutes ago, SoshiSone said:

I didn't try to do this.  Played my normal game.  Which is push up and engage smartly.  GC is T5, but handles very well in T6.  But how do you do nigh 110K damage across eight enemy ships over 12 minutes of battle and not get hit once.  Not a matter of bouncing or shattering for no damage.  But ZERO hits.  I was shot at a few times...all misses.  I guess the RNG gods were with me. While all the shots were missing me, I gave Serov a max range ten gun split salvo where RNG delivered me a FOUR cit DS.




You stole a Romulan cloaking device..admit it!!!

Edited by Zysyss
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Sometimes, the casino is punishing players on the other team...

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What you refer to, SoshiSone, is really favourable RNG in defence & really favourable RNG for offence (together). This does happen. This is one of the ways WG 'arranges' (I could say 'cheats') battle results, sometimes, very obviously. GC is known to get preferential treatment (don't rely on my assertion - I've heard from others the same & seen this, myself, at times). What you saw, imo, was a very blatant example of how WG arranges battle results in favour of one team. 

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2 hours ago, SoshiSone said:

I didn't try to do this.  Played my normal game.  Which is push up and engage smartly.  GC is T5, but handles very well in T6.  But how do you do nigh 110K damage across eight enemy ships over 12 minutes of battle and not get hit once.  Not a matter of bouncing or shattering for no damage.  But ZERO hits.  I was shot at a few times...all misses.  I guess the RNG gods were with me. While all the shots were missing me, I gave Serov a max range ten gun split salvo where RNG delivered me a FOUR cit DS.




I'm guessing your other teammates were somehow making themselves into more attractive targets?  🙂 

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Miracles do happen. Once upon a time when I was a newb, I managed a 130,000+ damage game in my Omaha without getting a point of damage on my ship. It was the perfect island-hugging game. And yes, there were carriers.

Let me take you back to the dim dark age of 2018...



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Tier 6 is currently filled with a lot of beginners who:

  • Probably don't have very good situational awareness/anticipation yet;
  • Probably don't have much practice hitting things at range;
  • Probably don't have their ships set up for accuracy, if they have modules/upgrades at all;

Versus one of the most accurate and stealthy BBs in T5-T7 MM bracket, the Giulio Cesare.

It doesn't require much imagination to see how a well-played GC could smash people from beyond their horizon of comprehension and/or re-stealth before they can effectively return fire. 

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2 minutes ago, torino2dc said:

Tier 6 is currently filled with a lot of beginners who:

  • Probably don't have very good situational awareness/anticipation yet;
  • Probably don't have much practice hitting things at range;
  • Probably don't have their ships set up for accuracy, if they have modules/upgrades at all;

Versus one of the most accurate and stealthy BBs in T5-T7 MM bracket, the Giulio Cesare.

It doesn't require much imagination to see how a well-played GC could smash people from beyond their horizon of comprehension and/or re-stealth before they can effectively return fire. 

Indeed. Tiers 5 and 6 are such that you can dominate in pretty much any ship.

That said, sometimes the casino does take a hand in directing salvos...

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14 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

That said, sometimes the casino does take a hand in directing salvos..

The mechanics behind the randomness built into WoWS is not a mystery -- the math behind it can be found in (among other places) in the wiki. The developer has stated that its randomness is neutral, i.e. it has no knowledge of who or what it is affecting; it does not play favorites or support narratives or whatnot. 

So far, despite endless whinging from the player-base, no one has has been able to falsify that claim. 

If you or others have reproducible findings that show how WG alters RNG depending on certain game or player states, please point us to such evidence.

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Must have been playtesting the USS Eldridge.

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2 hours ago, torino2dc said:

The mechanics behind the randomness built into WoWS is not a mystery -- the math behind it can be found in (among other places) in the wiki. The developer has stated that its randomness is neutral, i.e. it has no knowledge of who or what it is affecting; it does not play favorites or support narratives or whatnot. 

So far, despite endless whinging from the player-base, no one has has been able to falsify that claim. 

If you or others have reproducible findings that show how WG alters RNG depending on certain game or player states, please point us to such evidence.

The mechanics behind the RNG is not ALL claimed in the wiki...for example, the drop RNG for aerial ordinance is not specified anywhere in WG official publications.

The developer has, in the past, consistently been deceitful about aspects of the game. It is completely reasonable to distrust statements like 'the randomness is neutral'...particularly when that posits a position which is NOT the norm for free2play / pay2win game business models.

So far, no one has been able to confirm OR DENY that WG RNG is or is not actually random.

I fully agree with the whole if we find out, we need to share. Just pointing out the reality that none of us actually know...and therefore it is reasonable to assume WG plays with the mechanics behind the scenes...like most gaming companies do...just as it is reasonable to hope that WG are not doing so, despite the obvious profit incentives to do so.

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8 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

age of 2018...

Some of us wax nostalgic for WoWS before the, imo, great reworked CV wreck.

Edited by Aethervox
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5 hours ago, Aethervox said:

Some of us wax nostalgic for WoWS before

I don't miss getting strafed to hell in carriers that couldn't strafe back (Bogue) by people who could intrinsically keep more balls in the air than I could.

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Obviously, your ship had a big marine aboard named Camouflage.




Edited by Jakob Knight
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16 hours ago, Zysyss said:

You stole a Romulan cloaking device..admit it!!!

Its on loan form rhe Romulan empire but the use is striclty limited to far edge of the map

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you have 50k potential damage. the counter you highlighted counts damage received, not hits taken, so if you were hit and everything shattered or ricoched, you'd get that result ....

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I know what MOD he's using but I can't find it..



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18 hours ago, SoshiSone said:

I didn't try to do this.  Played my normal game.  Which is push up and engage smartly.  GC is T5, but handles very well in T6.  But how do you do nigh 110K damage across eight enemy ships over 12 minutes of battle and not get hit once.  Not a matter of bouncing or shattering for no damage.  But ZERO hits.  I was shot at a few times...all misses.  I guess the RNG gods were with me. While all the shots were missing me, I gave Serov a max range ten gun split salvo where RNG delivered me a FOUR cit DS.

I came very close to having the same thing happen, but in Tier X, and twice. First time, I was playing the Goliath in Shatter. Usual play. Burn BBs. Angle. Fire. Angle again. I noticed I was not getting any damage on my ship, despite the usual amount of incoming fire I was dodging. This went on for around 6 or 7 minutes, and I was not getting the benefit of Adrenaline Rush. I decided to move a forward, then bam, all of a sudden I got a citadel hit. Our team went on to win, but it was strange not to be receiving damage at all, until I made that deliberate and calculated risk of taking one, just to activate AR. 😄

The second time it happened, I was playing Stalingrad. Spawned mid in Harbor, and went about the usual play. I was literally not getting any damage from enemy fire since I was able to dodge and there were moments when the islands were sufficient to break line of sight. It was a stomp: enemy team had no kills. I was trying to score one, when my ship took one HE round (I think it was from an Ibuki, the last remaining ship of the enemy team). The next moment one of our battleships destroyed it.

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Islands,  concealment, armor, smoke and angling have a way of reducing damage.

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